Proj FuzzViz Paper Reading: CorpusVis – Visualizing Software Metrics at Scale


目标: Java程序
任务:a widgetbased application to explore software metrics of Java software systems from the Qualitas Corpus.( Qualitas 语料库)
实验:31 位软件开发⼈员的用户研究

1. Intro

软件指标衡量软件的属性,例如代码行数或⽅法数 [7]。软件度量⽤于确定有效性

Req1: The application needs to support the composite viewing of more than one visualization at any given time to allow comparison.
Req2: The application must support the ability to change between systems, and system versions.
Req3: The user must be able to change the layout and visualizations.

posted @ 2022-02-16 21:13  雪溯  阅读(29)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报