Proj CMI Paper Reading: Control-Flow Integrity: Precision, Security, and Performance


背景:Control-flow hijacking控制流劫持攻击利⽤内存损坏漏洞->基于Control-Flow Integrity(CFI)的防御

  1. 使⽤统⼀命名法⽐较了⼴泛的 CFI 机制,进行了以下比较:
  2. 概念安全保证的定性讨论(a qualitative discussion of the conceptual security guarantees)
  3. 定量安全评估(quantitative security evaluation)
  4. 相同测试环境下的性能评估
  5. 对每种机制,评估:
  6. 受保护的控制流传输类型(protected types of control-flow transfers)
  7. 前向和后向边缘保护的精度the precision of the protection for forward and backward edges
  8. 如果是开源编译器, 生成的等价类和目标集the generated equivalence classes and target sets
  9. 如果是开源编译器, 运行时性能the runtime performance
posted @ 2022-06-01 11:17  雪溯  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报