- 多关键字:例如数据库中的记录之间的排序
- 例如处理一个关系模式中包含两个可比较大小的字段:k1,k2
- 当我们选定关键字属性集k=(k1,k2)作为关键字,并且对所有记录进行排序,
- 遵循规则为:
- 当排序遇到具有相同的k1的两条记录时,进一步比较k2
- 对于十进制数而言,100 vs 120
- 那么先比较百位权上的码,都是1
- 在比较十位权上的码,后者2>1,因此里可以立即断言,后者比前者大
- 多关键字:例如数据库中的记录之间的排序
In computer science, radix sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm.
It avoids comparison by creating and distributing elements into buckets according to their radix.
For elements with more than one significant digit, this bucketing process is repeated for each digit, while preserving the ordering of the prior step, until all digits have been considered.
For this reason, radix sort has also been called bucket sort and digital sort.
Radix sort can be applied to data that can be sorted lexicographically, be they integers, words, punch cards, playing cards, or the mail.
- Lexicographical_order:词汇表顺序
基数排序(英语:Radix sort)是一种非比较型整数排序算法,其原理是将整数按位数切割成不同的数字,然后按每个位数分别比较。
基数排序的方式可以采用LSD(Least significant digital)或MSD(Most significant digital),
- LSD的排序方式由键值的最右边开始,而MSD则相反,由键值的最左边开始。
LSD(Least significant digital)
- LSD最低位优先法:
- 按关键字权重递增,依次进行排序
MSD(Most significant digital)
- 和LSD相反
- 实际生活中,我们用MSD来排序是更多的,因为往往不需要比较低位,只要看最高的记为就可以判断出大小
- 而如果从低位开始观察,低位的大小分量太轻,还得比较到最高位
- 因此我们习惯从高位比较到低位
- 而将三个数码1,0,0称为三个自关键字k1,k2,k3;它们分别代表的权重为100,10,1
- 入队(桶)
- 对于十进制数,其基radix=10;后面我们简单用r表示radix
- 那么就创建10个队列来存储数码
- 队列数量等于被排序对象的类型(r进制数就创建r个队列)
- 对于十进制数,其基radix=10;后面我们简单用r表示radix
- 首尾相接
Input list:
- p0=[170, 45, 75, 90, 2, 802, 2, 66]
Starting from the rightmost (last) digit, sort the numbers based on that digit:
p1=[{170, 90}, {2, 802, 2}, {45, 75}, {66}]
待命的队列号 r i r_i ri 移入的元素情况 0 170,90 1 2 2,802,2 3 4 5 45,75 6 66 7-9为空行,
- 关键在于最后一趟(第d趟)必须区分,否则显然是不能够保证有序
- 而且最后一趟之前的某些趟如果桶内无序,可能导致基排序不稳定!
- 也就是小号桶内的元素在前,大号桶在后
- 再将这些队列首尾相连(收集),构成了一个包含所有元素的序列p1
- 每个花括号代表一个队列,它们首尾相接
Sorting by the next left digit:
p2=[{02, 802, 02}, {45}, {66}, {170, 75}, {90}]
注意是基于p1=[{170, 90}, {2, 802, 2}, {45, 75}, {66}]序列的基础上进行再**分配-收集操作**
- 空白地方表示本轮没有(合适的)可插入元素
待命的队列号 r i r_i ri 移入的元素情况 0 2,802,2 1 2 3 4 45 5 6 66 7 170,75 8 9 90
And finally by the leftmost digit:
p3=[{002, 002, 045, 066, 075, 090}, {170}, {802}]
- 基于p2=[{02, 802, 02}, {45}, {66}, {170, 75}, {90}]进行分类-收集操作
- 这次我们依照百位上的数码来分类
- 对于百位缺失的小于100的数,只需要在百位上补0即可
待命的队列号 r i r_i ri 移入的元素情况 0 002,002,045,066,075,090 1 170 …(2~7,9行是空的,为了节约篇幅,不画出这些空行了) 8 802
收集这些队列(首尾相连),就得到了升序排列的结果p3=[{002, 002, 045, 066, 075, 090}, {170}, {802}]
- 从上面的例子中,我们可以感受到:
- 比较的趟数:取决于被排序序列中位数最多的那个元素(可以看绝对值最大的元素的位数)
- 假设这个最大值为d
- 相当于表格的数量
- 表格的长度(行数):取决于待排序元素的基数radix的大小
- 记为r
- 不过,经过优化(改进)后的实现,设立的队列(桶)的数量可以减少
- 待排序元素数量n会影响将元素分类(入队)的操作次数
- 比较的趟数:取决于被排序序列中位数最多的那个元素(可以看绝对值最大的元素的位数)
Each step requires just a single pass over the data, since each item can be placed in its bucket without comparison with any other element.
- 一趟排序需要用到辅助空间为r个队列
- 每个队列中可包含:一个头指针和一个尾指针
- 总的空间复杂度为O®
- 一趟排序需要用到辅助空间为r个队列
- 计数排序的问题规模使用3个参数来衡量比较合适
- 待排序元素n
- 待排序元素的基r
- 待排序元素的位数d
- 那么时间复杂度可以表示为O(d(n+r))
- 或者说:基数排序的时间复杂度是$ O(k\cdot n)
,其中 n
是排序元素个数, k$是数字位数。
- 注意这不是说这个时间复杂度一定优于$ O\left(n\cdot \log_2 \left(n\right)\right)$,
- k的大小取决于数字位的选择(比如比特位数),和待排序数据所属数据类型的全集的大小;
- $ k 决定了进行多少轮处理,而 决定了进行多少轮处理,而 决定了进行多少轮处理,而 n$是每轮处理的操作数目。
- 注意这不是说这个时间复杂度一定优于$ O\left(n\cdot \log_2 \left(n\right)\right)$,
- 计数排序的问题规模使用3个参数来衡量比较合适
Some radix sort implementations allocate space for buckets by first counting the number of keys that belong in each bucket before moving keys into those buckets.
The number of times that each digit occurs is stored in an array.
Although it is always possible to pre-determine the bucket boundaries using counts, some implementations opt to use dynamic memory allocation instead.
- 本代码尽量不使用java独有的特性(独特的内置的方法,以便用其他语言改写)
overview of the algorithm:
java code
(use the core thinking of counting_sort() to complete every pass of digit sort to iterate the number array)
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; /* * @Description: * @Version: 2.0 * @Author: xuchaoxin * @Date: 2021-03-27 08:12:30 * @LastEditors: xuchaoxin * @LastEditTime: 2021-03-27 11:24:26 */ public class RadixSort { public static void sort(int[] number, int d, int radix) // d表示最大的数有多少位 { /* k: to traverse the number[] */ int k = 0; /* n: as divisor to get digits to sort in that weight */ int n = 1; /* * m: count the times of sort has been executed (the numbers is sorted in which * weight ) */ int m = 1; /* * handle the numbers input:the array stores complete numbers rather than signal * radix (or use a pointer array non_matrix structure to auxiliary the sort) */ int[][] buckets = new int[radix][number.length]; /* * the count array convey the sort method:counting sort(it's a stable sort * algorithm,and it is linear time sort method in many occasions ); (counting * the element of each bucket) the number of the buckets depends on the radix */ int[] count = new int[radix]; /* we need to sort d times */ while (m <= d) {/* traverse the elements:to build the buckets */ for (int i = 0; i < number.length; i++) { /* get the radix(lsd in the range(0,radix)) */ int lsd = ((number[i] / n) % radix); /* * according to the lsd ,to insert the elements to the buckets array separately */ buckets[lsd][count[lsd]] = number[i]; /* * counting radix (in count to calculate the index of the next element to place * in the buckets */ count[lsd]++; } /* traverse all the buckets */ for (int i = 0; i < radix; i++) { if (count[i] != 0) /* * traverse the elements in the same buckets; use the core part idea of the of * counting sort: in the later,we iterate the number d times( digit d is the * highest-order digit. ) (not by merge the sorted buckets) */ for (int j = 0; j < count[i]; j++) { /* * update the elements in the input array(number[]):it can be think of as a sort * pass */ number[k] = buckets[i][j]; k++; } /* * reset all the counting array's elements in time(as soon as the bucket is * used) */ count[i] = 0; } /* * update the weight to get new signal digits(number.lenth digits totally every * time) to make a new round sort */ n *= radix; /* reset k */ k = 0; /* counting the rounds that have been executed */ m++; } } /** * the max in the input numbers */ public static int max(int[] number) { // Arrays.sort(number); // return number[number.length-1]; int maxElement = number[0]; for (int i = 0; i < number.length; i++) { if (maxElement < number[i]) { maxElement = number[i]; } } return maxElement; } /* get d(the highest-order digit) */ public static int getD(int maxElement, int radix) { int d = 0; while (maxElement > 0) { maxElement /= radix; d++; } return d; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Scanner sc=new Scanner(; // ArrayList<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>(); // System.out.println("testing..."); // /* attention! use Ctrl+z to end your input(if you use windows OS ) */ // while(sc.hasNextInt()){//not use hasNext() // int num= sc.nextInt(); // list.add(num); // } // sc.close(); // /*list to int[] */ // // int[] numbers=new int[list.size()]; // // for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ // // numbers[i]=list.get(i); // // } // // Integer[] numbers=(Integer[])list.toArray(); // /* another method to transition: */ // int[]; /* use the built input to test the function: */ // int[] numbers = { 73, 22, 93, 43, 55, 14, 28, 656844, 35649, 8441, 353, 10 }; /* use random sequence to test: */ Random random=new Random(); int[] numbers=new int[100]; for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ numbers[i]=random.nextInt(900); } System.out.println("the input sequence is:"); for(int element:numbers){ System.out.print(element+" "); } System.out.println(""); int d = getD(max(numbers), 100); RadixSort.sort(numbers, d,100); System.out.println("the sorted sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i] + " "); } // System.out.println(getD(max(numbers), radix)); } }
计数排序是非比较排序,牺牲空间换取时间(Linear Time)
code py
- (adapted from Introduction to Alogrithm)
''' Description: Version: 2.0 Author: xuchaoxin Date: 2021-03-26 20:58:42 LastEditors: xuchaoxin LastEditTime: 2021-03-26 23:07:59 ''' """ for i ← 1 to k do C[i] ← 0 for j ← 1 to n do C[A[ j]] ← C[A[ j]] + 1 ⊳C[i] = |{key = i}| for i ← 2 to k do C[i] ← C[i] + C[i–1] ⊳C[i] = |{key ≤ i}| for j ← n down_to 1 do B[C[A[ j]]] ← A[ j] C[A[ j]] ← C[A[ j]] – 1 """ def counting_sort(A): """counting_sort(),stable sort algorithm; the function apply to natural numbers,but: if you want to sort float,then times all the elements a positive integer big enough to make them natural numbers if you want to sort negative numbers,you can plus all of the element a positive big enough to make them natural numbers Args: A (List): list/array to be sort """ sizeOfA = len(A) # n max_element = max(A) # k count_list = [] result_list = [] """ initial the counting list """ for i in range(0, max_element+1): # A[i]=0 count_list.append(0) # result_list.append(0) for i in range(0, sizeOfA): result_list.append(0) """ counting values:(it's ok) """ for i in range(0, sizeOfA): count_list[A[i]] += 1 """ update the values(element) after the second element in the count_list; however,the indice start from 0,so substract 1 at first """ count_list[0] -= 1 for i in range(1, max_element+1): count_list[i] += (count_list[i-1]) """ insert the element of A(A[i]) to correct place in the sorting sequence """ for i in range(sizeOfA-1, -1, -1): """ in order to find the cause :IndexError: list assignment index out of range I print some value to locate it(comment out the program statement),the cause is that I didn't initial the list:result_list""" # print("i=",i) # print("A[i]=",A[i]) # print("len(count_list)=",len(count_list)) # print("") result_list[count_list[A[i]]] = A[i] """ update the indice of count_list:namely,the value which indice=A[i]:count_list[A[i]] """ count_list[A[i]] -= 1 return result_list def main(): """ test the counting_sort() """ print(counting_sort([4, 2, 2, 6, 9, 0, 1])) # main()
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