利用动态规划(DP)原理,设字符串S的长度为n,考虑i...n-1这个后缀中符合条件的子串:首先需要记录两组数据,第一组数据是从i向右找到的最长不含重复字符的子串长度prefixlen[i],第二组数据是在i...n-1后缀中符合条件的子串之起始和结束位置,分别用 maxlenstart[i]和maxlenend[i]表示,注意二组数据满足:maxlenstart[i]-maxlenend[i]+1>=prefixlen[i],即从S[i]开始最左边的最长不含重复字符的子串长度与区间i...n-1中符合条件的子串长度可能相等;如果S[i]给prefixlen[i+1]增加一个字符长度,说明S[i]与右边长度为 prefixlen[i+1]个字符都不相同,这时需要分两种情况考虑,1)如果maxlenstart[i+1]==i+1即S[i+1...n-1] 中得到的最优子串的左边一个字符与S[i]也相邻,说明最大子串长度也应该增加1, 即设置maxlenstart[i]=i;注意此时如果prefixlen[i]总长度未在prefixlen[i+1]的基础上加1,说明第二组数据的长度不会比第一组数据长度大了,这是因为根据DP的计算过程,只要第二组数据与S[i]相邻,那么两组数据长度保证了前一步中是相等的;2)如果第二组数据不与S[i]相邻,则需要比较二组数据的长度了。
具体实现时需要注意边界条件,设置prefixlen[n] = 0; maxlenstart[n] = n; maxlenend[n] = n-1;。
/** * * @author ljs * 2011-07-09 * */ public class LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars { public static int solve(String str){ int n = str.length(); int[] prefixlen=new int[n+1]; prefixlen[n] = 0; int[] maxlenstart = new int[n+1]; maxlenstart[n] = n; int[] maxlenend = new int[n+1]; maxlenend[n] = n-1; for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){ char c = str.charAt(i); //caculate prefixlen[i] by prefixlen[i+1] int j=0,k; for(j=0,k=i+1;j<prefixlen[i+1];j++,k++){ if(c == str.charAt(k)){ break; } } prefixlen[i] = j+1; //caculate maxlenstart[i] and maxlenend[i] maxlenstart[i] = maxlenstart[i+1]; maxlenend[i] = maxlenend[i+1]; if(maxlenstart[i+1] == i+1){ if(prefixlen[i] == prefixlen[i+1] + 1){ maxlenstart[i] = i; } }else{ //update the max len for i...n-1 if(maxlenend[i] - maxlenstart[i] + 1 < prefixlen[i]){ maxlenstart[i] = i; maxlenend[i] = i + prefixlen[i] - 1; } } } return maxlenend[0] - maxlenstart[0] + 1; } public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "abcbec"; int maxlen = LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars.solve(str); System.out.format("max len of substring with unique chars for string \"%s\" = %d.%n", str,maxlen); str = "adabcbec"; maxlen = LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars.solve(str); System.out.format("max len of substring with unique chars for string \"%s\" = %d.%n", str,maxlen); str = "abadadabbc"; maxlen = LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars.solve(str); System.out.format("max len of substring with unique chars for string \"%s\" = %d.%n", str,maxlen); str = "ffdeefghff"; maxlen = LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars.solve(str); System.out.format("max len of substring with unique chars for string \"%s\" = %d.%n", str,maxlen); str = "abcbecghijkl"; maxlen = LongestSubseqWithUniqueChars.solve(str); System.out.format("max len of substring with unique chars for string \"%s\" = %d.%n", str,maxlen); } }
max len of substring with unique chars for string "abcbec" = 3.
max len of substring with unique chars for string "adabcbec" = 4.
max len of substring with unique chars for string "abadadabbc" = 3.
max len of substring with unique chars for string "ffdeefghff" = 4.
max len of substring with unique chars for string "abcbecghijkl" = 9.