python/javaScript_数制进制转换base conversion problem


  • 数制进制转换问题包括:
  • 任意进制base1转任意进制base2
    • 特别的,任意进制转为十进制
    • 十进制转为任意进制
  • 如果掌握了和10进制的互换,那么您就可以自行编写出任意进制的转换(可以以10进制为桥梁)
  • 相关知识可以参考计算机组成原理的数字部分(有相关一般性的公式推理)





  • 在对十进制数或二进制进行转换的时候,应当定义一个变量来保存要被转换的数字,否则toString()会报错



  • 正如本章之前提到的那样,Python整数能够以十六进制、八进制和二进制记数法来编写,作为一般的以10位基数的十进制记数法的补充。
  • 这些常量只是指定一个整数对象的值的一种替代方法。
0o1, 0o20, 0o377 # Octal literals
(1, 16, 255)
0x01, 0x10, 0xFF # Hex literals
(1, 16, 255)
0b1, 0b10000, 0b11111111 # Binary literals
(1, 16, 255)
  • 这里,八进制值0o377、十六进制值0xFF和二进制值0b11111111,都表示十进制的255。
  • 下面提到的bin()/oct()/hex()参数可以不是十进制数,可以是二/八/十六进制整数
  • 暂时不支持小数


  • bin(x)

  • Convert an integer number to a binary string prefixed with “0b”. The result is a valid Python expression. If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that returns an integer. Some examples:

>>> bin(3)
>>> bin(-10)
  • If the prefix “0b” is desired or not, you can use either of the following ways.
>>> format(14, '#b'), format(14, 'b')
('0b1110', '1110')
>>> f'{14:#b}', f'{14:b}'
('0b1110', '1110')


  • oct(x)

  • Convert an integer number to an octal string prefixed with “0o”. The result is a valid Python expression. If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that returns an integer. For example:

  • >>> oct(8)
    >>> oct(-56)
  • If you want to convert an integer number to an octal string either with the prefix “0o” or not, you can use either of the following ways.

  • >>> '%#o' % 10, '%o' % 10
    ('0o12', '12')
    >>> format(10, '#o'), format(10, 'o')
    ('0o12', '12')
    >>> f'{10:#o}', f'{10:o}'
    ('0o12', '12')
  • See also format() for more information.


  • hex(x)

  • Convert an integer number to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with “0x”. If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that returns an integer. Some examples:

    >>> hex(255)
    >>> hex(-42)
    >>> bin(0xA)
  • If you want to convert an integer number to an uppercase or lower hexadecimal string with prefix or not, you can use either of the following ways:

    >>> '%#x' % 255, '%x' % 255, '%X' % 255
    ('0xff', 'ff', 'FF')
    >>> format(255, '#x'), format(255, 'x'), format(255, 'X')
    ('0xff', 'ff', 'FF')
    >>> f'{255:#x}', f'{255:x}', f'{255:X}'
    ('0xff', 'ff', 'FF')
  • See also format() for more information.

  • See also int() for converting a hexadecimal string to an integer using a base of 16.

  • To obtain a hexadecimal string representation for a float, use the float.hex() method.


  • Python默认地用十进制值(以10为基数)显示,但它提供了内置的函数,允许我们把整数转换为其他进制的数字字符串
oct(64), hex(64), bin(64)
('0o100', '0x40', '0b1000000')
  • oct函数会将十进制数转换为八进制数,hex函数会将十进制转换为十六进制数,而bin会将十进制数转换为二进制。

  • >>> bin(int('1111',2))
    >>> bin(int('17',8))
    >>> bin(int('f',16))
    >>> oct(int('f',16))
    >>> hex(int('17',8))
    • 可以借助int,将任意进制先转换为十进制,将结果传入bin/oct/hex转为二进制/八进制/十六进制的字符串
  • 或者使用format()方法

    • >>> format(0b1111,'b')
      >>> format(0b1111,'#X')
      >>> format(0b1111,'#x')
  • 或者使用传统字符串格式化

    • >>> '%X'%int('17',8)
      >>> '%X'%int('1111',2)
      >>> '%o'%int('1111',2)
      >>> '%#o'%int('1111',2)
      >>> '%#b'%int('17',8)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      ValueError: unsupported format character 'b' (0x62) at index 2
    • 容易发现,格式化的方式可以控制前缀是否显示

    • 但是%方式无法控制二进制,只可以控制八进制和十六进制

    • format()支持二进制


  • class int(x, base=10)

  • Return an integer object constructed from a number or string x, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x defines __int__(), int(x) returns x.__int__(). If x defines __index__(), it returns x.__index__(). If x defines __trunc__(), it returns x.__trunc__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

  • If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer in radix base. Optionally, the string can be preceded by + or - (with no space in between), have leading zeros, be surrounded by whitespace, and have single underscores interspersed between digits.

  • A base-n integer string contains digits, each representing a value from 0 to n-1. The values 0–9 can be represented by any Unicode decimal digit. The values 10–35 can be represented by a to z (or A to Z). The default base is 10.

  • The allowed bases are 0 and 2–36. Base-2, -8, and -16 strings can be optionally prefixed with 0b/0B, 0o/0O, or 0x/0X, as with integer literals in code.

  • For base 0, the string is interpreted in a similar way to an integer literal in code, in that the actual base is 2, 8, 10, or 16 as determined by the prefix.

  • Base 0 also disallows leading zeros: int('010', 0) is not legal, while int('010') and int('010', 8) are.

    The integer type is described in Numeric Types — int, float, complex.

  • 另一种方式,内置的int函数会将一个数字的字符串变换为一个整数,并可以通过定义的第二个参数来确定变换的数字的进制:

  • int('64'), int('100', 8), int('40', 16), int('1000000', 2)
    (64, 64, 64, 64)
    int('0x40', 16), int('0b1000000', 2) # Literals okay too
    (64, 64)
  • eval函数,将会把字符串作为Python代码。因此,它也具有类似的效果(但往往运行得更慢:它实际上会作为程序的一个片段编译并运行这个字符串,并且它假设你能够信任运行的字符串的来源。

  • eval('64'), eval('0o100'), eval('0x40'), eval('0b1000000')
    (64, 64, 64, 64)
  • 最后,你能够使用字符串格式化方法调用和表达式将一个整数转换成八进制数和十六进制数的字符串:

  • '{0:o}, {1:x}, {2:b}'.format(64, 64, 64)
    '100, 40, 1000000'
    '%o, %x, %X' % (64, 255, 255)
    '100, ff, FF'
  • 0o1, 0o20, 0o377 # New octal format in 2.6 (same as 3.0)
    (1, 16, 255)
    01, 020, 0377 # Old octal literals in 2.6 (and earlier)
    (1, 16, 255)


  • format(value, format_spec=‘’)

  • Convert a value to a “formatted” representation, as controlled by format_spec.

  • The interpretation of format_spec will depend on the type of the value argument; however, there is a standard formatting syntax that is used by most built-in types: Format Specification Mini-Language.

  • The default format_spec is an empty string which usually gives the same effect as calling str(value).

  • A call to format(value, format_spec) is translated to type(value).__format__(value, format_spec) which bypasses the instance dictionary when searching for the value’s __format__() method.

  • A TypeError exception is raised if the method search reaches object and the format_spec is non-empty, or if either the format_spec or the return value are not strings.

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