#ifndef __UIMENU_H__ #define __UIMENU_H__ #pragma once namespace nim_comp { using namespace ui; enum MenuAlignment { eMenuAlignment_Left = 1 << 1, eMenuAlignment_Top = 1 << 2, eMenuAlignment_Right = 1 << 3, eMenuAlignment_Bottom = 1 << 4, eMenuAlignment_Intelligent = 1 <<5 //智能的防止被遮蔽 }; enum MenuCloseType { eMenuCloseThis, //适用于关闭当前级别的菜单窗口,如鼠标移入时 eMenuCloseAll //关闭所有菜单窗口,如失去焦点时 }; //增加关闭事件的传递。 /* 点击某一菜单,获取该菜单窗口句柄,通知该菜单窗口可以关闭子菜单项了。 即某子菜单项目的父窗口等于该窗口,该子菜单关闭。 由于菜单的父子关系,会自动关闭其所有子孙菜单窗口 这里的事件传递设计拷贝原生Duilib的MenuDemo,不过Redrain的Menu功能更好,支持菜单复选,这里暂未实现 */ #include "observer_impl_base.hpp" //copy from menuDemo struct ContextMenuParam { MenuCloseType wParam; HWND hWnd; }; typedef class ObserverImpl<BOOL, ContextMenuParam> ContextMenuObserver; typedef class ReceiverImpl<BOOL, ContextMenuParam> ContextMenuReceiver; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // extern const TCHAR* const kMenuElementUIInterfaceName;// = _T("MenuElement); class CMenuElementUI; class CMenuWnd : public ui::WindowImplBase, public ContextMenuReceiver { public: enum PopupPosType //鼠标点击的point属于菜单的哪个位置 1.-----.2 1左上 2右上 { // | | //这里假定用户是喜欢智能的 3.-----.4 3左下 4右下 RIGHT_BOTTOM = eMenuAlignment_Right | eMenuAlignment_Bottom | eMenuAlignment_Intelligent, RIGHT_TOP = eMenuAlignment_Right | eMenuAlignment_Top | eMenuAlignment_Intelligent, LEFT_BOTTOM = eMenuAlignment_Left | eMenuAlignment_Bottom | eMenuAlignment_Intelligent, LEFT_TOP = eMenuAlignment_Intelligent | eMenuAlignment_Top | eMenuAlignment_Intelligent, //这里是normal,非智能的 RIGHT_BOTTOM_N = eMenuAlignment_Right | eMenuAlignment_Bottom, RIGHT_TOP_N = eMenuAlignment_Right | eMenuAlignment_Top, LEFT_BOTTOM_N = eMenuAlignment_Left | eMenuAlignment_Bottom, LEFT_TOP_N = eMenuAlignment_Intelligent | eMenuAlignment_Top }; CMenuWnd(HWND hParent = NULL); void Init(STRINGorID xml, LPCTSTR pSkinType, POINT point, PopupPosType popupPosType = LEFT_TOP, bool no_focus = false, CMenuElementUI* pOwner = NULL); void Show(); // 重新调整菜单的大小 void ResizeMenu(); // 重新调整子菜单的大小 void ResizeSubMenu(); static ContextMenuObserver& GetMenuObserver() { static ContextMenuObserver s_context_menu_observer; return s_context_menu_observer; } BOOL Receive(ContextMenuParam param) override; virtual Control* CreateControl(const std::wstring& pstrClass) override; virtual std::wstring GetSkinFolder() override { return L"menu"; } virtual std::wstring GetSkinFile() override { return m_xml.m_lpstr; } std::wstring GetWindowClassName() const override; public: HWND m_hParent; POINT m_BasedPoint; PopupPosType m_popupPosType; STRINGorID m_xml; bool no_focus_; CMenuElementUI* m_pOwner; ListBox* m_pLayout; private: virtual void InitWindow() override; void CMenuWnd::OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd) override; LRESULT HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); }; class ListContainerElement; class CMenuElementUI : public ui::ListContainerElement { friend CMenuWnd; public: CMenuElementUI(); ~CMenuElementUI(); virtual bool ButtonUp(EventArgs& msg) override; virtual bool MouseEnter(EventArgs& msg) override; virtual void PaintChild(IRenderContext* pRender, const UiRect& rcPaint) override; bool CheckSubMenuItem(); private: void CreateMenuWnd(); CMenuWnd* m_pSubWindow; }; } // namespace nim_comp #endif // __UIMENU_H__
#include "stdafx.h" #include "ui_menu.h" namespace nim_comp { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Control* CMenuWnd::CreateControl(const std::wstring& pstrClass) { if (pstrClass == kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) { return new CMenuElementUI(); } return NULL; } BOOL CMenuWnd::Receive(ContextMenuParam param) { switch (param.wParam) { case eMenuCloseAll: Close(); break; case eMenuCloseThis: { HWND hParent = GetParent(m_hWnd); while (hParent != NULL) { if (hParent == param.hWnd) { Close(); break; } hParent = GetParent(hParent); } } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } CMenuWnd::CMenuWnd(HWND hParent) : m_hParent(hParent), m_xml(_T("")), no_focus_(false), m_pOwner(nullptr), m_pLayout(nullptr) { } void CMenuWnd::Init(STRINGorID xml, LPCTSTR pSkinType, POINT point, PopupPosType popupPosType, bool no_focus, CMenuElementUI* pOwner) { m_BasedPoint = point; m_popupPosType = popupPosType; m_xml = xml; no_focus_ = no_focus; m_pOwner = pOwner; CMenuWnd::GetMenuObserver().AddReceiver(this); Create(m_hParent, L"NIM_DUILIB_MENU_WINDOW", WS_POPUP, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_TOPMOST, true, UiRect()); // HACK: Don't deselect the parent's caption HWND hWndParent = m_hWnd; while (::GetParent(hWndParent) != NULL) hWndParent = ::GetParent(hWndParent); ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, no_focus ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_SHOW); if (m_pOwner) { ResizeSubMenu(); } else { ResizeMenu(); } ::SendMessage(hWndParent, WM_NCACTIVATE, TRUE, 0L); } void CMenuWnd::OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd) { Window::OnFinalMessage(hWnd); RemoveObserver(); if (m_pOwner != NULL) { m_pLayout->SelectItem(-1); for (int i = 0; i < m_pLayout->GetCount(); i++) { CMenuElementUI* pItem = static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(m_pLayout->GetItemAt(i)); //这里确定是CMenuElementUI*,static_cast效率高 if (pItem) { pItem->SetOwner(dynamic_cast<IListOwner*>(m_pOwner->GetParent()));//这里的父控件可能仍然是menuitem,那么置空即可 pItem->SetWindow(m_pOwner->GetWindow(), m_pOwner, false); //更改item的归属 // pItem->SetVisible(false); pItem->SetInternVisible(false); } } m_pLayout->RemoveAll(); m_pOwner->m_pSubWindow = NULL; //m_pOwner->m_uButtonState &= ~UISTATE_PUSHED; 这里可能需要替换,暂时注释 m_pOwner->Invalidate(); } ReapObjects(GetRoot()); delete this; } std::wstring CMenuWnd::GetWindowClassName() const { return _T("MenuWnd"); } LRESULT CMenuWnd::HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: { HWND hFocusWnd = (HWND)wParam; BOOL bInMenuWindowList = FALSE; ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd = GetHWND(); ContextMenuObserver::Iterator<BOOL, ContextMenuParam> iterator(GetMenuObserver()); ReceiverImplBase<BOOL, ContextMenuParam>* pReceiver = iterator.next(); while (pReceiver != NULL) { CMenuWnd* pContextMenu = dynamic_cast<CMenuWnd*>(pReceiver); if (pContextMenu != NULL && pContextMenu->GetHWND() == hFocusWnd) { bInMenuWindowList = TRUE; break; } pReceiver = iterator.next(); } if (!bInMenuWindowList) { param.wParam = eMenuCloseAll; GetMenuObserver().RBroadcast(param); return 0; } } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE || wParam == VK_LEFT) Close(); else if (wParam == VK_RIGHT) { if (m_pLayout) { int index = m_pLayout->GetCurSel(); CMenuElementUI* pItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(m_pLayout->GetItemAt(index)); if (pItem) { pItem->CheckSubMenuItem(); } } } else if (wParam == VK_RETURN || wParam == VK_SPACE) { if (m_pLayout) { int index = m_pLayout->GetCurSel(); CMenuElementUI* pItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(m_pLayout->GetItemAt(index)); if (pItem) { if (!pItem->CheckSubMenuItem()) { ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd = m_hWnd; param.wParam = eMenuCloseAll; CMenuWnd::GetMenuObserver().RBroadcast(param); } } } } break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: return 0L; default: break; } return __super::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void CMenuWnd::ResizeMenu() { Control* pRoot = GetRoot(); MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor); //点击在哪里,以哪里的屏幕为主 ::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromPoint(m_BasedPoint, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor); UiRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork; CSize szAvailable = { rcWork.right - rcWork.left, rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top }; szAvailable = pRoot->EstimateSize(szAvailable); //这里带上了阴影窗口 SetInitSize(szAvailable.cx, szAvailable.cy); UiRect rcCorner = GetShadowCorner(); CSize szInit=szAvailable; szInit.cx -= rcCorner.left + rcCorner.right; szInit.cy -= rcCorner.top + rcCorner.bottom; //这里去掉阴影窗口,即用户的视觉有效面积 szInit<=szAvailable CPoint point = m_BasedPoint; //这里有个bug,由于坐标点与包含在窗口内,会直接出发mouseenter导致出来子菜单,偏移1个像素 if (m_popupPosType & eMenuAlignment_Right) { point.x += -szAvailable.cx + rcCorner.right + rcCorner.left; point.x -= 1; } else if (m_popupPosType & eMenuAlignment_Left) { point.x += 1; } if (m_popupPosType & eMenuAlignment_Bottom) { point.y += -szAvailable.cy + rcCorner.bottom + rcCorner.top; point.y += 1; } else if (m_popupPosType & eMenuAlignment_Top) { point.y += 1; } if (m_popupPosType&eMenuAlignment_Intelligent) { if (point.x < rcWork.left) { point.x = rcWork.left; } else if (point.x + szInit.cx> rcWork.right) { point.x = rcWork.right - szInit.cx; } if (point.y < rcWork.top) { point.y = rcWork.top ; } else if (point.y + szInit.cy > rcWork.bottom) { point.y = rcWork.bottom - szInit.cy; } } if (!no_focus_) { SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); SetFocus(m_pLayout); } SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, point.x - rcCorner.left, point.y-rcCorner.top, szAvailable.cx, szAvailable.cy, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | (no_focus_ ? SWP_NOACTIVATE : 0)); } void CMenuWnd::ResizeSubMenu() { // Position the popup window in absolute space RECT rcOwner = m_pOwner->GetPos(); RECT rc = rcOwner; int cxFixed = 0; int cyFixed = 0; MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor); ::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromPoint(m_BasedPoint, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor); UiRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork; CSize szAvailable = { rcWork.right - rcWork.left, rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top }; for (int it = 0; it < m_pLayout->GetCount(); it++) { //取子菜单项中的最大值作为菜单项 CMenuElementUI* pItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(m_pLayout->GetItemAt(it)); if (pItem) { SIZE sz = pItem->EstimateSize(szAvailable); cyFixed += sz.cy; if (cxFixed < sz.cx) cxFixed = sz.cx; } } UiRect rcCorner = GetShadowCorner(); RECT rcWindow; GetWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetWindow()->GetHWND(), &rcWindow); //去阴影 { rcWindow.left += rcCorner.left; rcWindow.right -= rcCorner.right; rcWindow.top += rcCorner.top; rcWindow.bottom -= rcCorner.bottom; } ::MapWindowRect(m_pOwner->GetWindow()->GetHWND(), HWND_DESKTOP, &rc); rc.left = rcWindow.right; rc.right = rc.left + cxFixed; rc.bottom = rc.top + cyFixed; bool bReachBottom = false; bool bReachRight = false; LONG chRightAlgin = 0; LONG chBottomAlgin = 0; RECT rcPreWindow = { 0 }; ContextMenuObserver::Iterator<BOOL, ContextMenuParam> iterator(GetMenuObserver()); ReceiverImplBase<BOOL, ContextMenuParam>* pReceiver = iterator.next(); while (pReceiver != NULL) { CMenuWnd* pContextMenu = dynamic_cast<CMenuWnd*>(pReceiver); if (pContextMenu != NULL) { GetWindowRect(pContextMenu->GetHWND(), &rcPreWindow); //需要减掉阴影 bReachRight = (rcPreWindow.left + rcCorner.left) >= rcWindow.right; bReachBottom = (rcPreWindow.top + rcCorner.top) >= rcWindow.bottom; if (pContextMenu->GetHWND() == m_pOwner->GetWindow()->GetHWND() || bReachBottom || bReachRight) break; } pReceiver = iterator.next(); } if (bReachBottom) { rc.bottom = rcWindow.top; rc.top = rc.bottom - cyFixed; } if (bReachRight) { rc.right = rcWindow.left; rc.left = rc.right - cxFixed; } if (rc.bottom > rcWork.bottom) { rc.bottom = rc.top; rc.top = rc.bottom - cyFixed; } if (rc.right > rcWork.right) { rc.right = rcWindow.left; rc.left = rc.right - cxFixed; } if (rc.top < rcWork.top) { rc.top = rcOwner.top; rc.bottom = rc.top + cyFixed; } if (rc.left < rcWork.left) { rc.left = rcWindow.right; rc.right = rc.left + cxFixed; } SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, rc.left-rcCorner.left, rc.top-rcCorner.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); SetFocus(m_pLayout); } void CMenuWnd::Show() { MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor); ::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(m_hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor); UiRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork; UiRect monitor_rect = oMonitor.rcMonitor; ui::CSize szInit = { rcWork.right - rcWork.left, rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top }; szInit = GetRoot()->EstimateSize(szInit); szInit.cx -= GetShadowCorner().left + GetShadowCorner().right; szInit.cy -= GetShadowCorner().top + GetShadowCorner().bottom; if (m_popupPosType == RIGHT_BOTTOM) { if (m_BasedPoint.y + szInit.cy > monitor_rect.bottom) { m_BasedPoint.y -= szInit.cy; } } else if (m_popupPosType == RIGHT_TOP) { if (m_BasedPoint.y - szInit.cy >= monitor_rect.top) { m_BasedPoint.y -= szInit.cy; } } else { //兼容老版本 return; } UiRect rc; rc.left = m_BasedPoint.x; rc.top = m_BasedPoint.y; if (rc.top < monitor_rect.top) { rc.top = monitor_rect.top; } //判断是否超出屏幕 if (rc.left > monitor_rect.right - szInit.cx) { rc.left = monitor_rect.right - szInit.cx; } if (rc.left < monitor_rect.left) { rc.left = monitor_rect.left; } rc.right = rc.left + szInit.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + szInit.cy; SetPos(rc, false, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | (no_focus_ ? SWP_NOACTIVATE : 0), HWND_TOPMOST, false); if (!no_focus_) SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); } void CMenuWnd::InitWindow() { if (m_pOwner) { m_pLayout = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(FindControl(L"submenu")); ASSERT(m_pLayout); m_pLayout->SetAutoDestroy(false); for (int i = 0; i < m_pOwner->GetCount(); i++) { CMenuElementUI* subMenuItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(m_pOwner->GetItemAt(i)); if (subMenuItem && subMenuItem->IsVisible()) { //此时子菜单item属于2个子菜单,注意生命周期的维护,子菜单窗口退出不能销毁控件,需要归还原控件, //此时子菜单item的父控件是准的,但父控件可能不是Vlist,SetOwner的入参是Vlist,这时owner置空 //见OnFinalMessage m_pLayout->Add(subMenuItem); //内部会调用subMenuItem->SetOwner(m_pLayout); 会调用SetWindows,改变了归属窗口、父控件。 } } } else { m_pLayout = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(m_pRoot); if (m_pLayout == NULL) { //允许外面套层阴影 if (m_pRoot->GetCount()>0) { m_pLayout = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(m_pRoot->GetItemAt(0)); } } ASSERT(m_pLayout); } } // MenuElementUI const TCHAR* const kMenuElementUIInterfaceName = _T("MenuElement"); CMenuElementUI::CMenuElementUI() : m_pSubWindow(nullptr) { m_bMouseChildEnabled = false; } CMenuElementUI::~CMenuElementUI() {} bool CMenuElementUI::ButtonUp(EventArgs& msg) { std::weak_ptr<nbase::WeakFlag> weakFlag = m_pWindow->GetWeakFlag(); bool ret = __super::ButtonUp(msg); if (ret && !weakFlag.expired()) { //这里处理下如果有子菜单则显示子菜单 if (!CheckSubMenuItem()) { ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd = GetWindow()->GetHWND(); param.wParam = eMenuCloseAll; CMenuWnd::GetMenuObserver().RBroadcast(param); } } return ret; } bool CMenuElementUI::MouseEnter(EventArgs& msg) { std::weak_ptr<nbase::WeakFlag> weakFlag = m_pWindow->GetWeakFlag(); bool ret = __super::MouseEnter(msg); if (ret && !weakFlag.expired()) { //这里处理下如果有子菜单则显示子菜单 if (!CheckSubMenuItem()) { ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd = GetWindow()->GetHWND(); param.wParam = eMenuCloseThis; CMenuWnd::GetMenuObserver().RBroadcast(param); //m_pOwner->SelectItem(GetIndex(), true); 有些老版本attachselect会触发 //这里得把之前选中的置为未选中 m_pOwner->SelectItem(-1, false); } } return ret; } void CMenuElementUI::PaintChild(IRenderContext* pRender, const UiRect& rcPaint) { UiRect rcTemp; if (!::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &m_rcItem)) return; for (auto it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); it++) { //尝试转CMenuElementUI CMenuElementUI* subMenuItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(*it); if (subMenuItem) { continue; } Control* pControl = *it; if (!pControl->IsVisible()) continue; pControl->AlphaPaint(pRender, rcPaint); } } bool CMenuElementUI::CheckSubMenuItem() { bool hasSubMenu = false; for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i) { CMenuElementUI* subMenuItem = dynamic_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)); if (subMenuItem ) { //subMenuItem->SetVisible(true); subMenuItem->SetInternVisible(true); hasSubMenu = true; } } if (hasSubMenu) { m_pOwner->SelectItem(GetIndex(), true); CreateMenuWnd(); } return hasSubMenu; } void CMenuElementUI::CreateMenuWnd() { if (m_pSubWindow) return; m_pSubWindow = new CMenuWnd(GetWindow()->GetHWND()); ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd =GetWindow()->GetHWND(); param.wParam = eMenuCloseThis; CMenuWnd::GetMenuObserver().RBroadcast(param); m_pSubWindow->Init(_T("submenu.xml"), _T(""), CPoint(), CMenuWnd::RIGHT_BOTTOM, false, this); } } // namespace ui
#ifndef OBSERVER_IMPL_BASE_HPP #define OBSERVER_IMPL_BASE_HPP #include <map> template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ReceiverImplBase; template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ObserverImplBase { public: virtual void AddReceiver(ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* receiver) = 0; virtual void RemoveReceiver(ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* receiver) = 0; virtual ReturnT Broadcast(ParamT param) = 0; virtual ReturnT RBroadcast(ParamT param) = 0; virtual ReturnT Notify(ParamT param) = 0; }; template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ReceiverImplBase { public: virtual void AddObserver(ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* observer) = 0; virtual void RemoveObserver() = 0; virtual ReturnT Receive(ParamT param) = 0; virtual ReturnT Respond(ParamT param, ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* observer) = 0; }; template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ReceiverImpl; template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ObserverImpl : public ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT> { template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> friend class Iterator; public: ObserverImpl() {} virtual ~ObserverImpl() {} virtual void AddReceiver(ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* receiver) { if (receiver == NULL) return; receivers_.push_back(receiver); receiver->AddObserver(this); } virtual void RemoveReceiver(ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* receiver) { if (receiver == NULL) return; ReceiversVector::iterator it = receivers_.begin(); for (; it != receivers_.end(); ++it) { if (*it == receiver) { receivers_.erase(it); break; } } } virtual ReturnT Broadcast(ParamT param) { ReceiversVector::iterator it = receivers_.begin(); for (; it != receivers_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->Receive(param); } return ReturnT(); } virtual ReturnT RBroadcast(ParamT param) { ReceiversVector::reverse_iterator it = receivers_.rbegin(); for (; it != receivers_.rend(); ++it) { (*it)->Receive(param); } return ReturnT(); } virtual ReturnT Notify(ParamT param) { ReceiversVector::iterator it = receivers_.begin(); for (; it != receivers_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->Respond(param, this); } return ReturnT(); } template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class Iterator { ObserverImpl<ReturnT, ParamT> & _tbl; DWORD index; ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* ptr; public: Iterator( ObserverImpl & table ) : _tbl( table ), index(0), ptr(NULL) {} Iterator( const Iterator & v ) : _tbl( v._tbl ), index(v.index), ptr(v.ptr) {} ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* next() { if ( index >= _tbl.receivers_.size() ) return NULL; for ( ; index < _tbl.receivers_.size(); ) { ptr = _tbl.receivers_[ index++ ]; if ( ptr ) return ptr; } return NULL; } }; protected: typedef std::vector<ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>*> ReceiversVector; ReceiversVector receivers_; }; template <typename ReturnT, typename ParamT> class ReceiverImpl : public ReceiverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT> { public: ReceiverImpl() {} virtual ~ReceiverImpl() {} virtual void AddObserver(ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* observer) { observers_.push_back(observer); } virtual void RemoveObserver() { ObserversVector::iterator it = observers_.begin(); for (; it != observers_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->RemoveReceiver(this); } } virtual ReturnT Receive(ParamT param) { return ReturnT(); } virtual ReturnT Respond(ParamT param, ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>* observer) { return ReturnT(); } protected: typedef std::vector<ObserverImplBase<ReturnT, ParamT>*> ObserversVector; ObserversVector observers_; }; #endif // OBSERVER_IMPL_BASE_HPP