
Chapter 1. Overview

1.1. Modeling

jBPM currently allows users to create and modify business processes using graphical flow charts. Currently, we offer three options to model your BPMN2 processes.jbpm允许开发者通过图形化的界面来描述整个工作流的执行过程。常见的图形化的jBPM设计器如下: Drools Flow Eclipse Plugin, jBPM5 Eclipse Plugin, Web-based process modeling using Oryx Designer。

1.2. Deployment

Guvnor can be used as a knowledge repository, for storing your processes, domain model, business rules, etc. Guvnor provides a web-based management console for inspecting, modifying and testing your knowledge. The Oryx Designer is integrated with the Guvnor console. Guvnor also supports collaboration between different users, scenario testing, packaging, etc。

1.3. Execution

1.3.1. Process engine

运行时核心的组件是轻量级的 workflow engine in Java。同时在系统运行时存在如下的组件:

1.3.2. Human task service

在工作流的整个开发中,有一些任务是需要和human actors交互的,比如说: claiming and/or assigning tasks, etc.在jBPM中默认使用的

WS-HT service。

1.4. Monitoring

在jBPM中可以使用 Process listeners 监视monitoring工作流的当前状态,然后我们使用这些监视得到的信息来做log或者是做出当前流程的


posted @ 2010-11-22 08:52  qiang.xu  阅读(396)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报