Increase CTR
Increase CTR
Remember the general principles for ad placement:
1. Higher placement is better than lower and left is better than right.
2. To wrap text around ad units, copy and paste the following code into the HTML of your website.
<div style="display:block;float:left;margin: 5px;">
Insert your AdSense code here
If you change “float:left” to “float:right”, then the ad unit will move to the right.
Ad Placement
Remember the general principles for ad placement:
1. Higher placement is better than lower and left is better than right.
2. To wrap text around ad units, copy and paste the following code into the HTML of your website.
<div style="display:block;float:left;margin: 5px;">
Insert your AdSense code here
If you change “float:left” to “float:right”, then the ad unit will move to the right.
posted on 2011-03-08 17:23 xueliangliu 阅读(144) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报