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convert python app to exe by py2exe

Posted on 2010-02-20 17:41  xuczhang  阅读(470)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Here I just refer the tutual from py2exe official page, that's simple and useful: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Tutorial

It contains following steps, Here I just comment it when I feel it's necessary:

1. Create/test your program

2. Create your setup script (setup.py)

The setup.py looks like:


1 from distutils.core import setup
2  import py2exe
4 setup(console=['hello.py'])

Here console means the windows console application, there are also several alternatives:



# New keywords for distutils' setup function specify what to build:

list of scripts to convert into console exes

list of scripts to convert into gui exes

list of module names containing win32 service classes

list of module names containing com server classes

list of module names containing com server classes

name of shared zipfile to generate, may specify a subdirectory,
defaults to 'library.zip'


I just use windows when I build the wxpython gui application



3. Run your setup script


python setup.py py2exe

4. Test your executable (Just double-click the exe file in dist directory)
5. Providing the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLL


For Python 2.6, the DLL you need is called MSVCR90.dll, if you haven't installed the VS2008, you should download this dll from web.



FAQ: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/FAQ

Working with Various Packages and Modules: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/WorkingWithVariousPackagesAndModules