10 2021 档案
摘要:-webkit-text-stroke: 1px #101010; color: transparent;
摘要:PART ONE 1. Item 20 in this catalogue is withdrawn until further notice, due to supply problems. 由于供应问题,本目录第20项产品将被撤回,另行通知 A. Item 20 is now discontin
摘要:set store后需要this.setState({}) 这样组件才会重新渲染
摘要:peerDependencies的目的是提示宿主环境去安装满足插件peerDependencies所指定依赖的包,然后在插件import或者require所依赖的包的时候,永远都是引用宿主环境统一安装的npm包,最终解决插件与所依赖包不一致的问题。 https://reactjs.org/warni
摘要:1.4 Staff Training and Development 1.4.1 Preparation: Words and Expressions management 管理人员 enhance 提高 productivity 生产能力 loyalty 忠诚 morale 生气 performa
摘要:1.3.4 Sample Tests(IV) Follow-up questions 1. What can you do to welcome the new employees? Suggested answer: Be friendly to the new ones and ready to
摘要:Part Three: Collaborative task and discussion Your company is planning a new employee orientation program. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the
摘要:1.3.4 Sample Test(II) Part Two: Mini-presentation What is important when starting a new job? · Knowledge of company procedures(公司工作流程) · Help from com
摘要:1.3.4 Sample Test(I) Part One: Interview Interlocutor's questions 1. What kind of information about a company do you want to get before starting work
摘要:1.3.3 Background Reading(II) The First Day on the Job A new employee may be anxious about starting a new job. Try to create a comfortable enviroment a
摘要:1.3.3 Background Reading(I) Effective orientation of new employees to their posisions is critical to establishing successful, productive working relat
摘要:1.3 Starting a New Job 1.3.1 Preparation: Words and Expressions effective 有效的 orientation 新员工培训 interaction 交往 notify 通知 chart 图表 manual 手册 contract 合
摘要:1.2.4 Sample Test(IV) Follow-up questions 1. Could the interviewee disagree with the interviewer?(被面试者能与面试者意见相左吗?) Suggested answer: Yes. Don't be afr
摘要:1.2.4 Sample Test(III) Part Three: Collaborative task and discussion Your friend is going to attend a job interview. Talk together for about 2 minutes
摘要:1.2.4 Sample Test(II) Part Two: Mini-pressentation What is important when preparing for an interview? · Studying the job advertisement(细读招聘广告) · Findi
摘要:1.2.4 Sample Test Part One: InterView Interlocutor's questions: 1. Is it important to arrive on time for the interview?(在面试时准时到场重要吗?) Suggested answer
摘要:1.2.3 Background Reading(II) The Interview Firstly, make a positive impression in the first minites. When first meeting the interviewer, be friendly,
摘要:1.2.3 Background Reading(I) Everyone will have an experience of job interview. Making a successful interview, you should prepare for the two courses:
摘要:1.2 Interview 1.2.1 Preparation: Words and Expressions interviewing 面试前 assume 主观认为;承担,采取 primary 首要的,主要的 recruiter 招聘人员 secure [sɪˈkjʊə(r)] 保护; (尤指经过
摘要:1.1.4 Sample Test(IV) Follow-up questions 1. What is more important when recruiting new graduates, qualifications or experience?(招聘刚毕业的学生时什么更重要,资格还是经验
摘要:1.1.4 Sample Test(III) Part Three: Collaborative task and discussion Your company is to recruit more people. Talk together for about 2 minutes on how
摘要:Part Two: Mini-presentation What is important when selecting applicants for a job?(在筛选工作申请者时,哪些因素比较重要?) · Working experience · Personal qualities · Co
摘要:Part One: Interview Interlocutor's questions 1. Is it important for selected employees to be competent users of English?(熟练运用英语对招聘的员工重要吗?) Interlocuto
摘要:1.1.3 Background Reading(IV) Advertising a job effectively and production informative company literature is the first step to attracting interest. To
摘要:1.1.3 Background Reading(III) Give the careers staff a call and arrange a visit. Many advisers are specialists in particular work areas and will have
摘要:1.1.3 Background Reading(II) Competition for the attention of undergraduates is intense, and most uiversities hold exams at the end of every term, whi
摘要:1.1.3 Background Reading Graduate recruitment is becoming more complicated. The advent of online applications, a greate increase in the number of stud
摘要:Unit One: Human Resources 1.1 Recruitment 1.1.1 Preparation: Words and Expressions graduate 大学毕业生 recruitment 招聘 advent 到来 trend 趋势 year-round 整年的 con
摘要:redirect 中的 exact 属性,exaxt 是准确的意思,在这里表示路由严格匹配: Redierct组件写在最下面, 如果上面的Route都匹配不上,那么就走最后的Redierct重定向to的路由
摘要:react-router-dom 默认版本问题, 改用hashrouter解决 import { HashRouter, Route, Switch, Redirect, Link } from 'react-router-dom' <HashRouter> <Switch> <Route path