
official tutorial:




class(superclass) variable=class(subclass) instance



例如 List<?>:

在逻辑上是List<String>,List<Integer> 等所有List<具体类型实参>的父类

2、类型通配符上限通过形如class<? extends type>来定义
例如List<? extends Number>

3、类型通配符下限通过形如 Class<? super type>来定义
例如List<? super Number>
表示类型只能接受Number及其父类类型,如 Object 类型的实例。



?extends 通配

Bounded Wildcards
Consider a simple drawing application that can draw shapes such as rectangles and circles. To represent these shapes within the program, you could define a class hierarchy such as this:

public abstract class Shape {
public abstract void draw(Canvas c);

public class Circle extends Shape {
private int x, y, radius;
public void draw(Canvas c) {


public class Rectangle extends Shape {
private int x, y, width, height;
public void draw(Canvas c) {

These classes can be drawn on a canvas:

public class Canvas {
public void draw(Shape s) {
Any drawing will typically contain a number of shapes. Assuming that they are represented as a list, it would be convenient to have a method in Canvas that draws them all:

public void drawAll(List shapes) {
for (Shape s: shapes) {
Now, the type rules say that drawAll() can only be called on lists of exactly Shape: it cannot, for instance, be called on a List . That is unfortunate, since all the method does is read shapes from the list, so it could just as well be called on a List . What we really want is for the method to accept a list of any kind of shape:

public void drawAll(List<? extends Shape> shapes) {

There is a small but very important difference here: we have replaced the type List with List<? extends Shape>. Now drawAll() will accept lists of any subclass of Shape, so we can now call it on a List if we want.

List<? extends Shape> is an example of a bounded wildcard. The ? stands for an unknown type, just like the wildcards we saw earlier. However, in this case, we know that this unknown type is in fact a subtype of Shape. (Note: It could be Shape itself, or some subclass; it need not literally extend Shape.) We say that Shape is the upper bound of the wildcard.

There is, as usual, a price to be paid for the flexibility of using wildcards. That price is that it is now illegal to write into shapes in the body of the method. For instance, this is not allowed:

public void addRectangle(List<? extends Shape> shapes) {
// Compile-time error!
shapes.add(0, new Rectangle());
You should be able to figure out why the code above is disallowed. The type of the second parameter to shapes.add() is ? extends Shape-- an unknown subtype of Shape. Since we don’t know what type it is, we don’t know if it is a supertype of Rectangle; it might or might not be such a supertype, so it isn’t safe to pass a Rectangle there.

Bounded wildcards are just what one needs to handle the example of the DMV passing its data to the census bureau. Our example assumes that the data is represented by mapping from names (represented as strings) to people (represented by reference types such as Person or its subtypes, such as Driver). Map<K,V> is an example of a generic type that takes two type arguments, representing the keys and values of the map.

Again, note the naming convention for formal type parameters–K for keys and V for values.

public class Census {
public static void addRegistry(Map<String, ? extends Person> registry) {

Map<String, Driver> allDrivers = … ;

colored version(long lines):

Bounded Wildcards
Consider a simple drawing application that can draw shapes such as rectangles and circles. To represent these shapes within the program, you could define a class hierarchy such as this:
public abstract class Shape {
public abstract void draw(Canvas c);
public class Circle extends Shape {
private int x, y, radius;
public void draw(Canvas c) {
public class Rectangle extends Shape {
private int x, y, width, height;
public void draw(Canvas c) {
These classes can be drawn on a canvas:
public class Canvas {
public void draw(Shape s) {
Any drawing will typically contain a number of shapes. Assuming that they are represented as a list, it would be convenient to have a method in Canvas that draws them all:
public void drawAll(List<Shape> shapes) {
for (Shape s: shapes) {
Now, the type rules say that drawAll() can only be called on lists of exactly Shape: it cannot, for instance, be called on a List<Circle>. That is unfortunate, since all the method does is read shapes from the list, so it could just as well be called on a List<Circle>. What we really want is for the method to accept a list of any kind of shape:
public void drawAll(List<? extends Shape> shapes) {
There is a small but very important difference here: we have replaced the type List<Shape> with List<? extends Shape>. Now drawAll() will accept lists of any subclass of Shape, so we can now call it on a List<Circle> if we want.
List<? extends Shape> is an example of a bounded wildcard. The ? stands for an unknown type, just like the wildcards we saw earlier. However, in this case, we know that this unknown type is in fact a subtype of Shape. (Note: It could be Shape itself, or some subclass; it need not literally extend Shape.) We say that Shape is the upper bound of the wildcard.
There is, as usual, a price to be paid for the flexibility of using wildcards. That price is that it is now illegal to write into shapes in the body of the method. For instance, this is not allowed:
public void addRectangle(List<? extends Shape> shapes) {
// Compile-time error!
shapes.add(0, new Rectangle());
You should be able to figure out why the code above is disallowed. The type of the second parameter to shapes.add() is ? extends Shape-- an unknown subtype of Shape. Since we don't know what type it is, we don't know if it is a supertype of Rectangle; it might or might not be such a supertype, so it isn't safe to pass a Rectangle there.
Bounded wildcards are just what one needs to handle the example of the DMV passing its data to the census bureau. Our example assumes that the data is represented by mapping from names (represented as strings) to people (represented by reference types such as Person or its subtypes, such as Driver). Map<K,V> is an example of a generic type that takes two type arguments, representing the keys and values of the map.
Again, note the naming convention for formal type parameters--K for keys and V for values.
public class Census {
public static void addRegistry(Map<String, ? extends Person> registry) {
Map<String, Driver> allDrivers = ... ;


package generic;
* @Author xuchaoxin
* @Date 2021/1/29 23:20
* @Version 1.0
* the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see:
* the github repository (search the article):
public class Box<T> {
private T t;
public void add(T t) {
this.t = t;
public T get() {
return t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Box<Integer> integerBox = new Box<Integer>();
Box<String> stringBox = new Box<String>();
/* 调用泛型方法*/
/*generic.Box<T> public void add(T t)*/
stringBox.add("test for generic.");
System.out.printf("整型值为 :%d\n\n", integerBox.get());
System.out.printf("字符串为 :%s\n", stringBox.get());
package generic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @Author xuchaoxin
* @Date 2021/1/29 23:08
* @Version 1.0
* the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see:
* the github repository (search the article):
public class Judge {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* 这些类型虽然没有继承关系,但是有共同点,是兄弟类型(可以抽象成Class<T>)
List<String> name = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Integer> age = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Number> number = new ArrayList<Number>();
* 打印传入的容器List<T>容器对象中的第一个元素.</T>
* 参数类型为List<?> 也就是所有List<T>的父类(可以接受任意具体类型T对应的具体类型List<T>类型的实参)
* @param listT
public static void getFirstElement(List<?> listT) {
System.out.println("firstElement of "+listT.getClass().getName()+" : " + listT.get(0));
/*test for <T>*/
// public static void getData(<T> data) {
// System.out.println("data :" + data.get(0));
// }
// public static void getData(List<T> data) {
// System.out.println("data :" + data.get(0));
// }




使用类似<? super Integer>通配符作为方法参数时表示:
方法内部可以调用传入Integer引用的方法,例如:obj.setFirst(Integer n);;
方法内部无法调用获取Integer引用的方法(Object除外),例如:Integer n = obj.getFirst()


class Pair

package generic;
* @Author xuchaoxin
* @Date 2021/1/30 19:31
* @Version 1.0
* the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see:
* the github repository (search the article):
class Pair<T> {
private T first;
private T last;
public Pair(T first, T last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
public T getFirst() {
return first;
public T getLast() {
return last;
public void setFirst(T first) {
this.first = first;
public void setLast(T last) {
this.last = last;

class TestExtends

package generic;
* 泛型有界通配符的限制(举例说明)
* 主要是指,操作/访问泛型类实例化出来的对象的方法,这些方法中包含extends或super通配符.
* 对比extends和super通配符
* 作为(泛型类之外的)方法(记为Method())的参数,<? extends T>类型和<? super T>类型的区别在于:
* <? extends T>允许Method()调用读方法T get()获取T的引用,但不允许调用写方法set(T)传入T的引用(传入null除外);
* <? super T>允许Method()调用写方法set(T)传入T的引用,但不允许调用读方法T get()获取T的引用(获取Object除外)。
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* @Author xuchaoxin
* @Date 2021/1/30 19:31
* @Version 1.0
* the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see:
* the github repository (search the article):
public class TestExtends {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Pair<Integer> p = new Pair<>(123, 456);
Pair<Number> p=new Pair<>(132,34);
/*尝试调用泛型方法 static int add(Pair<? extends Number> p)*/
// int n = add(p);
* @param p 传入的参数p可以是Pair<Number>/Pair<Integer>/Pair<double>/..等类型的对象
* 到底是哪一个类型只有再调用该方法的时候才能够知道(确定下来)
* 这就意味着在赋值等写操作上面会收到限制:即编写该方法的实现的时候,左值的类型是不确定的
* 而赋值操作需要保证左值的类型是右值(表达式值)类型的本类或父类
* 如此以来,你为了赋值就必须保证满足以下条件中的至少一点:
* 传入的参数总是Pair<Number>(失去了上界通配符泛型的意义,不如直接确定类型,而且实际上还是报错)
* 右值总是左值(实参p的类型)的子类类型(一般无法实现)
* 其他的写操作也类似(增加元素/删除元素)
* @return
static int add(Pair<? extends Number> p) {
Number first = p.getFirst();
Number last = p.getLast();
* 这里由于p的类型由传入的实参具体确定,该方法是无法独立确定p的类型,这就导致了
* 对p.first,p.last的赋值表达式的类型也不能够有方法独立确定的,而应该与p的类型一样(依赖与实参类型)
* 从反面来看(理解),如果传入的参数p是Double类型的,
* 而传给setFirst的表达式如果是Integer类型的值,
* 比如:
* p.setFirst(first.intValue() + 100);
* */
return p.getFirst().intValue() + p.getFirst().intValue();
static void add2(@NotNull Pair<?> p){
* generic.Pair<T> public T getFirst()
* 这里T=?,则:
* ? first=p.getFirst();*/
Object first=p.getFirst();
Object last=p.getLast();

class TestSuper

package generic;
* @Author xuchaoxin
* @Date 2021/1/30 20:48
* @Version 1.0
* the detail and improved version(if I update it ) to see:
* the github repository (search the article):
public class TestSuper {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pair<Number> p1 = new Pair<>(12.3, 4.56);
Pair<Integer> p2 = new Pair<>(123, 456);
setTwoMemberSame(p1, 100);
setTwoMemberSame(p2, 200);
System.out.println(p1.getFirst() + ", " + p1.getLast());
System.out.println(p2.getFirst() + ", " + p2.getLast());
static void setTwoMemberSame(Pair<? super Integer> p, Integer n) {
static void printGetValues(Pair<? super Integer> p){
* 但却无法确定其成员的引用
* 比如,被作为右值(被读取的值(表达式)p.getFirst()的类型是Integer或其父类),
* 那么左值(也就是接收右值的引用变量)的类型该如何声明呢?
* 这就要求保证左值的类型右值类型的本类或父类
* 而右值的类型无法独立由独立于对象(Pair<? super Integer> 类型的对象)之外的第三方方法来确定
* 也就难以保证左值是右值的父类.
* 可见,第三方方法中,对于以下界通配符修饰的泛型实例化出来的对象为参数的方法,可以对参数进行修改(写操作),
* 但是难以获得参数对象的成员的引用(Object 类型的引用变量除外)只能够读到值(打印),但难做他用,因为不知到类型)*/
Object obj=p.getFirst();
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