Proj FuzzViz Paper Reading: VisIt An End-User Tool for Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data


本文: VisIt
围绕三个重点发展:(1) ⽀持数据理解,(2) 对超⼤数据的可扩展⽀持,以及 (3) 为最终⽤⼾提供强⼤且可⽤的产品

VisIt 因其在理解⼤型数据集⽅⾯的能力⽽获得了 2005 年 R&D 100 奖。它已被下载数⼗万次,并在世界各地使⽤。



  1. 视觉探索
  2. 调试
  3. 定量分析
  4. 对比分析
  5. 交流


processing modes: multiresolution processing, in situ processing, and out-of-core processing

data is left on the parallel server, each MPI task renders its own piece, and the resulting subimages are composited together.

posted @ 2022-02-16 20:18  雪溯  阅读(24)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报