

  • Downstream(下游):下游主机连接到 Envoy,发送请求并接收响应,即发送请求的主机。
  • Upstream(上游):上游主机接收来自 Envoy 的连接和请求,并返回响应,即接受请求的主机。
  • Listener(监听器):监听器是命名网地址(例如,端口、unix domain socket 等),下游客户端可以连接这些监听器。Envoy 暴露一个或者多个监听器给下游主机连接。
  • Cluster(集群):集群是指 Envoy 连接的一组逻辑相同的上游主机。Envoy 通过服务发现来发现集群的成员。可以选择通过主动健康检查来确定集群成员的健康状态。Envoy 通过负载均衡策略决定将请求路由到集群的哪个成员。


client ---> nginx(upstream)--->后端服务


downstream(下游) ---> envoy ----->upstream(上游)




HTTP only

  • DC: Downstream connection termination.

  • LH: Local service failed health check request in addition to 503 response code.

  • UT: Upstream request timeout in addition to 504 response code.

  • LR: Connection local reset in addition to 503 response code.

  • UR: Upstream remote reset in addition to 503 response code.

  • UC: Upstream connection termination in addition to 503 response code.

  • DI: The request processing was delayed for a period specified via fault injection.

  • FI: The request was aborted with a response code specified via fault injection.

  • RL: The request was ratelimited locally by the HTTP rate limit filter in addition to 429 response code.

  • UAEX: The request was denied by the external authorization service.

  • RLSE: The request was rejected because there was an error in rate limit service.

  • IH: The request was rejected because it set an invalid value for a strictly-checked header in addition to 400 response code.

  • SI: Stream idle timeout in addition to 408 response code.

  • DPE: The downstream request had an HTTP protocol error.

posted @ 2019-12-24 10:05  时光依然轻擦  阅读(8144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报