2. Systemization, taxonomy and test programs fuzzing目前包含很多方面的东西,如: dynamic symbolic execution grammar-based test case generation persmission testing b 阅读全文
1. Intro Why machine learning tech can be used for fuzzing? Which steps in the fuzzing have used machine learning tech? Which machine learning algo ha 阅读全文
2 Overview of Fuzzing Generation-based fuzzer Peach, Sulley Evolutionary Fuzzers honggfuzz, AFL, libFuzzer Mutation-based fuzzers where to mutate what 阅读全文
Grammar-based Peach SPIKE Sulley Model-based 一般总是试着生成最少数目的tests covering Whitebox Fuzzing SAGE, KLEE, S2E, Symbolic PathFinder Portfolio 并行fuzzers Spr 阅读全文