1.1 Recruitment 1.1.4 Sample Test(III)

1.1.4 Sample Test(III)

Part Three: Collaborative task and discussion

  Your company is to recruit more people. Talk together for about 2 minutes on how to find the right employees for your business, and decide which three would be the most practical. Here are some ideas to help you.

  · Job fair(人才集市)

  · On-campus recruitment(校园招聘)

  · Recruitment agency(招聘中介)

  · Newpaper advertisement(报纸广告)

  · Online job board(网络招聘)

  · Inernal referral(内部员工推荐)

  · Recommendations from friends and family(亲友推荐)


  practical: 实际的,有用的

  campus:校园,校区  agency: 机构  referral: [rɪˈfɜːrəl] 送交,转送(到能提供专门帮助的人或地方那里)

Suggested answer:

  A: It's said that our company is expanding, so we need to employ more people.

  B: Right. But you know, in today's tight labor market, finding good people to hire is not an easy task.

  A: You can say that again. Have you done any ad?

  B: We have placed some ads in serveral kinds of newspapers and posted an opening on an online job board.

  A: Job fair is the basic thing you should do. And it seems that nowadays hiring a recruitment agency is more and more popular. Is that the case?

  B: You are right. In order to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected, I have also asked friends, family and current employees for recommendations.

  A: Then how can we find the right people?

  B: Let me see. Compared with the other methods, I still think job fair, online job board and hiring a recruitment agency are the most practical. After all, they are the most popular and effective as well.


  expanding: 扩大

  tight: 牢固的;紧凑的   labor: 劳动   tight labor market:供不应求的劳动力市场  hire: 租用,聘用,雇用

  You can say that again:说得好,说得对

  opening: 在这里指空缺职位

  job fair: 人才市场  nowadays: 现在  Is that the case?:是这样吗?

  ensure:确保   candidate: [ˈkændɪdət]候选人  the best candidate for a post:一个职位的最佳候选人

  After all:毕竟  as well: 也

posted @ 2021-10-07 16:44  Redchar  阅读(58)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报