conda install vs pip install@requirements.txt@依赖导出与安装@conda环境中的包的信息查询
conda install vs pip install
- conda install 和 pip install 都是常用的 Python 包管理工具,它们在包安装方面有一些区别。
- 安装来源: conda install 是 Anaconda 发行版自带的包管理工具,而 pip install 则是 Python 官方推荐的包管理工具。
- 包管理方式: conda install 会同时安装该包所依赖的所有其他包,以确保整个环境的兼容性和稳定性。这意味着 conda 安装的包会被放置在其独立的环境中,与系统环境隔离开来,因此可以在同一台机器上同时安装多个不同版本的 Python 及其相关库。
- 相比之下,pip install 只会安装指定的包,而不会检查该包所依赖的其他包是否已经安装,也不能保证该包与其他包的兼容性。这可能会导致包之间发生冲突和不兼容性问题。如果使用 pip 进行包管理,建议在 virtualenv 或者虚拟环境下进行安装,避免不同包之间的冲突。
- 跨平台支持: conda 安装器支持跨平台操作系统及多种语言环境,如 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 等。 pip 安装器也能在大部分操作系统上运行,但某些包可能无法完美地支持某些平台或 Python 版本。
- 社区支持: conda 的社区庞大,提供了许多优秀的数据科学、机器学习和人工智能相关的包。pip 的社区也很活跃,提供了更广泛的 Python 库和应用程序。
- 总体来说,conda 更适合于数据科学、机器学习和人工智能等领域的开发和部署,并且可以提供更好的环境管理和跨平台支持。pip 则更适合于一般 Python 开发和轻量级应用程序的快速部署。
- python - Difference between conda and pip installs within a conda environment - Stack Overflow
- Using pip in an environment
- 在conda environment中有些包既可以用
conda install
安装,也可以用pip install
安装 - 对比:
- conda install 可以分析处理依赖关系
- pip install 的包可能更多
- 通常,如果conda install 可以安装的话,优先使用conda,
- 否则再使用pip install 尝试(特别时一些冷门的包)
- 事实上,conda最主要的作用是用来隔离环境的,有不少人只用conda创建隔离环境,而按照package的时候总是使用pip安装,例如
conda install vs pip install
- conda install可以安装任何语言的软件包,而pip install只能安装Python的软件包。
- conda install可以在conda环境中安装任何软件包,而pip install可以在任何环境中安装Python的软件包。
- conda install可以更好地管理依赖关系,避免软件包之间的冲突,而pip install可能会导致不兼容的问题。
- conda install可以避免一些包的重复下载,利用硬链接节约磁盘
都具有缓存功能,可以提高包下载的速度和效率。 -
的缓存,可以使用conda clean
conda clean -a
pip cache purge -
conda 缓存:再安装本地已经安装过的包时,可以看到下一次安装相同版本的包的下载量会大大减少,甚至为0
pip 缓存:会提示使用本地缓存(
Using cached...
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.11) PS C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop> pip install tensorflow Looking in indexes: Collecting tensorflow Using cached (1.9 kB) Collecting tensorflow-intel==2.11.0 Using cached (266.3 MB) Collecting tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem>=0.23.1 Using cached (1.5 MB)
python 版本和加速效果
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\pt2.0) PS C:\Users\cxxu\.conda> conda list pytorch # packages in environment at d:\condaPythonEnvs\pt2.0: # # Name Version Build Channel pytorch 2.0.0 py3.10_cuda11.7_cudnn8_0 pytorch pytorch-cuda 11.7 h16d0643_3 pytorch pytorch-mutex 1.0 cuda pytorch -
- 在python3.9的情况下,我打算再安装一个pytorch2.0,我本以为另一个环境之前下载安装过了,应该不需要再下载了,但是意外的需要再下载
- 于是我查询pt2.0环境中的pytorch2.0,仔细对比,发现由于python版本不一样,他们的build版本号是有差异的
- 分别是
- 分别是
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\pt_d2l) PS C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop> conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: d:\condaPythonEnvs\pt_d2l added / updated specs: - pytorch - pytorch-cuda=11.7 - torchaudio - torchvision The following packages will be downloaded: package | build ---------------------------|----------------- filelock-3.9.0 | py39haa95532_0 19 KB defaults flit-core-3.8.0 | py39haa95532_0 85 KB defaults mpmath-1.2.1 | py39haa95532_0 773 KB defaults networkx-2.8.4 | py39haa95532_1 2.6 MB defaults pytorch-2.0.0 |py3.9_cuda11.7_cudnn8_0 1.17 GB pytorch sympy-1.11.1 | py39haa95532_0 11.7 MB defaults torchaudio-2.0.0 | py39_cu117 5.7 MB pytorch torchvision-0.15.0 | py39_cu117 7.7 MB pytorch ------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 1.20 GB
- 只有python包的本身的版本
和build version
均一致的时候,才可以起到加速的效果 - 否则就需要重新下载
conda clean@缓存清理
PS C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop> conda clean -h usage: clean [-h] [-a] [-i] [-p] [-t] [-f] [-c [TEMPFILES ...]] [-l] [-d] [--json] [-q] [-v] [-y] Remove unused packages and caches. Options: optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. Removal Targets: -a, --all Remove index cache, lock files, unused cache packages, tarballs, and logfiles. -i, --index-cache Remove index cache. -p, --packages Remove unused packages from writable package caches. WARNING: This does not check for packages installed using symlinks back to the package cache. -t, --tarballs Remove cached package tarballs. -f, --force-pkgs-dirs Remove *all* writable package caches. This option is not included with the --all flag. WARNING: This will break environments with packages installed using symlinks back to the package cache. -c [TEMPFILES ...], --tempfiles [TEMPFILES ...] Remove temporary files that could not be deleted earlier due to being in-use. The argument for the --tempfiles flag is a path (or list of paths) to the environment(s) where the tempfiles should be found and removed. -l, --logfiles Remove log files. Output, Prompt, and Flow Control Options: -d, --dry-run Only display what would have been done. --json Report all output as json. Suitable for using conda programmatically. -q, --quiet Do not display progress bar. -v, --verbose Can be used multiple times. Once for INFO, twice for DEBUG, three times for TRACE. -y, --yes Sets any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically. Users will not be asked to confirm any adding, deleting, backups, etc. Examples:: conda clean --tarballs -
-a, --all Remove index cache, lock files, unused cache packages, tarballs, and logfiles. -i, --index-cache Remove index cache.(更新Channel源时使用)
pip 导出依赖
python - In requirements.txt, what does tilde equals (~=) mean? - Stack Overflow
PS D:\repos\blogs> pip freeze -h Usage: pip freeze [options] Description: Output installed packages in requirements format. packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order.
conda list <pkgName>
查看基本信息 -
pip show <pkgName>
(被哪些包依赖) -
的信息 -
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.5) PS D:\repos\CCSER\emotion-recognition-using-speech> pip show tensorflow Name: tensorflow Version: 2.10.0 Summary: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. Home-page: Author: Google Inc. Author-email: License: Apache 2.0 Location: d:\condapythonenvs\tf2.5\lib\site-packages Requires: absl-py, astunparse, flatbuffers, gast, google-pasta, grpcio, h5py, keras, keras-preprocessing, libclang, numpy, opt-einsum, packaging, protobuf, setuptools, six, tensorboard, tensorflow-estimator, tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem, termcolor, typing-extensions, wrapt Required-by: (d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.5) PS D:\repos\CCSER\emotion-recognition-using-speech> -
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.5) PS D:\repos\CCSER\emotion-recognition-using-speech> pip show numpy Name: numpy Version: 1.21.5 Summary: NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python. Home-page: Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al. Author-email: License: BSD Location: d:\condapythonenvs\tf2.5\lib\site-packages Requires: Required-by: Bottleneck, h5py, Keras-Preprocessing, librosa, matplotlib, mkl-fft, mkl-random, numba, numexpr, opt-einsum, pandas, resampy, scikit-learn, scipy, tensorboard, tensorflow
conda info
- Display information about current conda install.(该命令用来查询当前安装的conda软件信息,而不是用来查询conda环境安装的package)
conda export
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.10) PS D:\repos\CCSER\SER> conda env export name: tf2.10 channels: - conda-forge - defaults dependencies: - _tflow_select=2.1.0=gpu - abseil-cpp=20210324.2=hd77b12b_0 - absl-py=1.3.0=py39haa95532_0 ...(省略篇幅) - flit-core=3.6.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 - yarl=1.8.1=py39h2bbff1b_0 - zeromq=4.3.4=hd77b12b_0 - zipp=3.11.0=py39haa95532_0 - zlib=1.2.13=h8cc25b3_0 - zstd=1.5.0=h6255e5f_0 - pip: - keras==2.10.0 - libclang== - pyside6==6.4.2 - pyside6-addons==6.4.2 - pyside6-essentials==6.4.2 - shiboken6==6.4.2 - soundfile==0.9.0 - tensorboard==2.10.1 - tensorflow==2.10.0 - tensorflow-estimator==2.10.0 - tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem==0.31.0 prefix: d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.10
导出到文件:(文件名无所谓,通常为了和pip freeze导出环境相区别,我们使用environment.yml命名)
conda env export --file environment.yml
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.10) PS D:\repos\CCSER\SER> conda env export --file environment.yml
conda env export > environment.yml
pip freeze
在conda中依然可以用pip freeze 来导出依赖
但是这可能不全,因为某些用conda install的包pip无法扫描到
(base) PS D:\repos\blogs> cat .\requirements.txt anyio==3.6.2 argon2-cffi==21.3.0 argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 arrow==1.2.3 asttokens==2.2.1 attrs==22.2.0 backcall==0.2.0 beautifulsoup4==4.11.1 bleach==5.0.1 Bottleneck @ file:///C:/Windows/Temp/abs_3198ca53-903d-42fd-87b4-03e6d03a8381yfwsuve8/croots/recipe/bottleneck_1657175565403/work brotlipy==0.7.0 certifi @ file:///C:/b/abs_85o_6fm0se/croot/certifi_1671487778835/work/certifi cffi @ file:///C:/b/abs_49n3v2hyhr/croot/cffi_1670423218144/work
pip list
或conda list
conda list
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.5) PS D:\repos\CCSER\emotion-recognition-using-speech> conda list -h usage: list [-h] [-n ENVIRONMENT | -p PATH] [--json] [-v] [-q] [--show-channel-urls] [-c] [-f] [--explicit] [--md5] [-e] [-r] [--no-pip] [regex] List installed packages in a conda environment. Options: positional arguments: regex List only packages matching this regular expression. optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. --show-channel-urls Show channel urls. Overrides the value given by `conda config --show show_channel_urls`. -c, --canonical Output canonical names of packages only. -f, --full-name Only search for full names, i.e., ^<regex>$. --full-name NAME is identical to regex '^NAME$'. --explicit List explicitly all installed conda packages with URL (output may be used by conda create --file). --md5 Add MD5 hashsum when using --explicit. -e, --export Output explicit, machine-readable requirement strings instead of human-readable lists of packages. This output may be used by conda create --file. -r, --revisions List the revision history. --no-pip Do not include pip-only installed packages. Target Environment Specification: -n ENVIRONMENT, --name ENVIRONMENT Name of environment. -p PATH, --prefix PATH Full path to environment location (i.e. prefix). Output, Prompt, and Flow Control Options: --json Report all output as json. Suitable for using conda programmatically. -v, --verbose Use once for info, twice for debug, three times for trace. -q, --quiet Do not display progress bar. -
Examples: List all packages in the current environment:: conda list List all packages installed into the environment 'myenv':: conda list -n myenv List all packages that begin with the letters "py", using regex:: conda list ^py Save packages for future use:: conda list --export > package-list.txt Reinstall packages from an export file:: conda create -n myenv --file package-list.txt
demos@conda list --export
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\tf2.5) PS D:\repos\CCSER\emotion-recognition-using-speech> conda list --export # This file may be used to create an environment using: # $ conda create --name <env> --file <this file> # platform: win-64 _tflow_select=2.2.0=eigen absl-py=1.3.0=py37haa95532_0 aiohttp=3.8.3=py37h2bbff1b_0 aiosignal=1.2.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 anyio=3.5.0=py37haa95532_0 argon2-cffi=21.3.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 argon2-cffi-bindings=21.2.0=py37h2bbff1b_0 astunparse=1.6.3=py_0 async-timeout=4.0.2=py37haa95532_0 asynctest=0.13.0=py_0
conda 安装 requirement.txt
conda install --file .\requirements.txt
conda 无法提供
(d:\condaPythonEnvs\keras2.8) PS D:\repos\CCSER\ser_cnn_svm_mlp> conda install --file .\requirements.txt Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done ... PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: - tensorflow==2.8.0 - scipy==1.8.0 - librosa==0.9.1 -
中相应的行 -
然后使用pip安装这些被注释的行(可以手动,如果较多,也可以复制conda 的提示,写入到一个另一个
)中,然后用pip install -r requirements_pip.txt
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