linux 0.11 内核学习 -- floppy.c,驱动你的软盘


 *  linux/kernel/floppy.c


 *  (C) 1991  Linus Torvalds



 * 02.12.91 - Changed to static variables to indicate need for reset

 * and recalibrate. This makes some things easier (output_byte reset

 * checking etc), and means less interrupt jumping in case of errors,

 * so the code is hopefully easier to understand.



 * This file is certainly a mess. I've tried my best to get it working,

 * but I don't like programming floppies, and I have only one anyway.

 * Urgel. I should check for more errors, and do more graceful error

 * recovery. Seems there are problems with several drives. I've tried to

 * correct them. No promises. 



 * As with hd.c, all routines within this file can (and will) be called

 * by interrupts, so extreme caution is needed. A hardware interrupt

 * handler may not sleep, or a kernel panic will happen. Thus I cannot

 * call "floppy-on" directly, but have to set a special timer interrupt

 * etc.


 * Also, I'm not certain this works on more than 1 floppy. Bugs may

 * abund.


#include <linux/sched.h>

#include <linux/fs.h>

#include <linux/kernel.h>

#include <linux/fdreg.h> // 软驱头文件,其中包含软驱的常用函数的定义

#include <asm/system.h>

#include <asm/io.h>

#include <asm/segment.h>

#define MAJOR_NR 2 // 软驱主设备号

#include "blk.h"

/* 全局标志变量 */

static int recalibrate = 0; // 需要重新校正

static int reset = 0; // 需要重新置位

static int seek = 0; // 寻道

extern unsigned char current_DOR; // 在文件sched.c中定义

#define immoutb_p(val,port) \ // 字节val直接输出到port

__asm__("outb %0,%1\n\tjmp 1f\n1:\tjmp 1f\n1:"::"a" ((char) (val)),"i" (port))

#define TYPE(x) ((x)>>2) // 软驱类型,2--1.2MB,7--1.44MB

#define DRIVE(x) ((x)&0x03) // 软驱序列号0-3对应A-D


 * Note that MAX_ERRORS=8 doesn't imply that we retry every bad read

 * max 8 times - some types of errors increase the errorcount by 2,

 * so we might actually retry only 5-6 times before giving up.


 /* 想向硬盘的驱动程序一样,同样定义运行的最大出错数 */

#define MAX_ERRORS 8


 * globals used by 'result()'


 /* 下面的全局变量仅供函数result使用 */

#define MAX_REPLIES 7 // FDC最多返回7个字节的结果

static unsigned char reply_buffer[MAX_REPLIES]; // 存放结果的buffer

#define ST0 (reply_buffer[0]) // 第一个char

#define ST1 (reply_buffer[1]) // 第二个char

#define ST2 (reply_buffer[2]) // 第三个char

#define ST3 (reply_buffer[3]) // 第四个char


 * This struct defines the different floppy types. Unlike minix

 * linux doesn't have a "search for right type"-type, as the code

 * for that is convoluted and weird. I've got enough problems with

 * this driver as it is.


 * The 'stretch' tells if the tracks need to be boubled for some

 * types (ie 360kB diskette in 1.2MB drive etc). Others should

 * be self-explanatory.


/* 下面是定义软盘的类型 */

static struct floppy_struct


unsigned int size, // 扇区数

unsigned int sect, // 每个磁道扇区数

unsigned int head, // 磁头数

unsigned int track, // 磁道数

unsigned int stretch, // 对磁道是否需要特殊处理

unsigned char gap, // 扇区间隙长度

unsigned char rate, // 数据传输率

unsigned char spec1 // 速度参数

} floppy_type[] = {

/* 下面定义几个软盘格式 */

{    0, 0,0, 0,0,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, /* no testing */

{  720, 9,2,40,0,0x2A,0x02,0xDF }, /* 360kB PC diskettes */

{ 2400,15,2,80,0,0x1B,0x00,0xDF }, /* 1.2 MB AT-diskettes */

{  720, 9,2,40,1,0x2A,0x02,0xDF }, /* 360kB in 720kB drive */

{ 1440, 9,2,80,0,0x2A,0x02,0xDF }, /* 3.5" 720kB diskette */

{  720, 9,2,40,1,0x23,0x01,0xDF }, /* 360kB in 1.2MB drive */

{ 1440, 9,2,80,0,0x23,0x01,0xDF }, /* 720kB in 1.2MB drive */

{ 2880,18,2,80,0,0x1B,0x00,0xCF }, /* 1.44MB diskette */



 * Rate is 0 for 500kb/s, 2 for 300kbps, 1 for 250kbps

 * Spec1 is 0xSH, where S is stepping rate (F=1ms, E=2ms, D=3ms etc),

 * H is head unload time (1=16ms, 2=32ms, etc)


 * Spec2 is (HLD<<1 | ND), where HLD is head load time (1=2ms, 2=4 ms etc)

 * and ND is set means no DMA. Hardcoded to 6 (HLD=6ms, use DMA).


extern void floppy_interrupt(void);

extern char tmp_floppy_area[1024];


 * These are global variables, as that's the easiest way to give

 * information to interrupts. They are the data used for the current

 * request.


/* 下面的全局变量,主要是传递给软盘中断函数的 */

static int cur_spec1 = -1;

static int cur_rate = -1;

static struct floppy_struct * floppy = floppy_type;

static unsigned char current_drive = 0;

static unsigned char sector = 0;

static unsigned char head = 0;

static unsigned char track = 0;

static unsigned char seek_track = 0;

static unsigned char current_track = 255;

static unsigned char command = 0;

unsigned char selected = 0;

struct task_struct * wait_on_floppy_select = NULL;

/* 取消选定的软驱 */

void floppy_deselect(unsigned int nr)


if (nr != (current_DOR & 3))

printk("floppy_deselect: drive not selected\n\r");

selected = 0;



/* 指定的软驱更换软盘,如果软盘更换了的话,返回1,否则返回0 */


 * floppy-change is never called from an interrupt, so we can relax a bit

 * here, sleep etc. Note that floppy-on tries to set current_DOR to point

 * to the desired drive, but it will probably not survive the sleep if

 * several floppies are used at the same time: thus the loop.


int floppy_change(unsigned int nr)



floppy_on(nr); // 打开指定软驱

// 如果当前的软驱不是nr,或者说是没有选择的话,当前进程进入睡眠状态

while ((current_DOR & 3) != nr && selected)


// 当睡眠苏醒或者说是没有选择其他软驱,如果此时还不是选择的是nr

if ((current_DOR & 3) != nr)

goto repeat; // 继续等待

if (inb(FD_DIR) & 0x80) // 查看当前的状态,如果已经更换软盘的话


floppy_off(nr); // 关闭马达

return 1; // 返回1


floppy_off(nr); // 关闭马达

return 0; // 返回0


/* 复制内存 */

#define copy_buffer(from,to) \

__asm__("cld ; rep ; movsl" \

::"c" (BLOCK_SIZE/4),"S" ((long)(from)),"D" ((long)(to)) \


/* 初始化软盘的DMA通道 */

static void setup_DMA(void)


long addr = (long) CURRENT->buffer; // 当前请求项的缓冲区地址

cli(); // 关中断

if (addr >= 0x100000) // 如果地址大于0x100000


addr = (long) tmp_floppy_area; // 则将DMA的缓冲区设置为tmp_floppy_area

/* 主要是因为芯片的访存能力是有限的 */

if (command == FD_WRITE) // 如果是写盘的命令

copy_buffer(CURRENT->buffer,tmp_floppy_area); // 将内容复制到tmp_floppy_area


/* mask DMA 2 */

/* 屏蔽DAM通道2,DMA中存在不知一个DAM通道,每个DMA通道可以打开或者是关闭 */


/* output command byte. I don't know why, but everyone (minix, */

/* sanches & canton) output this twice, first to 12 then to 11 */

/* 下面的汇编向DMA的端口的11,12写方式字 */

  __asm__("outb %%al,$12\n\tjmp 1f\n1:\tjmp 1f\n1:\t"

"outb %%al,$11\n\tjmp 1f\n1:\tjmp 1f\n1:"::

"a" ((char) ((command == FD_READ)?DMA_READ:DMA_WRITE)));

/* 8 low bits of addr */

/* 向通道2写入低地址 */


addr >>= 8;

/* bits 8-15 of addr */

/* 另外的高地址 */


addr >>= 8;

/* bits 16-19 of addr */

/* 其他位的地址 */


/* count的值写入寄存器 */

/* low 8 bits of count-1 (1024-1=0x3ff) */


/* high 8 bits of count-1 */


/* activate DMA 2 */

immoutb_p(0|2,10); // 开放DMA请求

sti(); // 开中断


/* 向软盘输出一个char字节流 */

static void output_byte(char byte)


int counter;

unsigned char status;

if (reset) // 如果需要重新置位


/* 否则的话,在等待很长的时间之后,如果status还不正确的话,返回 */

for(counter = 0 ; counter < 10000 ; counter++) // 很长时间循环


status = inb_p(FD_STATUS) & (STATUS_READY | STATUS_DIR); // 读取状态

if (status == STATUS_READY) // ready?


outb(byte,FD_DATA); // 向DMA输入数据

return; // 返回



/* 函数还没返回,说明出现错误 */

reset = 1; // 需呀重新置位

printk("Unable to send byte to FDC\n\r");


/* 读取FDC执行的结果,函数如果正常执行的话,返回的是读取状态字数 */

/* ,如果返回-1,表示函数出错   */

static int result(void)


int i = 0, counter, status;

if (reset) // 需要重新置位?

return -1; // 出错

for (counter = 0 ; counter < 10000 ; counter++) // 很长时间



if (status == STATUS_READY)

return i; // 返回读取状态字数



if (i >= MAX_REPLIES) // 超过“最多读取状态字数”


reply_buffer[i++] = inb_p(FD_DATA); // 读取状态字



/* 函数还没退出 */

reset = 1;

printk("Getstatus times out\n\r");

return -1;


/* 软盘操作出错处理函数,由软盘中断处理程序调用 */

static void bad_flp_intr(void)


CURRENT->errors++; // 更新errors值



floppy_deselect(current_drive); // 取消选定软盘

end_request(0); // 停止请求


if (CURRENT->errors > MAX_ERRORS/2) // 如果大于MAX_ERRORS/2

reset = 1; // 软盘驱动器需要重新复位


recalibrate = 1; // 否则,重新校正,在尝试



 * Ok, this interrupt is called after a DMA read/write has succeeded,

 * so we check the results, and copy any buffers.


/* 下面的函数是在DMA读或者是写成功时,调用的,于是需要检查结果,复制buffers */

static void rw_interrupt(void)


if (result() != 7 || (ST0 & 0xf8) || (ST1 & 0xbf) || (ST2 & 0x73)) // 减产返回结果


if (ST1 & 0x02) // 如果是写保护?


printk("Drive %d is write protected\n\r",current_drive);




else // 重新再来?在函数bad_flp_intr置位驱动器


do_fd_request(); // 执行请求

return; // 返回


/* 函数还没返回 */

// 如果缓冲区地址大于1M,命令时”读“

if (command == FD_READ && (unsigned long)(CURRENT->buffer) >= 0x100000)

copy_buffer(tmp_floppy_area,CURRENT->buffer); // 复制buffer内容

floppy_deselect(current_drive); // 释放软盘

end_request(1); // 结束请求

do_fd_request(); // 继续执行其他请求


/* 设置DMA,并且输出软盘的命令和操作数 */

inline void setup_rw_floppy(void)


setup_DMA(); // 建立DMA

do_floppy = rw_interrupt; // 设置DMA中断调用函数

output_byte(command); // 发送命令字节

/* 发送参数 */

output_byte(head<<2 | current_drive);




output_byte(2); /* sector size = 512 */



output_byte(0xFF); /* sector size (0xff when n!=0 ?) */

if (reset) // 如果发送参数失败

do_fd_request(); // 处理下一个请求



 * This is the routine called after every seek (or recalibrate) interrupt

 * from the floppy controller. Note that the "unexpected interrupt" routine

 * also does a recalibrate, but doesn't come here.


/* 该子程序是在软盘重新校正之后调用的 */

static void seek_interrupt(void)


/* sense drive status */


/* 如果返回值不是2,或者ST0不是寻道结束,ST1不是当前选择的磁道 */.

if (result() != 2 || (ST0 & 0xF8) != 0x20 || ST1 != seek_track) 


bad_flp_intr(); // 更新errors等的值

do_fd_request(); // 处理请求



current_track = ST1; // 设置current_track为当前值

setup_rw_floppy(); // 重新建立DMA并设置软盘操作命令



 * This routine is called when everything should be correctly set up

 * for the transfer (ie floppy motor is on and the correct floppy is

 * selected).


/* 读写数据传输函数 */

static void transfer(void)


if (cur_spec1 != floppy->spec1) // 当前驱动器参数是否是指定驱动器参数?


// 不是,就发送相应的驱动器参数和命令

cur_spec1 = floppy->spec1;


output_byte(cur_spec1); /* hut etc */

output_byte(6); /* Head load time =6ms, DMA */


if (cur_rate != floppy->rate) // 判断当前的驱动器的速率和指定是否相同?

outb_p(cur_rate = floppy->rate,FD_DCR); // 设置速率

if (reset) // 如果需要重新置位。表明出错,调用请求函数,返回 





if (!seek) // 如果seek = 0,即是不需要寻道,调用setup_rw_floppy





do_floppy = seek_interrupt; // 设置软盘中断处理函数是寻道中断函数

if (seek_track) // 如果起始磁道号不等于0,则发送寻道命令和参数


/* 发送寻道命令和参数 */


output_byte(head<<2 | current_drive);





output_byte(FD_RECALIBRATE); // 重新校正

output_byte(head<<2 | current_drive); // 参数


if (reset) // 复位标志置位

do_fd_request(); // 继续执行请求



 * Special case - used after a unexpected interrupt (or reset)


/* 软驱重新校正中断处理函数 */

static void recal_interrupt(void)


output_byte(FD_SENSEI); // 发送检查中断状态命令

if (result()!=2 || (ST0 & 0xE0) == 0x60) // 错误

reset = 1; // 重新复位


recalibrate = 0; // 重新校正

do_fd_request(); // 处理软盘请求


/* 意外软盘中断处理函数 */

void unexpected_floppy_interrupt(void)


output_byte(FD_SENSEI); // 检查中断命令状态

if (result()!=2 || (ST0 & 0xE0) == 0x60)

reset = 1; // 异常结束,重新复位


recalibrate = 1; // 重新校正


/* 重新校正处理函数 */


 * 该命令用来让磁头退回到0磁道.通常用于在软盘操作出错

 * 时对磁头重新校正定位.其命令码是0x07,参数是指定的驱

 * 动器号(0—3).


static void recalibrate_floppy(void)


recalibrate = 0; // 重新校正标志置0

current_track = 0; // 当前磁道号0

do_floppy = recal_interrupt; // 置软盘中断函数为重新校正函数

output_byte(FD_RECALIBRATE); // 发送校正命令

output_byte(head<<2 | current_drive); // 参数

if (reset) // 如果需要复位(出错)

do_fd_request(); // 执行其他请求


/* FDC软盘复位中断处理程序 */

static void reset_interrupt(void)


output_byte(FD_SENSEI); // 检查中断状态

(void) result(); // 读出结果

output_byte(FD_SPECIFY); // 发送设定软驱命令

output_byte(cur_spec1); /* hut etc 参数 */

output_byte(6); /* Head load time =6ms, DMA */

do_fd_request(); // 处理软盘请求



 * reset is done by pulling bit 2 of DOR low for a while.


/* 复位软盘控制器 */

static void reset_floppy(void)


int i;

reset = 0; // 复位标志0

cur_spec1 = -1;

cur_rate = -1;

recalibrate = 1; // 重新校正

printk("Reset-floppy called\n\r");

cli(); // 关中断

do_floppy = reset_interrupt; // 中断处理函数设置为软盘控制器复位中断处理函数

outb_p(current_DOR & ~0x04,FD_DOR); // 对软盘FDC进行复位操作

for (i=0 ; i<100 ; i++) // 空操作,延时


outb(current_DOR,FD_DOR); // 在此开启软盘控制器

sti(); // 开中断


/* 软驱启动时中断调用函数 */

static void floppy_on_interrupt(void)


/* We cannot do a floppy-select, as that might sleep. We just force it */

selected = 1;

// 如果当前驱动器号与数字输出ODR不同,重置ODR为当前驱动器

if (current_drive != (current_DOR & 3)) 


current_DOR &= 0xFC;

current_DOR |= current_drive;


add_timer(2,&transfer); // 添加定时器,并执行传输函数

} else

transfer(); // 否则,世界执行传输函数


/* 软盘读写请求处理函数 */

void do_fd_request(void)


unsigned int block;

seek = 0;

if (reset) // 软盘需要复位 


reset_floppy(); // 复位软盘



if (recalibrate) // 需要重新校正


recalibrate_floppy(); // 校正软盘驱动器



INIT_REQUEST; // 检查合法性

floppy = (MINOR(CURRENT->dev)>>2) + floppy_type; // 软盘参数块

if (current_drive != CURRENT_DEV) // 当前驱动器不是请求项中指定的驱动器

seek = 1; // 重新寻道

current_drive = CURRENT_DEV; // 设置当前驱动器

block = CURRENT->sector; // 当前请求软盘其实扇区号

/* 因为每次处理时,是采用的2个扇区一起的,所以需要检查下面的语句 */

if (block+2 > floppy->size) 



goto repeat; // 集训执行下一个请求


/* 求对应磁道上的扇区号,磁头号,磁道号,搜索磁道号 */

sector = block % floppy->sect; // 

block /= floppy->sect;

head = block % floppy->head;

track = block / floppy->head;

seek_track = track << floppy->stretch;

if (seek_track != current_track) // 如果寻道号与当前磁头所在磁道不同

seek = 1; // 需要重新寻道

sector++; // 磁盘上扇区是从1开始计数的

if (CURRENT->cmd == READ) // 命令时read

command = FD_READ; // 置“读”的命令码

else if (CURRENT->cmd == WRITE)

command = FD_WRITE;

else // 位置命令

panic("do_fd_request: unknown command");

/* 定时器到时,就调用函数floppy_on_interrupt */



/* 软盘初始化 */

void floppy_init(void)


blk_dev[MAJOR_NR].request_fn = DEVICE_REQUEST; // 设置软盘中断函数floppy_on_interrupt

set_trap_gate(0x26,&floppy_interrupt); // 设置中断门

outb(inb_p(0x21)&~0x40,0x21); // 取消中断请求号屏蔽,即是允许中断请求



 * 该文件的核心作用是实现缓冲区和磁盘的数据交换。在主要函数的调用关系如下:

 * do_fd_request ---> floppy_on_interrupt ---> transfer

 * 其次是一些中断处理函数:

 * bad_flp_intr,rw_interrupt,seek_interrupt,recal_interrupt,

 * unexpected_floppy_interrupt,reset_interrupt。



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