Paper Reading: SoK: Data Sovereignty


去中⼼化⾝份 去中⼼化访问控制 符合政策的去中⼼化计算((i) decentralized identity, (ii) decentralized access control (iii) policy-compliant decentralized computation)

1. Intro


Verifiable Registry A verifiable registry is an append-only data structure that is collaboratively maintained by a network of mutually distrustful parties. The verifiable registry represents a digital bulletin board, whosecurrent state is publicly verifiable and agreed upon bya set of validator nodes through a consensus algorithm.In the remainder of this work, we consider the verifiable registry to be a distributed ledger L, as it constitutes the most commonly used data structure that fulfills the need for a verifiable registry [7]. Unless otherwise stated, we consider a permissionless distributed ledger where users can join and leave at any given point in time.

posted @ 2024-01-16 22:00  雪溯  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报