# 1.爬取首页数据,解析获取视频的详情链接
# 2.遍历每一个详情链接,并访问
# 3.从详情页面解析得到需要的数据 (视频链接,标题,详情,时间,收藏次数)
import requests import re import os from threading import Thread from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor base_url = "https://www.pearvideo.com/" def get_index(): res = requests.get(base_url,headers={ "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36", "referer": "https: // www.baidu.com / link?url = fUq54ztdrrLaIUXa - p6B9tuWXC3byFJCyBKuvuJ_qsPw8QLrWIfekFKGgmhqITyF & wd = & eqid = c5366da10000199a000000025c45768a" }) return res.text def parser_index(text): urls = re.findall('<a href="(.*?)" class="vervideo-lilink actplay">',text) urls = [base_url + i for i in urls] # print(urls) return urls def get_details(url): res = requests.get(url) print(res.status_code) return res.text def parser_details(text): # 视频的地址 video_url = re.search(r'srcUrl="(.*?\.mp4)"',text).group(1) # 标题 title = re.search('<h1 class="video-tt">(.*?)</h1>',text).group(1) # 详情 content = re.search('<div class="summary">(.*?)</div>',text).group(1) # 时间 date = re.search('<div class="date">(.*?)</div>', text).group(1) # 点赞数量 count = re.search('<div class="fav" data-id=".*?">(.*?)</div>', text).group(1) return {"video_url":video_url,"title":title,"content":content,"date":date,"count":count} def download_video(url,title): data = requests.get(url) if not os.path.exists("videos"): os.makedirs("videos") filename = os.path.join("videos",title)+".mp4" filename = filename.replace(":","_") with open(filename,"wb") as f: f.write(data.content) print("%s download finished!" % title) if __name__ == '__main__': pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) data = get_index() urls = parser_index(data) for i in urls: t = get_details(i) dic = parser_details(t) # Thread(target=download_video,args=(dic["video_url"],dic["title"])).start() pool.submit(download_video,dic["video_url"],dic["title"]) print("submit task",dic["title"]) print("submit finished") # reqType=5 固定 # categoryId 分类id # start 从第几个开始
# 1.爬取首页数据,解析获取视频的详情链接# 2.遍历每一个详情链接,并访问# 3.从详情页面解析得到需要的数据 (视频链接,标题,详情,时间,收藏次数)
import requestsimport reimport osfrom threading import Threadfrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
base_url = "https://www.pearvideo.com/"
def get_index(): res = requests.get(base_url,headers={ "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36", "referer": "https: // www.baidu.com / link?url = fUq54ztdrrLaIUXa - p6B9tuWXC3byFJCyBKuvuJ_qsPw8QLrWIfekFKGgmhqITyF & wd = & eqid = c5366da10000199a000000025c45768a" }) return res.text
def parser_index(text): urls = re.findall('<a href="(.*?)" class="vervideo-lilink actplay">',text) urls = [base_url + i for i in urls] # print(urls) return urls
def get_details(url): res = requests.get(url) print(res.status_code) return res.text
def parser_details(text): # 视频的地址 video_url = re.search(r'srcUrl="(.*?\.mp4)"',text).group(1) # 标题 title = re.search('<h1 class="video-tt">(.*?)</h1>',text).group(1) # 详情 content = re.search('<div class="summary">(.*?)</div>',text).group(1) # 时间 date = re.search('<div class="date">(.*?)</div>', text).group(1) # 点赞数量 count = re.search('<div class="fav" data-id=".*?">(.*?)</div>', text).group(1)
return {"video_url":video_url,"title":title,"content":content,"date":date,"count":count}
def download_video(url,title): data = requests.get(url)
if not os.path.exists("videos"): os.makedirs("videos") filename = os.path.join("videos",title)+".mp4" filename = filename.replace(":","_")
with open(filename,"wb") as f: f.write(data.content) print("%s download finished!" % title)
if __name__ == '__main__': pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) data = get_index() urls = parser_index(data) for i in urls: t = get_details(i) dic = parser_details(t) # Thread(target=download_video,args=(dic["video_url"],dic["title"])).start() pool.submit(download_video,dic["video_url"],dic["title"]) print("submit task",dic["title"])
print("submit finished")
# reqType=5 固定# categoryId 分类id# start 从第几个开始