public class ConnectMySql(封装了不少方法)
package sql; import java.sql.*; /** * 使用本类最好不要用匿名对象(否则不易关闭connection) */ public class ConnectMySql { /*成员变量*/ //根据需要将url,user,password改为自己相应的值 static String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; static String user = "oss"; static String password = "onlinss"; static Connection connection; final static String driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"; /*提供ps成员变量以便于关闭*/ PreparedStatement ps; ResultSet rs; /*constructor to connect the database (this operation will get a Connection object*/ public ConnectMySql() { //注册驱动 try { Class.forName(driver); /*在构造方法中直接尝试连接数据库*/ connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //提供链接数据库的方法的接口(通用) public Connection getConnection() { //System.out.println("数据库连接成功(记得操作完毕关闭接口)"); /*connection.close()*/ return connection; } /* //得到执行sql语句的Statement对象(statement:表示sql的查询语句.) System.out.println("数据库连接成功"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();//得到具有执行sql语句的功能的对象*/ /** * getStatement() * 得到具有执行sql语句的功能的对象(但更多的是直接使用getConnection()方法(以便在外部使用PrepareStatement) */ public Statement getStatement() throws SQLException { //ConnectMySql connectMySql=new ConnectMySql(); Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement();//得到具有执行sql语句的功能的对象*/ return statement; } /** * 使用了(或间接使用了本方法)请调用closePreparedStatement()或者closeAll()方法。 * * @param sql * @return * @throws SQLException */ public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String sql) throws SQLException { return ps = getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); } /** * 获取查询结果ResultSet对象 * * @param sql * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ResultSet getResultSet(String sql) throws SQLException { /*调用PreparedStatement类中的executeQuery()方法来获取中要ResultSet类的对象rs*/ return getPreparedStatement(sql).executeQuery(); } public ResultSetMetaData getResultSetMetaData(String sql) throws SQLException { return getResultSet(sql).getMetaData(); } /** * 获取查询返回结果的列数(本方法不易反复调用) * * @param sql * @return * @throws SQLException */ public int getColumnSize(String sql) throws SQLException { /*获得ResultSetMetaData对象(元数据对象),(这一对象是jdbc中的关键对象),以进一步获取列数*/ ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = getResultSetMetaData(sql); return resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); } public String getColumnNames(String tableName) throws SQLException { String sqlColumns = "select * from " + tableName; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = getResultSetMetaData(sqlColumns); int columnSize = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnSize; i++) { /*从元数据对象获取列名(调用方法getColumnName(i)) * 注意:getColumnName是用来从ResultSetMetaData对象中获取各个字段(属性)的名称, * 而不是字段的值*/ // System.out.printf("%-12s", resultSetMetaData.getColumnName(i)); stringBuilder.append(resultSetMetaData.getColumnName(i) + "\t"); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } public void printColumnNames(String sql) throws SQLException { // System.out.println("查询字段名结果如下:"); //通过获取ResultMetaData对象,再获取列数(字段数),以打印字段名 ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = getResultSetMetaData(sql); int columnSize = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnSize; i++) { /*从元数据对象获取列名(调用方法getColumnName(i)) * 注意:getColumnName是用来从ResultSetMetaData对象中获取各个字段(属性)的名称, * 而不是字段的值*/ System.out.printf("%-20s", resultSetMetaData.getColumnName(i)); } System.out.println(); } public void printSearchResult(String sql) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = getResultSet(sql); /*打印所有记录*/ //建议将columnSize在循环外计算一下并记住,以避免在for中重复计算。 int columnSize = getColumnSize(sql); while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= columnSize; i++) { /*这里调用的是getObject(i)来打印出各种类型的各字段的值*/ System.out.printf("%-20s", resultSet.getObject(i)); // System.out.print("\t\t"+resultSet.getObject(i)); } System.out.println(); } //System.out.println(); System.out.println("\n结束查询"); } /*测试方法*/ public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { ConnectMySql connectMySql = new ConnectMySql(); System.out.println(connectMySql.getColumnNames("Goods")); connectMySql.closeConnection(); } /* public void closeResultSet(String sql) throws SQLException { getResultSet(sql).close(); }*/ /** * 提供关闭数据库链接的接口 */ public void closeConnection() { try { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* public void closeStatement(){ }*/ public void closePreparedStatement() { try { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException throwables) { throwables.printStackTrace(); } } public void closeResultSet() { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException throwables) { throwables.printStackTrace(); } } public void closeAll() { closeResultSet(); closePreparedStatement(); closeConnection(); } }
public class UseMySql(封装了增删改查的方法(依赖于上一个类ConnectMySql))
package sql; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Scanner; /** * @Author xuchaoxin * @Date 2021/1/23 22:35 * @Version 1.0 * the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see: * the github repository (search the article): */ public class UseMySql { /*统一输入流对象*/ static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; /*统一链接对象*/ static ConnectMySql connectMySql = new ConnectMySql(); public static void search() throws SQLException { System.out.println("testing..."); ConnectMySql connectMySql = new ConnectMySql(); System.out.println("输入sql查询语句:示例:select * from Goods where kid=2"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String sqlSearch = scanner.nextLine(); /*对查询结果进行处理并打印出来:*/ try { /*由于我将sql查询的字段名称的打印方法封装到了ConnectMySql,故可一键打印。*/ connectMySql.printColumnNames(sqlSearch); connectMySql.printSearchResult(sqlSearch); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //关闭顺序: ResultSet-->(Prepared)Statement-->Connection connectMySql.closeAll(); } } public static void simpleSearch() throws SQLException { /* System.out.println("输入要查询表:示例:Kinds"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String table=scanner.nextLine(); */ System.out.println("将执行类似于:select g_name,k_name from The_goods_a where kid='06'的查询动作"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("输入需要查询的表:示例:The_goods_a"); String tables = scanner.nextLine(); /*查找视图字典:*/ String[] tableArray = tables.split(" "); for (String tableName : tableArray) { //sqlDictionary.getInformation(tableName); System.out.println("申请被插入的视图的信息..."); System.out.println(connectMySql.getColumnNames(tableName)); } try { //查询语句 //String sql1 = "select * from Goods"; //System.out.println("简单查询:示例:select * from Goods where kid=2"); //String sqlSearch="select * from "+table+" where kid=2"; /*交互阶段:*/ System.out.println("输入需要查询的字段(逗号分隔不同字段):例如:Gid,GName"); String columns = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("输入需本次查询需要满足的条件(注意要由where引出条件:示例:where kid=2"); String where = scanner.nextLine().trim(); String sqlSearch = "select " + columns + " from " + tables + " " + where; System.out.println("将执行" + sqlSearch); /*开始处理sql命令*/ System.out.println("查询结果如下:"); connectMySql.printColumnNames(sqlSearch); connectMySql.printSearchResult(sqlSearch); } finally { connectMySql.closeAll(); } } public static void simpleSearchTable() throws SQLException { System.out.println("输入要查询表:示例:Kinds"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String table = scanner.nextLine(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql1 = "select * from " + table; //ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql1); ps = new ConnectMySql().getPreparedStatement(sql1); rs = ps.executeQuery(); //获取列数 ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); int columnSize = md.getColumnCount(); System.out.println("查询结果如下:"); //打印字段名 for (int i = 1; i <= columnSize; i++) { System.out.printf("%-12s", md.getColumnName(i)); } System.out.println(); //打印所有记录 while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= columnSize; i++) { System.out.printf("%-12s", rs.getObject(i)); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("\n结束查询"); //关闭顺序: ResultSet-->Statement-->Connection try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void insert() throws SQLException { //SimpleSearch.simpleSearch(); System.out.println("输入插入语句:示例:insert into Kinds values('13','hhh')"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; //插入语句示例:insert into Kinds values('13','hhh') String insertSql = scanner.nextLine(); /*PreparedStatement extends Statement * 执行插入语句:(示例语句: * 插入语句示例:insert into Kinds values('13','hhh') */ PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(insertSql); /*采用execute()方式执行语句*/ preparedStatement.execute(); System.out.println("插入成功."); } public static void simpleInsert() throws SQLException { //SimpleSearch.simpleSearch(); System.out.println("简单插入模式:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; Scanner scanner1 = new Scanner(; //插入语句示例:insert into Kinds values('13','hhh') String insertPrefix = "insert into"; // String insertSql = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("输入被插入的表:"); String table = scanner.nextLine(); //new SqlDictionary().getInformation(table); System.out.println("申请被插入的视图的信息..."); System.out.println(connectMySql.getColumnNames(table)); System.out.println("输入values(形如values('13','hhh'):"); String values = scanner1.nextLine(); /*关闭流:*/ scanner.close(); scanner1.close(); String insertSql = "insert into " + table.trim() + " " + values; /*PreparedStatement extends Statement * 执行插入语句:(示例语句: * 插入语句示例:insert into Kinds values('13','hhh') */ PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(insertSql); /*采用execute()方式执行语句*/ preparedStatement.execute(); } public static void update() throws SQLException { System.out.println("输入更新语句sql:示例:update Admin set AName='ju' where Aid='111'"); /* 语句示例:update Admin set AName='ju' where Aid='111'*/ String updateSql = scanner.nextLine(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(updateSql); preparedStatement.execute(); System.out.println("修改/更新成功"); } public static void simpleUpdate() throws SQLException { System.out.println("简单修改模式:"); System.out.println("输入要更新(修改)的表名"); /*只有一个Scanner不便二次读入*/ Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String table = scanner.nextLine(); //scanner.close(); new SqlDictionary().getInformation(table); System.out.println("输入待修改的字段('='号形式):(形如:AName='ju')"); String columnModify =; System.out.println("输入修改条件:形如:where Aid='111' "); Scanner scanner1 = new Scanner(; String where = scanner1.nextLine(); // scanner1.close(); String updateSql = "update " + table + " set " + columnModify + " " + where; System.out.println("testing..."); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(updateSql); preparedStatement.execute(); System.out.println("修改/更新成功"); } public static void simpleDelete() throws SQLException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; Scanner scanner1 = new Scanner(; System.out.println("简单删除:"); System.out.println("输入要被删除记录的表:"); String table = scanner.nextLine(); /*提示该表具有的字段。*/ //new SqlDictionary().getInformation(table); System.out.println(connectMySql.getColumnNames(table)); System.out.println("输入where(形如:where Aid='234')"); String where = scanner1.nextLine().trim(); scanner.close(); scanner1.close(); /*示例: delete from Admin where Aid='234'*/ String deleteSql = "delete from " + table + " " + where; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(deleteSql); preparedStatement.execute(); System.out.println("删除成功"); } public static void delete() throws SQLException { System.out.println("输入sql删除语句:示例: delete from Admin where Aid='234'"); /*示例: delete from Admin where Aid='234'*/ String deleteSql = scanner.nextLine(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectMySql.getConnection().prepareStatement(deleteSql); preparedStatement.execute(); System.out.println("删除成功"); } public static void printUsingHelp() { //todo System.out.println("管理员Admin(管理员ID Aid,姓名 AName,电话 APhone,账号AAccount,密码APwd,等级Level)\n" + "主键:Aid 外键:Level\n" + "权限Permission(等级 Level,权限名 PName,说明 Illustration)\n" + "主键:Level\n" + "管理Manage(管理员ID Aid,商品ID Gid,操作日志 Record,操作时间 MTime)\n" + "主键:Gid和Aid 外键 Aid、Gid\n" + "商品Goods(商品名Gname,促销 Sale,库存Repertory,销量 Snumber,图片Picture,简介Introduce,商品ID Gid,品类ID Kid,发货地 Gaddress,售价 Sprice,进价Pprice,状态Gstatus)\n" + "主键:Gid 外键:Kid\n" + "购物车Shopcart(购物车ID Sid,客户ID Cid,商品数量 Cnumber)\n" + "主键:Sid和Cid 外键:Sid、Cid\n" + "客户Customer(电话Cphone,地址Caddress,余额Balance,客户ID Cid,性别Csex,姓名Cname,账号Caccount,密码Cpwd)\n" + "主键:Cid \n" + "订单Orders(订单号Oid,状态OStatus,下单时间Otime,客户ID Cid,商品ID Gid,商品数量 Gnumber,运费 Fare,备注:Remarks)\n" + "主键:Oid 外键:Gid,Cid\n" + "商品品类Kind(品类名 Kname,品类ID Kid)\n" + "主键:Kid\n" + "评论Discuss(商品Gid ,客户ID Cid ,评论ID Did,评论内容 Content,评论时间 Dtime)主键:Did 外键:Gid、Cid"); } /* connectMySql.closeConnection();*/ /*测试用的main*/ public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { //delete(); //insert(); // update(); //simpleDelete(); simpleSearch(); //simpleDelete(); // search(); } } // System.out.println(); //处理结果 /* while ( { *//*遍历各条记录的各个字段(比如goods表有五个字段*//* for(int i=1;i<=7;i++){ System.out.print(rs.getString(i++) + "\t"); } System.out.println(); }*/
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