Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided Fuzz Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks


本文: DeepHunter
Task: Fuzzing Deep Learning Models

  1. Metamorphic mutation to generate new semantically preserved tests
  2. use multiple plugable coverage criteria as feedback to guide the test generation
  3. maintains multiple tests in a batch
  4. prioritizes the test selection based on active feedback

datasets: MNIST(LeNet-1, LeNet-4, LeNet-5), CIFAR-10(ResNet-20, VGG-16), ImageNet(MobileNet, ResNet-50)
Feedback criteria:

  1. Neuron Cov. (NC) The ratio of activated neurons;
  2. K-multisec. Neu. Cov. (KMNC) The ratio of covered k-multisections of neurons;
  3. Neuron Bound. Cov. (NBC) The ratio of covered boundary region of neurons;
  4. Strong Neuron Act. Cov. (SNAC) The ratio of covered hyperactive boundary region;
  5. Top-k Neu. Cov. (TKNC) The ratio of neurons in top-k hyperactived state;
  6. Bottom-k Neu. Cov. (BKNC) The ratio of neurons in top-k hypoactived


  1. 证明可以增加coverage
  2. 能生成useful tests
  3. 能为platform migration准确capture potential defects
posted @ 2023-08-06 20:34  雪溯  阅读(21)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报