Poly-Engine Crypt String


Interesting characteristic (for me!) of .NET the Framework, is the possibility to simulate situations that they were possible
only using the language assembler x86. I refer, in particular, to the STACK (sequence of data). The Stack can be considered
(reductively) as an area of "temporary memory" in which the data they are visible in inverse order to just the insertion.


To emulate an other programming language in order "to confuse" the code against the decompilers !

Using the code

In .NET, therefore, class STACK is present. The main methods exposed from the .NET class STACK are following:

  • PUSH (Inserts the value in the stack. Equal instruction is present in the assembler language x86);
  • POP (Extracts the value from the stack. Equal instruction is present in the assembler language x86);
  • PEEK (Law a value from the stack);
  • COUNT (Counts the elements on the stack).

example vb.net code:

Dim st As New Stack
st.Push(1) 'insert 1 into the stack
st.Push(2) 'insert 2...
st.Push(3) 'insert 3...
Debug.WriteLine(st.Count) 'return: 3
Debug.WriteLine(st.Peek) 'return last value onto the stack: 3
st.Pop() 'extract value 3
Debug.WriteLine(st.Count) 'return: 2
Debug.WriteLine(st.Peek) 'return last value onto the stack: 2
st.Pop() 'extract value 2
st.Pop() 'extract value 1
Debug.WriteLine(st.Count) 'return 0

Understood as the stack works, for insertion/extraction of the data (*always* in inverse order), we are ready to implement
our algorithm of cryptography. We want to realize it (relatively simple), effective, it turns out to you always random source
code and that it comes dynamically executed from the compiler... then we want to construct a creative...vb.net...
Poly-Engine Crypter for the strings (...ehila! Who has said like the poly-engines present in the virus code? *yes* is the
answer!). In this tutorial I introduce to you like *only* implementing dynamic code using the functions of: sum, subtraction,
xor (for the nostalgic programmers of the assembler language x86: add, sub, xor) of byte.

We imagine of wanting to hide (crypt) the string:

Hello Word! (hex value: 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 64 21)

Dim _myStr As String = "Hello Word!"
Dim rand As New Random 'used for randomize operations on the byte
Dim _count As Integer '0=sub/1=xor/2=add/3=xor ...only your creativity :-)))
Dim _valCrypt As Integer = 0 'temporary value
Dim _value As Integer 'single char value
Dim ik As Integer
Debug.WriteLine("Dim st As New Stack(" & CStr(_myStr.Length - 1) & ")") 
Debug.WriteLine("Dim bCrypt As Integer = 0") 'init value 0
For ik = _myStr.Length To 1 Step -1 'from last char (stack inverse order)
    _count = rand.Next(0, 3) 'random value
    _value = Asc(Mid(_myStr, ik, 1))
    '+ generation
    Debug.WriteLine(PolyEngineWrite(_valCrypt, _count, _value))
Next ik
'...end procedure poly-generation
Poly-Engine (core) Crypter:
Private Function PolyEngineWrite(ByRef valCrypt As Integer, _
                    ByVal count As Integer, _
                    ByVal value As Integer) As String
    Dim tempVal As Integer
    Select Case count
        Case 0
            tempVal = (valCrypt - value)
        Case 1, 3
            tempVal = (valCrypt Xor value)
        Case 2
            tempVal = (value - valCrypt)
    End Select
    tempVal = tempVal And 255
    valCrypt = value
    Return ("bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, " & CStr(count) & ", &H" & Hex(tempVal) & ")")
End Function 

Generated Source Code

...the generated source code is *always* different!

random output (vb.net source code) example:

Dim st As New Stack(10) 'lenght string - 1
Dim bCrypt As Integer = 0
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 2, &H21) '01. 00h  +  21h = 21h (!)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 1, &H45) '02. 21h Xor 45h = 64h (d)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 0, &HF2) '03. 64h  -  F2h = 72h (r)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 1, &H1D) '04. 72h Xor 1Dh = 6Fh (o)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 2, &HE8) '05. 6Fh  +  E8h = 57h (W)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 2, &HC9) '06. 57h  +  C9h = 20h (space)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 0, &HB1) '07. 20h  -  B1h = 6Fh (o)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 0, &H3)  '08. 6Fh  -  03h = 6Ch (l)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 0, &H0)  '09. 6Ch  -  00h = 6Ch (l)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 0, &H7)  '0A. 6Ch  -  07h = 65h (e)
bCrypt = StackDecrypt(bCrypt, 2, &HE3) '0B. 65h  +  E3h = 48h (H)

The bytes comes manipulates from the StackDecrypt procedure and inserted into the stack with PUSH class method (sees

Private Function StackDecrypt(ByVal bCrypt As Integer, _
                ByVal iOpCode As Integer, _
                ByVal iSalt As Integer) As Integer     
    Select Case iOpCode
        Case 0 
            bCrypt = (bCrypt - iSalt) 
        Case 1, 3 
            bCrypt = bCrypt Xor iSalt
        Case 2 
            bCrypt = (bCrypt + iSalt)
    End Select 
    bCrypt = bCrypt And 255
    Return bCrypt
End Function

**Now it does not remain that "to recompose" the string from the stack. For this last passage we can use (continuation of
the two examples of output):

Dim str As String = ""
Dim ij As Integer
For ij = 1 To st.Count
    str &= Chr(st.Pop)'it composes final string
Next ij
...the final string obtained from the dynamic process of the code decryption is: Hello Word!

Points of Interest

In a future article I will explain as it is possible to generate dynamic code in assembler language x86 and recalling it with
a callback execution!

With these techniques I try to implement secure code against the decompiler. It must be used in combination with a
obfuscator and a crypter. He will be available, to short, my .NET crypter ;-)

For other information please visits my web site  (in continuos modernization) 


July 2004: First Public Release (sorry for my bad english...i'm italian)

About Marcello Cantelmo

President of the "Cantelmo Software" Company (situated in Lecce-Italy). Development Software and Professional Component for .NET Platform.

Click here to view Marcello Cantelmo's online profile

from: CodeProject.com

posted on 2004-07-16 23:50  星星之火  阅读(1023)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
