学习笔记——vscode用户代码片段功能:学习笔记——vscode用户代码片段功能_学习_一一GG-华为云开发者联盟 (csdn.net)
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\"\\e[1;41m\"", "#define BG_GREEN \"\\e[1;42m\"", "#define BG_BLUE \"\\e[1;44m\"", "#define BG_YELLOW \"\\e[1;43m\"", "#define BG_CYAN \"\\e[1;46m\"", "#define BG_PURPLE \"\\e[1;45m\"", "#define BG_WHITE \"\\e[1;47m\"", "#define BG_GREEN2 \"\\e[1;48m\"", "", " //强调", "#define END_ATTR \"\\e[0m\"", "#define BOLD \"\\e[1m\" //", "#define UNDERLINE \"\\e[4m\" //", "#define BLINK \"\\e[5m\" //", "#define REVERSE \"\\e[7m\" //", "#define HIDE \"\\e[8m\" //", "#define CLEAR \"\\e[2J\" //清理", "#define CLRLINE \"\\r\\e[K\" //卷曲", "/*********************************************************************************/", "// 颜色 字符串 强调 结束属性, 换行 ", "#define printfr(x ,...) (printf(RED \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfb(x ,...) (printf(BLUE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfy(x ,...) (printf(YELLOW \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfc(x ,...) (printf(CYAN \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfp(x ,...) (printf(PURPLE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfbl(x ,...) (printf(BLACK \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfw(x ,...) (printf(WHITE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_bo(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x BOLD END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_un(x ,...) 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"using_colorful_printf": { "prefix": "using_colorful_printf", "body": [ "#define SOFT_VERSION \"V0.0.1\"", "//字色 加粗亮色 常用色(亮色;灰底)", "#define RED \"\\e[1;47;31m\"//红", "#define GREEN \"\\e[1;47;32m\"//绿", "#define BLUE \"\\e[1;47;34m\"//蓝", "#define YELLOW \"\\e[1;47;33m\"//黄", "#define CYAN \"\\e[1;47;36m\"//青", "#define PURPLE \"\\e[1;47;35m\"//紫", "#define BLACK \"\\e[1;47;30m\"//黑", "#define WHITE \"\\e[1;47;37m\"//白", "//字色 正常暗色", "#define D_RED \"\\e[0;31m\"//暗红", "#define D_GREEN \"\\e[0;32m\"//", "#define D_BLUE \"\\e[0;34m\"//", "#define D_YELLOW \"\\e[0;33m\"//", "#define D_CYAN \"\\e[0;36m\"//", "#define D_PURPLE \"\\e[0;35m\"//", "#define D_BLACK \"\\e[0;30m\"//", "#define D_WHITE \"\\e[0;37m\"//暗白(灰)", "//底色", "#define BG_RED \"\\e[1;41m\"", "#define BG_GREEN \"\\e[1;42m\"", "#define BG_BLUE \"\\e[1;44m\"", "#define BG_YELLOW \"\\e[1;43m\"", "#define BG_CYAN \"\\e[1;46m\"", "#define BG_PURPLE \"\\e[1;45m\"", "#define BG_WHITE \"\\e[1;47m\"", "#define BG_GREEN2 \"\\e[1;48m\"", "", " //强调", "#define END_ATTR \"\\e[0m\"", "#define BOLD \"\\e[1m\" //", "#define UNDERLINE \"\\e[4m\" //", "#define BLINK \"\\e[5m\" //", "#define REVERSE \"\\e[7m\" //", "#define HIDE \"\\e[8m\" //", "#define CLEAR \"\\e[2J\" //清理", "#define CLRLINE \"\\r\\e[K\" //卷曲", "/*********************************************************************************/", "// 颜色 字符串 强调 结束属性, 换行 ", "#define printfr(x ,...) (printf(RED \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfb(x ,...) (printf(BLUE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfy(x ,...) (printf(YELLOW \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfc(x ,...) (printf(CYAN \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfp(x ,...) (printf(PURPLE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfbl(x ,...) (printf(BLACK \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfw(x ,...) (printf(WHITE \"[%s %d]:\" x END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_bo(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x BOLD END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_un(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x UNDERLINE END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_bl(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x BLINK END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", "#define printfg_rv(x ,...) (printf(GREEN \"[%s %d]:\" x REVERSE END_ATTR,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__))", ], "description": "" }, }
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