Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Regression Fuzzing for Deep Learning Systems


Task: find the regression faults between versions of a DL system

  1. a diversity-oriented test criterion to explore as many faulty behaviors as possible(⼀种⾯向多样性的测试标准来探索尽可能多的错误⾏为).
  2. 基于GAN的fidelity保证机制

数据集:四个回归场景(补充训练、对抗训练、模型修复和模型剪枝)中的四个主题(MNIST LeNet-5, CIFAR10 VGG16, Fashion-MNIST AlexNet, SVHN ResNet18)
竞争对象:DiffChaser, DeepHunter
效果:在检测到的回归错误数量⽅⾯平均提⾼了 1,177% 和 539%。

III. Approach

B. GAN-based Fidelity Assurance

It is also important to ensure the fidelity of fault-triggering test inputs since it is easy for test inputs with low fidelity to fool a DL system but are not concerned by developers due to being out of the scope of the DL system [20]. Therefore, test inputs with high fidelity are more meaningful for regression fuzzing in practice.

C. Heuristic-based Regression Fuzzing Process


posted @ 2023-08-06 20:31  雪溯  阅读(15)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报