初识Stackelberg Game
初识Stackelberg games
什么是Stackelberg game
- A stackelberg game is a two-player extensive game with perfect information.
- 两个player分别是leader和follower,
- Leader: make the first move.
- Follower: choose an action after being informed of leader's choice.
- 看 MS&E 246: Lecture 7 Stackelberg games
- 用backward induction。
It is not necessarily an advantafe to be a Stackelberg leader.
- 有时候不当leader的payoff可能更多。
- Theorem 4.7 gurantees that each ordering has at least one Stackelberg solution in pure strategies.
- 《A course in game theory》
- 《Game theory: analysis of conflict》
- MS&E 246: Lecture 7 Stackelberg games