
divise 发明  设计

divice 装置


divise 为什么会是发明 设计的意思呢?

首先 divise 来自  divide

divide  dis = de =apart 分开  vide 看 分开看 divide分离,分割等

divise 原先的意思是反复的分离,分割

现代意思是  把分离的东西重新组织起来,也就是 发明,设计。

dis- Look up dis- at Dictionary.com(assimilated as dif- before -f-, to di- before most voiced consonants), word-forming element meaning 1. "lack of, not" (e.g. dishonest); 2. "do the opposite of" (e.g. disallow); 3. "apart, away" (e.g. discard), from Old French des- or directly from Latin dis- "apart, in a different direction, between," figuratively "not, un-," also "exceedingly, utterly," from PIE *dis- "apart, asunder" (cf. Old English te-, Old Saxon ti-, Old High German ze-, Germanzer-). 

The PIE root is a secondary form of *dwis- and thus is related to Latin bis "twice" (originally *dvis) and to duo, on notion of "two ways, in twain." 

In classical Latin, dis- paralelled de- and had much the same meaning, but in Late Latin dis- came to be the favored form and this passed into Old French as des-, the form used for new compound words formed in Old French, where it increasingly had a privative sense ("not"). 

In English, many of these words eventually were altered back to dis-, while in French many have been altered back to de-. The usual confusion prevails.

divide (v.) Look up divide at Dictionary.comearly 14c., from Latin dividere "to force apart, cleave, distribute," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + -videre "to separate," from PIE root *weidh- "to separate" (see widow; also see with). 

Mathematical sense is from early 15c. Divide and rule (c.1600) translates Latin divide et impera, a maxim of Machiavelli. Related: Divideddividing.

devise (v.) Look up devise at Dictionary.comearly 13c., "to form, fashion;" c.1300, "to plan, contrive," from Old French deviser "dispose in portions, arrange, plan, contrive" (in modern French, "to chat, gossip"), from Vulgar Latin *divisare, frequentative of Latin dividere "to divide" (see divide). Modern sense is from "to arrange a division" (especially via a will), a meaning present in the Old French word. Related: Deviseddevising.



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