
DragableXPStyleTable.aspx 的文件如下:
mxh.xml 的文件如下:
xpTable.css 的文件如下:
xpTable.htc 的文件如下:
<PUBLIC:COMPONENT lightWeight=false>
<PUBLIC:DEFAULTS contentEditable=false tabStop=true/>
<PUBLIC:attach event="oncontentready" onevent="initElement()" />
<PUBLIC:attach event="ondetach" onevent="cleanupElement()" />

<PUBLIC:property name="borderStyle" value=0 />
<PUBLIC:property name="altRowColor" value="" />
<PUBLIC:property name="selectedCount" value=0 />
<PUBLIC:property name="interactive" value=true />
<PUBLIC:property name="allowSort" value=true />
<PUBLIC:property name="allowColOrder" value=true />
<PUBLIC:property name="selectedHeadIndex" value="0" />
<PUBLIC:property name="currentSort" value="DOWN" />

<PUBLIC:method name="selectRow" />
<PUBLIC:method name="getRow" />
<PUBLIC:method name="resetList" />
<PUBLIC:method name="clearAll" />
<PUBLIC:method name="selectAll" />
<PUBLIC:method name="hideNonSelectedRows" />
<PUBLIC:method name="showNonSelectedRows" />

<PUBLIC:event name="onrowselect" id="rowselect" />
<PUBLIC:event name="onrowdblclick" id="rowdblclick" />

<script language="VBScript">
option explicit

dim ie6

dim offset_x, offset_y

dim tHead
dim tHeadRow
dim tBody
dim colCount

dim arrHitTest
dim bDragMode
dim iDragCounter
dim objDragItem
dim objDragToItem1
dim objDragToItem2
dim dragHeadIndex
dim dragHeadHitIndex
dim lastHeadIndex
dim posOffSet
dim currentRow
dim hiBackgroundColor
dim hiBorderColor

dim cSelectedRows

dim sortNoneImageUrl
dim sortUpImageUrl
dim sortDownImageUrl
dim posUpImageUrl
dim posDownImageUrl

set currentRow = nothing
set objDragItem = nothing
set objDragToItem1 = nothing
set objDragToItem2 = nothing
selectedHeadIndex = -1
dragHeadHitIndex = -1
currentSort = ""
bDragMode = false
ie6 = (instr(window.navigator.appVersion, "MSIE 6.") <> 0)

class clsSelectedRows
dim colRows()
dim rowAdded
dim lastAddedRow

private sub Class_Initialize
rowAdded = false
set lastAddedRow = nothing
end sub

private sub Class_Terminate
dim i
if not rowAdded then exit sub
for i = lbound(colRows) to ubound(colRows)
set colRows(i) = nothing
set lastAddedRow = nothing
end Sub

public property Get Count
if not rowAdded then
Count = 0
Count = ubound(colRows) + 1
end if
end property

public property Get SelectedRow(index)
if not rowAdded then
set SelectedRow = nothing
exit property
end if
set SelectedRow = colRows(index)
end property

public property Get LastRow
set LastRow = lastAddedRow
end property

public property Get getRows
getRows = colRows
end property

public function QuerySelected(objUnknown)
QuerySelected = (getItemIndex(objUnknown) <> -1)
end function

public sub AddSingle(objUnknown)
redim colRows(0)
set colRows(ubound(colRows)) = objUnknown
rowAdded = true
set lastAddedRow = objUnknown
end sub

public sub Add(objUnknown)
if not rowAdded then
redim colRows(0)
redim preserve colRows(ubound(colRows) + 1)
end if
set colRows(ubound(colRows)) = objUnknown
rowAdded = true
set lastAddedRow = objUnknown
end sub

public sub Remove(objUnknown)
dim i
dim idx
idx = getItemIndex(objUnknown)
if idx <> -1 then
for i = idx to ubound(colRows) - 1
set colRows(i) = nothing
set colRows(i) = colRows(i + 1)
set colRows(ubound(colRows)) = nothing
redim preserve colRows(ubound(colRows) - 1)
end if
end sub

public sub removeAll
if not rowAdded then exit sub
dim i
for i = lbound(colRows) to ubound(colRows)
set colRows(i) = nothing
set lastAddedRow = nothing
redim colRows(-1)
rowAdded = false
end sub

private function getItemIndex(objUnknown)
dim i
if not rowAdded then
getItemIndex = -1
exit function
end if
for i = lbound(colRows) to ubound(colRows)
if objUnknown is colRows(i) then
getItemIndex = i
exit function
end if
getItemIndex = -1
end function

end class

sub initElement()
with element.currentStyle
hiBackgroundColor = .highlightBackgroundColor
hiBorderColor = .highlightBorderColor
sortNoneImageUrl = .sortNoneImageUrl
sortUpImageUrl = .sortUpImageUrl
sortDownImageUrl = .sortDownImageUrl
posUpImageUrl = .posUpImageUrl
posDownImageUrl = .posDownImageUrl
end with
Dim MytHead
Set MytHead = element.createTHead()
MytHead.appendChild element.rows(0)
set cSelectedRows = new clsSelectedRows
Set tHead = element.tHead

if tHead is nothing then exit sub
set tHeadRow = tHead.children(0)
if tHeadRow.tagName <> "TR" then exit sub
set tBody = element.tBodies(0)
if tBody is nothing then exit sub
setRowColors true
arrHitTest = initColumns
with element
.attachEvent "onmouseover", GetRef("elementOnMouseOver")
.attachEvent "onmouseout", GetRef("elementOnMouseOut")
.attachEvent "onmousedown", GetRef("elementOnMouseDown")
.attachEvent "onmousemove",GetRef("elementOnMouseMove")
.attachEvent "onclick", GetRef("elementOnClick")
.attachEvent "ondblclick", GetRef("elementOnDblClick")
.attachEvent "onselectstart", GetRef("elementOnSelect")
end with
window.document.attachEvent "onmouseup", GetRef("elementOnMouseUp")
end sub

sub cleanupElement
dim i
for i = lbound(arrHitTest) to ubound(arrHitTest)
arrHitTest(i).detachEvent "onmousedown", GetRef("elementHeadOnMouseDown")
set arrHitTest(i) = nothing
with element
.detachEvent "onmouseover", GetRef("elementOnMouseOver")
.detachEvent "onmouseout", GetRef("elementOnMouseOut")
.attachEvent "onmousedown", GetRef("elementOnMouseDown")
.detachEvent "onmousemove",GetRef("elementOnMouseMove")
.detachEvent "onclick", GetRef("elementOnClick")
.detachEvent "ondblclick", GetRef("elementOnDblClick")
.detachEvent "onselectstart", GetRef("elementOnSelect")
end with
window.document.detachEvent "onmouseup", GetRef("elementOnMouseUp")
set currentRow = nothing
if not objDragItem is nothing then objDragItem.removeNode true
set objDragItem = nothing
if not objDragToItem1 is nothing then objDragToItem1.removeNode true
set objDragToItem1 = nothing
if not objDragToItem2 is nothing then objDragToItem2.removeNode true
set objDragToItem2 = nothing
set cSelectedRows = nothing
end sub

sub initOffsets
dim el
offset_x = 0
offset_y = 0
set el = element
do while (not el is nothing)
offset_y = offset_y + el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop
offset_x = offset_x + el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft
set el = el.offsetParent
set el = nothing
end sub

sub initAdditionalElements
set objDragItem = document.createElement("DIV")
with objDragItem.style
.font = "menu"
.backgroundColor = "buttonshadow"
.cursor = "default"
.position = "absolute"
.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=45)"
.zIndex = 3001
.visibility = "hidden"
end with
window.document.body.insertAdjacentElement "afterBegin", objDragItem
set objDragToItem1 = document.createElement("DIV")
with objDragToItem1
.style.height = 9
.style.width = 9
.innerHTML = "<img src='" & posDownImageUrl & "'>"
.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"
.style.position = "absolute"
.style.zIndex = 3000
.style.visibility = "hidden"
end with
window.document.body.insertAdjacentElement "afterBegin", objDragToItem1
set objDragToItem2 = document.createElement("DIV")
with objDragToItem2
.style.height = 9
.style.width = 9
.innerHTML = "<img src='" & posUpImageUrl & "'>"
.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"
.style.position = "absolute"
.style.zIndex = 3000
.style.visibility = "hidden"
end with
window.document.body.insertAdjacentElement "afterBegin", objDragToItem2
end sub

sub elementHeadOnMouseDown
if not element.allowColOrder then exit sub
dim el
dim selIndex
set el = window.event.srcElement
do while (el.tagName <> "TD")
set el = el.parentElement
bDragMode = true
iDragCounter = 0
dragHeadIndex = getArrayIndex(el)
element.style.cursor = "default"
with objDragItem
.innerHTML = "<center>" & el.innerHTML & "</center>"
.style.color = el.currentStyle.color
.style.height = el.offsetHeight - 2
.style.width = el.offsetWidth - 2
end with
set el = nothing
end sub

sub elementHeadOnClick
if not element.allowSort then exit sub
dim el
dim selIndex
set el = window.event.srcElement
do while (el.tagName <> "TD")
set el = el.parentElement
if el.children(0).id <> "srtImg" then exit sub
selIndex = getArrayIndex(el)
if (selectedHeadIndex <> -1) then
arrHitTest(selectedHeadIndex).children(0).src = sortNoneImageUrl
end if
if cint(selectedHeadIndex) = cint(selIndex) then
if (currentSort = "DOWN") then
currentSort = "UP"
el.children(0).src = sortUpImageUrl
currentSort = "DOWN"
el.children(0).src = sortDownImageUrl
end if
currentSort = "DOWN"
el.children(0).src = sortDownImageUrl
end if
selectedHeadIndex = selIndex
sortTable selectedHeadIndex
set el = nothing
end sub

function elementOnSelect
with window.event
.cancelBubble = true
.returnValue = false
end with
elementOnSelect = false
end function

sub elementOnMouseOver
if not element.interactive then exit sub
dim el
if bDragMode then exit sub
set el = window.event.srcElement
do while (el.tagName <> "TR" and el.tagName <> "TABLE")
set el = el.parentElement
if (el.tagName <> "TR") then exit sub
'if (el.rowIndex > 0) and not cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(el) then hiliteRow el else hiliteRow nothing
if (el.rowIndex > 0) then hiliteRow el
set el = nothing
end sub

sub elementOnMouseOut
if not element.interactive then exit sub
hiliteRow nothing
end sub

sub elementOnMouseMove
if not element.allowColOrder then exit sub
dim cliX, cliY
if iDragCounter < 10 then
iDragCounter = iDragCounter + 1
exit sub
end if
if (bDragMode and not objDragItem is nothing) then
with window.event
cliX = .clientX
cliY = .clientY
.cancelBubble = false
.returnValue = false
end with
with objDragItem
if (.style.visibility = "hidden") then .style.visibility = "visible"
.style.posLeft = cliX - (.offsetWidth / 2)
.style.posTop = cliY - (.offsetHeight - 3)
end with
dragHeadHitIndex = hitTest(cliX, cliY)
end if
end sub

sub elementOnMouseDown
if not currentRow is nothing then
setRowStyle currentRow, "windowtext", "#98B5E2", "#316AC5"
end if
end sub

sub elementOnMouseUp
if not element.allowColOrder then exit sub
if not bDragMode then exit sub
bDragMode = false
objDragItem.style.visibility = "hidden"
objDragToItem1.style.visibility = "hidden"
objDragToItem2.style.visibility = "hidden"
element.style.cursor = "default"
if dragHeadHitIndex <> -1 then moveCols dragHeadIndex, dragHeadHitIndex
lastHeadIndex = -1
dragHeadHitIndex = -1
end sub

sub elementOnClick
if not element.interactive then exit sub
dim el, i, tElement
set el = window.event.srcElement
do while (el.tagName <> "TR" and el.tagName <> "TABLE")
set el = el.parentElement
if (el.tagName <> "TR") then exit sub
if (el.rowIndex = 0) then exit sub
if window.event.shiftKey then
dim lastRow
set lastRow = cSelectedRows.lastAddedRow
if not lastRow is nothing then
dim sIndex, lIndex
sIndex = el.rowIndex
lIndex = lastRow.rowIndex
if sIndex > lIndex then
for i = lIndex + 1 to sIndex
setRowStyle tBody.children(i - 1), "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
if not cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(tBody.children(i - 1)) then cSelectedRows.Add tBody.children(i - 1)
for i = lIndex - 1 to sIndex step -1
setRowStyle tBody.children(i - 1), "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
if not cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(tBody.children(i - 1)) then cSelectedRows.Add tBody.children(i - 1)
end if
set lastRow = nothing
set currentRow = nothing
cSelectedRows.AddSingle el
setRowStyle el, "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
set currentRow = nothing
end if
elseif window.event.ctrlKey then
if cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(el) then
cSelectedRows.Remove el
setRowStyle el, "windowtext", el.style.backgroundColor, el.style.backgroundColor
hiliteRow el
cSelectedRows.Add el
setRowStyle el, "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
set currentRow = nothing
end if
if cSelectedRows.Count > 0 then
for i = 0 to cSelectedRows.Count - 1
set tElement = cSelectedRows.SelectedRow(i)
setRowStyle tElement, "windowtext", tElement.style.backgroundColor, el.style.backgroundColor
set tElement = nothing
end if
cSelectedRows.AddSingle el
setRowStyle el, "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
set currentRow = nothing
end if
selectedCount = cSelectedRows.Count
set el = nothing
end sub

sub elementOnDblClick
dim el, i, tElement
set el = window.event.srcElement
do while (el.tagName <> "TR" and el.tagName <> "TABLE")
set el = el.parentElement
if (el.tagName <> "TR") then exit sub
if (el.rowIndex = 0) then exit sub
if not element.interactive then exit sub
end sub

function selectRow(el)
dim i
dim tElement
if cSelectedRows.Count > 0 then
for i = 0 to cSelectedRows.Count - 1
set tElement = cSelectedRows.SelectedRow(i)
setRowStyle tElement, "windowtext", tElement.style.backgroundColor, el.style.backgroundColor
set tElement = nothing
end if
cSelectedRows.AddSingle el
setRowStyle el, "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
set currentRow = nothing
selectedCount = cSelectedRows.Count
end function

function getRow(id)
set getRow = cSelectedRows.SelectedRow(id)
end function

function hideNonSelectedRows
dim i
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
if not cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(tBody.children(i)) then
tBody.children(i).style.display = "none"
end if
end function

function showNonSelectedRows
dim i
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
if not cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(tBody.children(i)) then
tBody.children(i).style.display = ""
end if
end function

function selectAll
dim i
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
cSelectedRows.Add tBody.children(i)
setRowStyle tBody.children(i), "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
end function

function clearAll
end function

function resetList
setRowColors true
selectedCount = 0
end function

sub setTableBorder
with element
.border = "1px"
.rules = "rows"
.borderColor = "window"
select case .borderStyle
case 0
.style.border = ""
posOffSet = 4
case 1
.style.border = "1 solid black"
posOffSet = 5
case 2
.style.borderLeft = "1 buttonshadow solid"
.style.borderTop = "1 buttonshadow solid"
.style.borderBottom = "1 buttonhighlight solid"
.style.borderRight = "1 buttonhighlight solid"
posOffSet = 5
case 3
.style.border = "2 inset window"
posOffSet = 6
end select
end with
end sub

sub setRowColors(bInit)
dim i, c
c = -1
if altRowColor <> "" then
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
with tBody.children(i)
if .style.display <> "none" then
c = c + 1
end if
if ((c\2) * 2) = c then
.borderColor = altRowColor
.style.backgroundColor = altRowColor
.borderColor = "window"
.style.backgroundColor = "window"
end if
setRowStyle tBody.children(i), "windowtext", .style.backgroundColor, .style.backgroundColor
if not bInit then
if cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(tBody.children(i)) then
setRowStyle tBody.children(i), "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
end if
end if
end with
end if
end sub

function initColumns
dim i
dim tArray()
dim imgElement
colCount = tHeadRow.children.length
redim tArray(colCount - 1)
for i = 0 to colCount - 1
with tHeadRow.children(i)
if .children.length = 0 then
set imgElement = document.createElement("IMG")
with imgElement
.src = sortNoneImageUrl
.id = "srtImg"
.width = 25
.height = 11
end with
if element.allowSort then .insertAdjacentElement "beforeEnd", imgElement
set imgElement = nothing
.children(0).style.cursor = "default"
end if
.attachEvent "onmousedown", GetRef("elementHeadOnMouseDown")
.attachEvent "onclick", GetRef("elementHeadOnClick")
end with
set tArray(i) = tHeadRow.children(i)
initColumns = tArray
end function

sub hiliteRow(el)
if not currentRow is nothing then
if cSelectedRows.QuerySelected(currentRow) then
setRowStyle currentRow, "highlighttext", "highlight", "highlight"
setRowStyle currentRow, "windowtext", currentRow.style.backgroundColor, currentRow.style.backgroundColor
end if
end if
if not el is nothing then setRowStyle el, "windowtext", hiBackgroundColor, hiBorderColor
set currentRow = el
end sub

sub setRowStyle(objUnknown, fontColor, bgColor, borderColor)
with objUnknown
.borderColor = borderColor
with .runtimeStyle
.color = fontColor
.backgroundColor = bgColor
end with
end with
end sub

sub hiliteHeader(headIndex)
dim o1Style, o2Style
if (headIndex = lastHeadIndex) then exit sub
set o1Style = objDragToItem1.style
set o2Style = objDragToItem2.style
if (headIndex = -1) then
if o1Style.visibility <> "hidden" then o1Style.visibility = "hidden"
if o2Style.visibility <> "hidden" then o2Style.visibility = "hidden"
if ie6 then
if element.style.cursor <> "no-drop" then element.style.cursor = "no-drop"
end if
lastHeadIndex = -1
set o1Style = nothing
set o2Style = nothing
exit sub
end if
if element.style.cursor <> "default" then element.style.cursor = "default"
if headIndex > ubound(arrHitTest) - 1 then
o1Style.posTop = offset_y - o1Style.posHeight
o1Style.posLeft = arrHitTest(headIndex - 1).offsetLeft + arrHitTest(headIndex - 1).offsetWidth - posOffSet + offset_x
o1Style.posTop = offset_y - o1Style.posHeight
o1Style.posLeft = arrHitTest(headIndex).offsetLeft - posOffSet + offset_x
end if
o2Style.posTop = arrHitTest(0).offsetHeight + offset_y
o2Style.posLeft = o1Style.posLeft
if o1Style.visibility <> "visible" then o1Style.visibility = "visible"
if o2Style.visibility <> "visible" then o2Style.visibility = "visible"
lastHeadIndex = headIndex
set o1Style = nothing
set o2Style = nothing
end sub

sub sortTable(iCol)
dim i, s
dim strRowCurrent, strRowInsert
dim bReverse
bReverse = (currentSort = "UP")
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
strRowInsert = lcase(tBody.children(i).children(iCol).innerText)
if isdate(strRowInsert) then strRowInsert = cdate(strRowInsert)
for s = 0 to i
strRowCurrent = lcase(tBody.children(s).children(iCol).innerText)
if isdate(strRowCurrent) then strRowCurrent = cdate(strRowCurrent)
if (((not bReverse and strRowInsert < strRowCurrent) or _
(bReverse and strRowInsert > strRowCurrent)) and _
(i <> s)) then
tBody.insertBefore tBody.children(i), tBody.children(s)
exit for
end if
setRowColors false
end sub

sub moveCols(fCol, tCol)
dim i
dim elTextSave
if fCol = tCol then exit sub
if selectedHeadIndex <> -1 then elTextSave = arrHitTest(selectedHeadIndex).innerText
moveHeaderCols cint(fCol), cint(tCol)
for i = 0 to tBody.rows.length - 1
moveBodyCols i, cint(fCol), cint(tCol)
for i = lbound(arrHitTest) to ubound(arrHitTest)
set arrHitTest(i) = nothing
set arrHitTest(i) = tHeadRow.children(i)
if not elTextSave = "" then
if elTextSave = arrHitTest(i).innerText then
selectedHeadIndex = i
elTextSave = ""
end if
end if
end sub

sub moveHeaderCols(fCol, tCol)
dim i, nCol, dCol
dim saveHTML, saveWidth
if fCol > tCol then
dCol = -1
nCol = fCol - tCol
dCol = 1
nCol = tCol - fCol
end if
saveHTML = tHeadRow.children(fCol).innerHTML
saveWidth = tHeadRow.children(fCol).width
for i = 0 to nCol - 1
tHeadRow.children(fCol).innerHTML = tHeadRow.children(fCol + dCol).innerHTML
tHeadRow.children(fCol).width = tHeadRow.children(fCol + dCol).width
fCol = fCol + dCol
tHeadRow.children(tCol).innerHTML = saveHTML
tHeadRow.children(tCol).width = saveWidth
end sub

sub moveBodyCols(iRow, fCol, tCol)
dim i, nCol, dCol
dim saveHTML
if fCol > tCol then
dCol = -1
nCol = fCol - tCol
dCol = 1
nCol = tCol - fCol
end if
saveHTML = tBody.children(iRow).children(fCol).innerHTML
for i = 0 to nCol - 1
tBody.children(iRow).children(fCol).innerHTML = tBody.children(iRow).children(fCol + dCol).innerHTML
fCol = fCol + dCol
tBody.children(iRow).children(tCol).innerHTML = saveHTML
end sub

function hitTest(x, y)
dim i, iHit
if y - offset_y > (arrHitTest(0).offsetTop + ((arrHitTest(0).offsetHeight - 3) * 2)) or y - offset_y < arrHitTest(0).offsetTop - 3 then
hiliteHeader -1
hitTest = -1
exit function
end if
for i = 0 to colCount - 1
if x - offset_x > arrHitTest(i).offsetLeft and x - offset_x < arrHitTest(i).offsetLeft + arrHitTest(i).offsetWidth then
if x - offset_x <= arrHitTest(i).offsetLeft + (arrHitTest(i).offsetWidth \ 2) then
hiliteHeader i
if dragHeadIndex > i then
iHit = i
elseif dragHeadIndex = i then
iHit = i
elseif dragHeadIndex < i then
iHit = i - 1
end if
elseif x - offset_x => arrHitTest(i).offsetLeft + (arrHitTest(i).offsetWidth \ 2) then
hiliteHeader i + 1
if dragHeadIndex > i then
iHit = i + 1
elseif dragHeadIndex = i then
iHit = i
elseif dragHeadIndex < i then
iHit = i
end if
end if
if iHit < lbound(arrHitTest) then iHit = lbound(arrHitTest)
if iHit > ubound(arrHitTest) then iHit = ubound(arrHitTest)
hitTest = iHit
exit function
end if
hitTest = -1
end function

function getArrayIndex(el)
dim i
for i = lbound(arrHitTest) to ubound(arrHitTest)
if (el is arrHitTest(i)) then
getArrayIndex = i
exit function
end if
getArrayIndex = -1
end function



DragableXPStyleTable.aspx 的文件如下:
<%@ Page Language="VB" EnableViewState = "false"%>
<%@ import namespace="System" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Web.UI" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Xml" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Public nColumn As Int32 = 0
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim _dsContacts As DataSet
' 装载XML数据原,注意:这里与数据原类型没有关系,换成数据库也是适用的
_dsContacts = New DataSet()
Dim dcPk As DataColumn() = {_dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns("Email")}
_dsContacts.Tables("Contact").PrimaryKey = dcPk
nColumn = _dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns.Count
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
' 只在页面首次请求时才进行数据绑定
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(_dsContacts.Tables("Contact"))
dv.Sort = "Name"
xpTable.DataSource = dv
End If
End Sub
Sub MyTable_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As DataGridItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType=ListItemType.Header Then
Dim i As Int32
For i = 0 To nColumn - 1
End If
If e.Item.ItemIndex <> -1 Then
End If
End Sub
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0">
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2313">
<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" Content="VB">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="xpTable.css">
<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="VbScript">
<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">
<div align="center" style="padding:20px"><b>DataGrid拖动列、排序和XP风格的例子,放在aspx运行目录下即可直接运行。</b></div>
<div style="width: 90%;">
<form id="idbSample" method="post" runat="server">
<asp:DataGrid id="xpTable" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="True" Cellpadding = "2" BorderWidth="0"
OnItemCreated="MyTable_ItemCreated" class="xpTable" altRowColor="oldlace" BorderStyle="None" STYLE="border-collapse:separate">
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" HorizontalAlign="center"></HeaderStyle>
<%@ import namespace="System" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Web.UI" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Xml" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Public nColumn As Int32 = 0
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim _dsContacts As DataSet
' 装载XML数据原,注意:这里与数据原类型没有关系,换成数据库也是适用的
_dsContacts = New DataSet()
Dim dcPk As DataColumn() = {_dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns("Email")}
_dsContacts.Tables("Contact").PrimaryKey = dcPk
nColumn = _dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns.Count
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
' 只在页面首次请求时才进行数据绑定
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(_dsContacts.Tables("Contact"))
dv.Sort = "Name"
xpTable.DataSource = dv
End If
End Sub
Sub MyTable_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As DataGridItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType=ListItemType.Header Then
Dim i As Int32
For i = 0 To nColumn - 1
End If
If e.Item.ItemIndex <> -1 Then
End If
End Sub
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<div align="center" style="padding:20px"><b>DataGrid拖动列、排序和XP风格的例子,放在aspx运行目录下即可直接运行。</b></div>
<div style="width: 90%;">
<form id="idbSample" method="post" runat="server">
<asp:DataGrid id="xpTable" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="True" Cellpadding = "2" BorderWidth="0"
OnItemCreated="MyTable_ItemCreated" class="xpTable" altRowColor="oldlace" BorderStyle="None" STYLE="border-collapse:separate">
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mxh.xml 的文件如下:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
xpTable.css 的文件如下:
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font: menu;
highlightBackgroundColor: #C1D2EE;
highlightBorderColor: #316AC5;
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.xpTable THEAD TD
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xpTable.htc 的文件如下:

作者: XuGang 网名:钢钢 |
出处: http://xugang.cnblogs.com |
声明: 本文版权归作者和博客园共有。转载时必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接地址! |
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