Microsoft Press ebook--Programming Windows Phone 7

《Programming_Windows_Phone_7》是Charles Petzold 2010年最新的Windows Phone 7书籍,介绍Windows Phone 7 Series的Silverlight和XNA开发。

Charles Petzold 是谁?

Charles Petzold 是Windows编程界一位大师,世界顶级技术作家。1994年5月,Petzold作为仅有的七个人之一(并且是唯一的作家)被《Window Magazine》和Microsoft公司授予Windows Pioneer奖,以表彰他对 Microsoft Windows的成功做出的贡献。Charles Petzold从1984年开始编写个人计算机程序,从1985年开始编写 Microsoft Windows程序。他在《Microsoft Systems Joumal》1986年 12月号上发表了第一篇关于Windows程序设计的杂志论文。从1986年到1995年,他为《PC Magazine》撰写"Environments"专栏,给读者介绍了Windows和OS/2程序设计的许多方面。 直到今天他依然维持 Windows GDI 程序设计首席技术作家的地位。其大作:《Windows程序设计》是尽人皆知的Win32 API编程经典,也称为"Petzold Book",学习Win32 API编程的人几乎都从这本书入手。



Part I    The Basics

Part II    Silverlight

Part III    XNA




This book is a gift from the Windows Phone 7 team at Microsoft to the programming community, and I am proud to have been a part of it. Within the pages that follow, I show you the basics of writing applications for Windows Phone 7 using the C# programming language with the Silverlight and XNA 2D frameworks.
Yes, Programming Windows Phone 7 is truly a free download, but for those readers who still love paper—as I certainly do—this book will also be available (for sale) divided into two fully-indexed print editions: Microsoft Silverlight Programming for Windows Phone 7 and Microsoft XNA Framework Programming for Windows Phone 7.
With the money you've saved downloading this book, please buy other books. Despite the plethora of information available online, books are still the best way to learn about programming within a coherent and cohesive tutorial narrative. Every book sale brings a tear of joy to an author's eye, so please help make them weep overflowing rivers.
In particular, you might want to buy other books to supplement the material in this book. For example, I barely mention Web services in this book, and that's a serious deficiency because Web services are likely to become increasingly important in Windows Phone 7 applications. My coverage of XNA is limited to 2D graphics and while I hope to add several 3D chapters in the next edition of this book, I don't really get into the whole Xbox LIVE community aspect of game development. Nor do I discuss any programming tools beyond Visual Studio—not even Expression Blend.
My publisher Microsoft Press has a couple additional Windows Phone 7 books coming soon: Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Development Step by Step by Andy Wigley & Peter Foot offers a more tools-oriented approach. Although Michael Stroh's Windows Phone 7 Plain & Simple is a guide to using the phone rather than developing for it, I suspect it will give developers some insights and ideas.
Moreover, I also hear that my old friend Doug Boling is working hard on a Windows Phone 7 enterprise-programming book that is likely to be considered his masterpiece. Be sure to check out that one.



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PDF : Programming Windows Phone 7



posted @ 2010-11-16 15:03  Xuesong  阅读(480)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报