jeecg datagraid 分页查询速度优化备份
@RequestMapping(params = "datagridsbgf") public void datagridsbgf(LdcCommonStateEntity ldcCommonState, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, DataGrid dataGrid) { CriteriaQuery cq = new CriteriaQuery(LdcCommonStateEntity.class, dataGrid); //查询条件组装器 org.jeecgframework.core.extend.hqlsearch.HqlGenerateUtil.installHql(cq, ldcCommonState, request.getParameterMap()); cq.add(); //分页 int row = dataGrid.getRows(); int page = dataGrid.getPage(); int firstRow = row*(page-1); int endrow=row+firstRow; StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); String sysOrgCode = request.getParameter("sysOrgCode"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sysOrgCode)) { where.append(" and d.sys_Org_Code like '"+sysOrgCode+"%'"); } // 当核注清单回执和数据订阅回执会插入大量数据到state_comment字段中,这边过滤state_operator !='系统'不然会报错 where.append(" and state_operator !='系统' "); TSUser user = ResourceUtil.getSessionUser(); //2.获取用户的角色 List<TSRoleUser> rUsers1 = systemService.findByProperty(TSRoleUser.class, "", user.getId()); boolean isture=true; for (TSRoleUser ru : rUsers1) { System.out.println(ru.getTSRole().getRoleName()); if(ru.getTSRole().getRoleName().equals("通富管理员")||ru.getTSRole().getRoleName().equals("管理员")){ isture=false; } } if(isture){ String orgcode=jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(" select ORG_CODE from T_S_DEPART where ID=?", String.class,user.getDepartid()) ; where.append(" and d.sys_Org_Code like '"+orgcode+"%'"); } // 报关单号 String entryid1 = request.getParameter("entryid1"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entryid1)) { where.append(" and entry_id like '%"+entryid1+"%'"); } // 业务编号 String clientno = request.getParameter("clientno"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(clientno)) { where.append(" and d.client_no like '%"+clientno+"%'"); } // 申报日期开始 String declarationDataBegin = request.getParameter("declarationData_begin"); // 申报日期结束 String declarationDataEnd = request.getParameter("declarationData_end"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(declarationDataBegin)) { where.append(" and d.declaration_data >= '"+declarationDataBegin+"'"); } if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(declarationDataEnd)) { StringBuffer plsb = new StringBuffer(declarationDataEnd); plsb.append(" 23:59:59"); where.append(" and d.declaration_data <= '"+plsb.toString()+"'"); } // 进口/出口 String ieFlag = request.getParameter("ieFlag"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ieFlag)) { where.append(" and d.ieFlag like '%"+ieFlag+"%'"); } // 操作 String state = request.getParameter("state"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(state)) { where.append(" and to_char(state_comment) like '%"+state+"%'"); }else{ where.append(" and (to_char(state_comment) like '%审核通过%' or to_char(state_comment) like '%审核不通过%') "); } /*String sql ="SELECT,entry_id as entryId,d.client_no as clientNo,d.bill_no as billNo,d.voy_no as voyNo,d.declaration_data as declarationData," + "d.ieFlag,lcs.state_pname as statePname,lcs.state_comment as stateComment,lcs.state_operator as stateOperator,lcs.state_time as stateTime,lcs.state_pid as statePid " + " FROM ldc_common_state lcs LEFT JOIN dec_main d ON = lcs.state_fid " + " where is not null and lcs.state_pid is not null "+where.toString()+" and rownum>= "+firstRow+" and rownum<="+firstRow+row; */ String sql="SELECT sysOrgCode,ID, entryId, clientNo, billNo, voyNo, declarationData, ieFlag, statePname, stateComment, stateOperator, stateTime, statePid, rn from( SELECT D.sys_Org_Code as sysOrgCode,D.ID, entry_id AS entryId, D.client_no AS clientNo, D.bill_no AS billNo, D.voy_no AS voyNo, D.declaration_data AS declarationData, D.ieFlag, lcs.state_pname AS statePname, lcs.state_comment AS stateComment, lcs.state_operator AS stateOperator, lcs.state_time AS stateTime, lcs.state_pid AS statePid, rownum rn FROM ldc_common_state lcs LEFT JOIN dec_main D ON D.ID = lcs.state_fid WHERE D.ID IS NOT NULL AND lcs.state_pid IS NOT NULL " +where.toString()+"and rownum" + " <= "+endrow+" ) where rn > "+firstRow; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); // 节点名通过state_pid取重新查找,进度情况包含操作和备注,需要拆分 for (Map map2 : list) { // 节点名 String pid = (String) map2.get("statePid"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(pid)) { String num = "Select count(*) from ldc_common_state where id = '"+pid+"' "; num = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(num, String.class); if("1".equals(num)) { String statePname = "Select state_pname as statePname from ldc_common_state where id = '"+pid+"' "; statePname = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(statePname, String.class); map2.put("statePname", statePname); } } // 操作和备注+++++状态放在第一行,审核不通过为Y其他都为N String stateComment = (String) map2.get("stateComment"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(stateComment)) { if(stateComment.contains("_")) { String[] stateComments = stateComment.split("_"); // 获取第一个_之前的字符串 map2.put("state", stateComments[0]); // 获取第一个_之后的字符串 map2.put("comment", stateComment.substring(stateComment.indexOf("_")+1)); if(stateComments[0].equals("审核不通过")) { map2.put("zhuangtai", "N"); }else { map2.put("zhuangtai", "Y"); } }else { map2.put("state", stateComment); if(stateComment.equals("审核不通过")) { map2.put("zhuangtai", "N"); }else { map2.put("zhuangtai", "Y"); } } } } String sql1 = "SELECT count(*) " + " FROM ldc_common_state lcs LEFT JOIN dec_main d ON = lcs.state_fid " + " where is not null and lcs.state_pid is not null "+where.toString(); int count= jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql1, Integer.class); dataGrid.setTotal(count); dataGrid.setResults(list); TagUtil.datagrid(response, dataGrid); }