
winget 使用入门

source添加、删除和更新 winget 工具访问的 Windows 程序包管理器存储库。
hash为安装程序生成 SHA256 哈希。
validate验证要提交到 Windows 程序包管理器存储库的清单文件。


  • 可以将set-alias win winget的方式创建win作为winget的别名


PS C:\Users\cxxu> winget -?
Windows Package Manager v1.2.11601
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The winget command line utility enables installing applications and other packages from the command line.
usage: winget [<command>] [<options>]
The following commands are available:
install Installs the given package
show Shows information about a package
source Manage sources of packages
search Find and show basic info of packages
list Display installed packages
upgrade Upgrades the given package
uninstall Uninstalls the given package
hash Helper to hash installer files
validate Validates a manifest file
settings Open settings or set administrator settings
features Shows the status of experimental features
export Exports a list of the installed packages
import Installs all the packages in a file
For more details on a specific command, pass it the help argument. [-?]
The following options are available:
-v,--version Display the version of the tool
--info Display general info of the tool


  • For more details on a specific command, pass it the help argument. [-?]

  • 例如:

    • winget install -?
PS C:\Users\cxxu> win install -?
Windows Package Manager v1.2.11601
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installs the selected package, either found by searching a configured source or directly from a manifest. By default, the query must case-insensitively match the id, name, or moniker of the package. Other fields can be used by passing their appropriate option.
usage: winget install [[-q] <query>] [<options>]
The following arguments are available:
-q,--query The query used to search for a package
The following options are available:
-m,--manifest The path to the manifest of the package
--id Filter results by id
--name Filter results by name
--moniker Filter results by moniker
-v,--version Use the specified version; default is the latest version
-s,--source Find package using the specified source
--scope Select install scope (user or machine)
-a,--architecture Select the architecture to install
-e,--exact Find package using exact match
-i,--interactive Request interactive installation; user input may be needed
-h,--silent Request silent installation
--locale Locale to use (BCP47 format)
-o,--log Log location (if supported)
--override Override arguments to be passed on to the installer
-l,--location Location to install to (if supported)
--force Override the installer hash check
--dependency-source Find package dependencies using the specified source
--accept-package-agreements Accept all license agreements for packages
--header Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header
--accept-source-agreements Accept all source agreements during source operations
More help can be found at:



  • 使用帮助
PS C:\Users\cxxu> winget search -?
Windows Package Manager v1.2.11601
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Searches for packages from configured sources.
usage: winget search [[-q] <query>] [<options>]
The following arguments are available:
-q,--query The query used to search for a package
The following options are available:
--id Filter results by id
--name Filter results by name
--moniker Filter results by moniker
--tag Filter results by tag
--command Filter results by command
-s,--source Find package using the specified source
-n,--count Show no more than specified number of results (between 1 and 1000)
-e,--exact Find package using exact match
--header Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header
--accept-source-agreements Accept all source agreements during source operations
  • 实操

  • winget search mini

PS D:\repos\blogs> winget search mini
Name Id Version Match Source
NWS-NOAA Weather Pred… 9WZDNCRDDD9P Unknown msstore
Sago Mini Friends 9NBLGGH1ZK61 Unknown msstore
Mini Piano ® 9WZDNCRFJCN0 Unknown msstore
Mini Me Stage Free 9WZDNCRDPQHS Unknown msstore
Mini Kids 9WZDNCRDQ0SZ Unknown msstore
Kubernetes - MinikubeKubernetes.minikube 1.26.0 winget
KeePass DominikReichl.KeePass 2.51.1 winget
MiniLyrics Crintsoft.MiniLyrics 7.7.49 winget
Miniforge3 CondaForge.Miniforge3 4.12.0-1 winget
字节跳动开发者工具 ByteDance.BytedanceMi3.2.7-1 winget
Miniconda3 Anaconda.Miniconda3 py39_4.10.3 winget
小程序开发者工具 Alibaba.MiniProgramSt3.0.2 winget
4t Tray Minimizer Free 4tNiagaraSoftware.4tT… 6.07 winget
Local Administrator P… Microsoft.LAPS winget
Weka UniversityOfWaikato.W3.9.6 Tag: data mining winget
Orange UniversityofLjubljana3.31.1 Tag: data-mining winget
微信开发者工具 Tencent.wechat-devtool 1.05.2108130 Tag: mini program winget
WeChat Tencent.WeChat Tag: Mini-Programs winget


PS D:\repos\blogs> winget list
Name Id Version Available Source
阿里云盘 Alibaba.aDrive 3.3.0 3.6.0 winget
360ZipExtInstaller 360ZipExtInstaller_q2cs1j…
360压缩 360压缩
360安全卫士 360安全卫士
PDF Reader - View, Edit,… 5E8FC25E.XODODOCS_3v3sf0k5.0.45.0
Intel® Graphics CommandAppUp.IntelGraphicsExperi1.100.3408.0
Clipchamp Clipchamp.Clipchamp_yxz262.3.4.0
DTS Audio Processing DTSInc.DTSAudioProcessing1.2.1.0
EasyConnect EasyConnect 7,6,7,7
Intel® Hardware AcceleraHAXM 7.6.5
Microsoft Office Home an… HomeStudent2019Retail - e… 16.0.15225.20288
Microsoft Office Home an… HomeStudent2019Retail - z… 16.0.15225.20288
SnipDo 9NPZ2TVKJVT7 msstore
Kali Linux kalilinux.kalilinux winget
Microsoft Edge Microsoft.Edge 103.0.1264.44 winget
Microsoft Edge Dev Microsoft.Edge.Dev 105.0.1300.0 winget
Microsoft Edge Update Microsoft Edge Update
Microsoft Edge WebView2Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Run103.0.1264.44 winget
Cortana Microsoft.549981C3F5F10_8… 4.2204.13303.0
Microsoft News Microsoft.BingNews_8wekyb1.0.6.0
MSN Weather Microsoft.BingWeather_8we3.2.1.0
App Installer Microsoft.DesktopAppInsta1.17.11601.0
Xbox Microsoft.GamingApp_8weky2105.900.24.0
Get Help Microsoft.GetHelp_8wekyb310.2204.1222.0
Microsoft Tips Microsoft.Getstarted_8wek10.2205.0.0
HEIF Image Extensions Microsoft.HEIFImageExtens1.0.50272.0
English (United States) … Microsoft.LanguageExperie22000.8.13.0
中文(简体)本地体验包 Microsoft.LanguageExperie22000.22.83.0
Microsoft Edge Dev Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.D105.0.1300.0
Microsoft Edge Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.S103.0.1264.44
Office Microsoft.MicrosoftOffice18.2205.1091.0
Microsoft Solitaire CollMicrosoft.MicrosoftSolita4.13.5310.0
Microsoft Sticky Notes Microsoft.MicrosoftSticky4.0.4505.0
OneNote for Windows 10 Microsoft.Office.OneNote_16001.14326.20838.0
Microsoft Store Microsoft.WindowsStore_8w22204.1401.8.0
Windows Terminal Preview Microsoft.WindowsTerminal1.14.1452.0 winget
Windows Terminal Microsoft.WindowsTerminal 1.13.11432.0 winget
Windows Package ManagerMicrosoft.Winget.Source_82022.707.509.634
Xbox TCUI Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI_8weky1.24.10001.0
Xbox Game Bar Plugin Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay1.54.4001.0
Xbox Game Bar Microsoft.XboxGamingOverl5.722.5052.0
Xbox Identity Provider Microsoft.XboxIdentityPro12.90.14001.0
Xbox Game Speech Window Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTex1.21.13002.0
Phone Link Microsoft.YourPhone_8weky1.22052.136.0
Windows Media Player Microsoft.ZuneMusic_8weky11.2205.22.0
Movies & TV Microsoft.ZuneVideo_8weky10.22041.10091.0
Microsoft Teams MicrosoftTeams_8wekyb3d8b… 22168.200.1405.7434
Windows Web Experience P… MicrosoftWindows.Client.W421.20070.545.0
Mozilla Firefox (x64 en-… Mozilla Firefox 102.0 (x6… 102.0
Mozilla Maintenance ServMozillaMaintenanceService 97.0.1
NVIDIA Control Panel NVIDIACorp.NVIDIAControlP8.1.962.0
PremiumSoft Navicat PremPremiumSoft.NavicatPremium 16.0.6 winget
On Screen Display Utility OSD Utility
Oh My Posh JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh 7.81.1 8.13.1 winget
Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft.OneDrive 22.121.0605.0002 winget
Realtek Audio Control RealtekSemiconductorCorp.…
SangforVNC SangforVNC 7,1,0,2
搜狗输入法 Sogou.SogouInput winget
JetBrains Toolbox JetBrains.Toolbox 1.23.11731 1.24.120… winget...
  • 不带选项
  • 例如 winget list 天,列出相关软件
PS C:\Users\cxxu> winget list 天
Name Id Version Source
天翼云盘 6.4.2 天翼云盘 6.4.2
腾讯QQ Tencent.QQ winget
  • 带选项--name
PS C:\Users\cxxu> winget list --name 腾讯
Name Id Version Source
腾讯QQ Tencent.QQ winget
PS D:\repos\blogs> winget list --name visual
Name Id Version Available Source
Microsoft Visual Studio CoMicrosoft.VisualStudioCode 1.68.1 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-… Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Red… 14.31.31103.0 14.32.31332.0 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-… Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Red… 14.31.31103.0 14.32.31332.0 winget
  • 卸载指定软件(包括其他不经过winget安装的软件一般也可以用winget卸载)

    • 例如 winget uninstall --name "movies & TV"
PS D:\repos\scripts> winget uninstall --name "movies & TV"
Found Movies & TV [Microsoft.ZuneVideo_8wekyb3d8bbwe]
Starting package uninstall...
██████████████████████████████ 100%
Successfully uninstalled


  • 搜索笔记软件siyuan

  • winget install siyuan -s msstore

    • 从windows 应用商店按照软件SiYuan笔记


  • 使用list命令可以获取到可以更新的版本号(available字段)
winget list



  • 如果您是安装默认的路径安装软件,那么可以使用winget upgrade 更新
PS D:\repos\blogs> winget upgrade -?
Windows Package Manager v1.2.11601
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Upgrades the selected package, either found by searching the installed packages list or directly from a manifest. By default, the query must case-insensitively match the id, name, or moniker of the package. Other fields can be used by passing their appropriate option.
usage: winget upgrade [[-q] <query>] [<options>]
The following arguments are available:
-q,--query The query used to search for a package
The following options are available:
-m,--manifest The path to the manifest of the package
--id Filter results by id
--name Filter results by name
--moniker Filter results by moniker
-v,--version Use the specified version; default is the latest version
-s,--source Find package using the specified source
-e,--exact Find package using exact match
-i,--interactive Request interactive installation; user input may be needed
-h,--silent Request silent installation
-o,--log Log location (if supported)
--override Override arguments to be passed on to the installer
-l,--location Location to install to (if supported)
--force Override the installer hash check
--accept-package-agreements Accept all license agreements for packages
--accept-source-agreements Accept all source agreements during source operations
--header Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header
--all Update all installed packages to latest if available
More help can be found at:
PS D:\repos\blogs> winget upgrade --all
Found 阿里云盘 [Alibaba.aDrive] Version 3.6.0
Found Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime [Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime] Version 103.0.1264.49
Found Oh My Posh [JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh] Version 8.13.1
Found JetBrains Toolbox [JetBrains.Toolbox] Version 1.25.12424
Found Python 3 [Python.Python.3] Version 3.10.5150.0
Found Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) [Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Redist-x64] Version 14.32.31332.0
Found Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) [Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Redist-x86] Version 14.32.31332.0
Found 网易有道词典 [Youdao.YoudaoDict] Version
(1/8) Found 阿里云盘 [Alibaba.aDrive] Version 3.6.0
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
██████████████████████████████ 92.5 MB / 92.5 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Successfully installed
(2/8) Found Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime [Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime] Version 103.0.1264.49
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
██████████████████████████████ 124 MB / 124 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Installer failed with exit code: 2147747880
(3/8) Found Oh My Posh [JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh] Version 8.13.1
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
██████████████████████████████ 6.55 MB / 6.55 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Successfully installed
(4/8) Found JetBrains Toolbox [JetBrains.Toolbox] Version 1.25.12424
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
██████████████████████████████ 57.9 MB / 57.9 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Successfully installed
(5/8) Found Python 3 [Python.Python.3] Version 3.10.5150.0
This application is licensed to you by its owner.
Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages.
██████████████████████████████ 27.3 MB / 27.3 MB
Successfully verified installer hash
Starting package install...
Successfully installed


  • winget uninstall --moniker qq
PS D:\repos\blogs> winget uninstall --moniker qq
Found 腾讯QQ [Tencent.QQ]
Starting package uninstall...
卸载edge dev版
PS C:\Users\cxxu> win uninstall "microsoft edge dev"
Multiple installed packages found matching input criteria. Please refine the input.
Name Id
Microsoft Edge Dev Microsoft.Edge.Dev
Microsoft Edge Dev Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Dev_8wekyb3d8bbwe
PS C:\Users\cxxu> win uninstall Microsoft.Edge.Dev
Found Microsoft Edge Dev [Microsoft.Edge.Dev]
Starting package uninstall...
Uninstall failed with exit code: 19
PS C:\Users\cxxu> win uninstall Microsoft.Edge.Dev


PS C:\Users\cxxu> win list --name edge
Name Id Version Available Source
Microsoft Edge Microsoft.Edge 103.0.1264.44 103.0.1264.49 winget
Microsoft Edge Update Microsoft Edge Update
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime 103.0.1264.44 103.0.1264.49 winget
Microsoft Edge Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8wekyb3d8bbwe 103.0.1264.44

发现edge dev卸载完毕

more refs(来自篇相对完善的winget使用教程)

ow to Use WINGET on Windows 11

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