Proj THUDBFuzz Paper Reading: 南京大学软件分析课程2020, 15 Soundiness

Soundness & Soundiness

Soundness: the analysis captures all program behaviors, or the analysis result models all possible executions of the program

• A sound analysis requires to capture all dynamic behaviors
• A soundy analysis aims to capture all dynamic behaviors with certain hard language features unsoundly handled within reason
• An unsound analysis deliberately ignores certain behaviors in its design for better efficiency, precision or accessibility

Hard Language Feature: Java Reflection

方法1: String Constant analysis + Pointer Analysis


方法2: Type Inference + String analysis + Pointer Analysis

用reflective target method参数确定具体调用的方法和类。


Taming reflection: Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders

Hard Language Feature: Native Code

Native Code允许java代码调用非java代码,一般通过Java Native Interface执行来与c/c++进行交互。
对重要的native code手动建模。例如,对经常调用的arraycopy()函数进行建模,建模后就是一个拷贝循环,但从指针分析角度来讲,看到这个循环,我们就把数组指针进行传递。

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