用xcode+phonegap 开发ios手机应用的时候,xcode会缓存文件,每次更新文件,重新编译时新更新的功能,并未不能使用。这时应当在编译之前,先product->clean一下,让后再编译执行。新功能可以使用了。 阅读全文
Yes, withdiredmode, you can:C-x dRto rename the file (ordired-do-rename).C-x k RETto go back to the (renamed) bufferThe rename is equivalent to a shellmv, but will also update any open buffers.C-x d 进入dired mode选择需要重命名的文件,按R进行重命名C-x k 删除重命名的缓存,完成重命名。原文链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/384284/can 阅读全文
"jQuery Mobile does not pull the whole page into the dom, it grabs thefirstdata-role="page"element and its descendants and pulls that into the current dom.So any scripts in the<head>of the document will not be included.I generally put all the functional JavaScript for my site on 阅读全文