445端口也是一种TCP端口,该端口在 Windows 2000 Server或Windows Server 2003系统中发挥的作用与139端口是完全相同的。具体地说,它也是提供局域网中文件或打印机共享服务。不过该端口是基于CIFS协议(通用因特网文件系统协议)工作的,而139端口是基于SMB协议(Server Message Block服务器协议族)对外提供共享服务。
使用137, 138 (UDP) and 139 (TCP)来实现基于TCP/IP的NETBIOS网际互联。
在Windows NT中SMB基于NBT实现。而在Windows2000中,SMB除了基于NBT的实现,还有直接通过445端口实现。
如果win2000服务器允许NBT, 那么UDP端口137, 138, TCP 端口 139, 445将开放。
如果 NBT 被禁止, 那么只有445端口开放。
SMB是的Server Message Block简写,这个协议用于共享文件,共享打印机,共享串口等用途。我们之所以能够在windows的网络邻居下访问一个域内的其他机器,就是通过这个协议实现的。
消息格式:SMB Message分为三个部分
SMB Header, //头部 4byte
SMB Command Header//命令头部 32byte
the Data Block. //数据部分
SMB 头部
typedef unsigned char UCHAR; // 8 unsigned bits
typedef unsigned short USHORT; // 16 unsigned bits
typedef unsigned long ULONG; // 32 unsigned bits
typedef struct {
ULONG LowPart;
LONG HighPart;
} LARGE_INTEGER; // 64 bits of data
typedef struct {
UCHAR Protocol[4]; // Contains 0xFF,'SMB'
UCHAR Command; // Command code
union {
struct {
UCHAR ErrorClass; // Error class
UCHAR Reserved; // Reserved for future use
USHORT Error; // Error code
} DosError;
ULONG Status; // 32-bit error code
} Status;
UCHAR Flags; // Flags
USHORT Flags2; // More flags
union {
USHORT Pad[6]; // Ensure section is 12 by
struct {
USHORT PidHigh; // High Part of PID
UCHAR SecuritySignature[8]; // reserved for MAC
} Extra;
USHORT Tid; // Tree identifier
USHORT Pid; // Caller’s process ID, opaque for
client use
USHORT Uid; // User id
USHORT Mid; // multiplex id
UCHAR WordCount; // Count of parameter words
Tid represents an instance of an authenticated connection to a server resource. The server
returns Tid to the client when the client successfully connects to a resource, and the client uses Tid in subsequent requests referring to the resource.
2、Pid Pid is the caller's process id, and is generated by the client to uniquely identify a process within the client computer.
3、Uid Field
Uid is a reference number assigned by the server after a user authenticates to it, and that it will associate with that user until the client requests the association be broken. After authentication to the server, the client SHOULD make sure that the Uid is not used for a different user that the onethat authenticated. (It is permitted for a single user to have more than one Uid.) Requests that do authorization, such as open requests, will perform access checks using the identity associated with the Uid.
4、 Mid Field
The multiplex ID (Mid) is used along with the Pid to allow multiplexing the single client and server connection among the client's multiple processes, threads, and requests per thread. Clients may have many outstanding requests (up to the negotiated number, MaxMpxCount) at one time. Servers MAY respond to requests in any order, but a response message MUST always contain the same Mid and Pid values as the corresponding request message. The client MUST NOT have multiple outstanding requests to a server with the same Mid and Pid.
5、command code
Client Command Server Response
========================== =========================================
SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE Must be the first message sent by client
to the server. Includes a list of SMB
dialects supported by the client. Server
response indicates which SMB dialect
should be used.
SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX Transmits the user's name and credentials
to the server for verification.
Successful server response has Uid field
set in SMB header used for subsequent
SMBs on behalf of this user.
Client Command Server Response
========================== =========================================
by a client to open a file or device on the server.
(4)SMB_COM_READ_AndX 0x2e
An SMB_COM_READ_ANDX request is sent by a client to read from a file or named pipe on a server
(5) SMB_COM_WRITE_AndX 0x2f
An SMB_COM_WRITE_AndX request is sent by a client to write from a file or named pipe on a server