


Quick Start

  • Call default_rng to get a new instance of a Generator, then call its methods to obtain samples from different distributions. By default, Generator uses bits provided by PCG64 which has better statistical properties than the legacy MT19937 used in RandomState.

  • 请调用default_rng以获取Generator的新实例,然后调用其方法从不同的分布中获取样本。默认情况下,Generator使用PCG64提供的位,其统计特性比RandomState使用的旧版MT19937更好。

  • In [9]: # Do this (new version)
    ...: from numpy.random import default_rng
    ...: rng = default_rng()
    ...: vals = rng.standard_normal(10)
    ...: more_vals = rng.standard_normal(10)
    In [10]: rng,vals,more_vals
    (Generator(PCG64) at 0x1ECDF49C120,
    array([ 0.84248865, -0.03747258, -0.58596388, 0.69606647, 1.35019572,
    0.63704896, -2.19215194, -0.45073109, 0.27984074, -0.4711174 ]),
    array([ 0.35881568, -0.62622682, 0.03282997, 0.51418967, -1.08631947,
    0.29556383, 0.35040567, 1.811308 , 0.51156615, -1.85488487]))
  • In [11]: # instead of this (legacy version)
    ...: from numpy import random
    ...: vals = random.standard_normal(10)
    ...: more_vals = random.standard_normal(10)
    In [12]: rng,vals,more_vals
    (Generator(PCG64) at 0x1ECDF49C120,
    array([-0.33599132, -2.61003258, -1.46557606, -1.7670854 , -0.71540471,
    0.56912975, 1.19226498, -1.81105522, -0.18135109, 0.23795518]),
    array([-0.19618078, -0.95267038, -0.31023044, 0.18503194, 0.70748253,
    0.16578623, 1.72903242, -0.23564813, -2.12872048, -2.13597204]))


  • Generator can be used as a replacement for RandomState. Both class instances hold an internal BitGenerator instance to provide the bit stream, it is accessible as gen.bit_generator. Some long-overdue API cleanup means that legacy and compatibility methods have been removed from Generator

  • Generator可以用作RandomState的替代品。两个类实例都持有一个内部的BitGenerator实例来提供比特流,可以通过gen.bit_generator访问它。一些早就过期的API清理意味着从Generator中删除了旧版和兼容性方法。

  • RandomStateGeneratorNotes
    random_sample,randomCompatible with random.random
    randint,integersAdd an endpoint kwarg
    tomaxintremovedUse integers(0, np.iinfo(np.int_).max, endpoint=False)
    seedremovedUse SeedSequence.spawn
  • See What’s New or Different for more information.


Something like the following code can be used to support both RandomState and Generator, with the understanding that the interfaces are slightly different

rng_integers = rng.integers
except AttributeError:
rng_integers = rng.randint
a = rng_integers(1000)

Seeds can be passed to any of the BitGenerators. The provided value is mixed via SeedSequence to spread a possible sequence of seeds across a wider range of initialization states for the BitGenerator. Here PCG64 is used and is wrapped with a Generator.任何BitGenerator都可以接收种子。提供的值通过SeedSequence混合,以在BitGenerator的更广范围的初始化状态中传播可能的种子序列。这里使用PCG64并用Generator进行包装。

from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64
rng = Generator(PCG64(12345))

Here we use default_rng to create an instance of Generator to generate a random float:

Random Generator

  • rng:random-generator

  • The Generator provides access to a wide range of distributions, and served as a replacement for RandomState.

  • The main difference between the two is that Generator relies on an additional BitGenerator to manage state and generate the random bits, which are then transformed into random values from useful distributions.

  • The default BitGenerator used by Generator is PCG64.

  • The BitGenerator can be changed by passing an instantized BitGenerator to Generator.


Random sampling (numpy.random)

  • Numpy’s random number routines produce pseudo random numbers using combinations of a BitGenerator to create sequences and a Generator to use those sequences to sample from different statistical distributions:

  • BitGenerators: Objects that generate random numbers. These are typically unsigned integer words filled with sequences of either 32 or 64 random bits.

  • Generators: Objects that transform sequences of random bits from a BitGenerator into sequences of numbers that follow a specific probability distribution (such as uniform, Normal or Binomial) within a specified interval.

  • Since Numpy version 1.17.0 the Generator can be initialized with a number of different BitGenerators.

    • It exposes many different probability distributions. See NEP 19 for context on the updated random Numpy number routines.

    • The legacy RandomState random number routines are still available, but limited to a single BitGenerator.

    • See What’s New or Different for a complete list of improvements and differences from the legacy RandomState.

    • For convenience and backward compatibility, a single RandomState instance’s methods are imported into the numpy.random namespace, see Legacy Random Generation for the complete list.

    • Numpy的随机数生成器使用 BitGenerator 和 Generator 的组合来生成伪随机数,并从不同的统计分布中进行采样:



      自Numpy 1.17.0版本以来,Generator可以使用多种不同的BitGenerators进行初始化。它公开了许多不同的概率分布。有关更新的Numpy随机数例程的上下文,请参见NEP 19。旧版的RandomState随机数例程仍然可用,但仅限于一个BitGenerator。有关改进和与旧版RandomState的区别的完整列表,请参见“What’s New or Different”。

      为了方便和向后兼容,单个RandomState实例的方法被导入到numpy.random命名空间中,请参见“Legacy Random Generation”以获取完整列表。


  • PCG-64 is a 128-bit implementation of O’Neill’s permutation congruential generator ([1], [2]).

  • PCG-64 has a period of 2 128 2^{128} 2128 and supports advancing an arbitrary number of steps as well as 2 127 2^{127} 2127 streams.

  • The specific member of the PCG family that we use is PCG XSL RR 128/64 as described in the paper ([2]).

  • PCG64 provides a capsule containing function pointers that produce doubles, and unsigned 32 and 64- bit integers. These are not directly consumable in Python and must be consumed by a Generator or similar object that supports low-level access.

  • Supports the method advance to advance the RNG an arbitrary number of steps. The state of the PCG-64 RNG is represented by 2 128-bit unsigned integers.

State and Seeding

The PCG64 state vector consists of 2 unsigned 128-bit values, which are represented externally as Python ints. One is the state of the PRNG, which is advanced by a linear congruential generator (LCG). The second is a fixed odd increment used in the LCG.

The input seed is processed by SeedSequence to generate both values. The increment is not independently settable.

Parallel Features

The preferred way to use a BitGenerator in parallel applications is to use the SeedSequence.spawn method to obtain entropy values, and to use these to generate new BitGenerators:

>>> from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64, SeedSequence
>>> sg = SeedSequence(1234)
>>> rg = [Generator(PCG64(s)) for s in sg.spawn(10)]
Compatibility Guarantee

PCG64 makes a guarantee that a fixed seed will always produce the same random integer stream.

  • PCG-64是O’Neill置换同余发生器的128位实现 。

  • PCG-64的周期为2的128次方,并支持任意步骤的推进以及2的127次方个流。

  • 我们使用PCG家族的特定成员PCG XSL RR 128/64,如文献[2]中所述。

  • PCG64提供了一个封装,其中包含生成双精度浮点数、无符号32位和64位整数的函数指针。这些在Python中不能直接使用,必须通过一个支持底层访问的Generator或类似对象来使用。

  • 支持使用advance方法将RNG(随机数生成器)向前推进任意数量的步骤。PCG-64 RNG的状态由2个128位无符号整数表示。


PCG64状态向量由2个无符号的128位值组成,它们以Python int的形式表示。其中一个是PRNG的状态,它通过线性同余发生器(LCG)进行推进。第二个是在LCG中使用的固定奇数增量。







The new infrastructure takes a different approach to producing random numbers from the RandomState object. Random number generation is separated into two components, a bit generator and a random generator.

The BitGenerator has a limited set of responsibilities. It manages state and provides functions to produce random doubles and random unsigned 32- and 64-bit values.

The random generator takes the bit generator-provided stream and transforms them into more useful distributions, e.g., simulated normal random values. This structure allows alternative bit generators to be used with little code duplication.

The Generator is the user-facing object that is nearly identical to the legacy RandomState. It accepts a bit generator instance as an argument. The default is currently PCG64 but this may change in future versions. As a convenience NumPy provides the default_rng function to hide these details:





  • In [2]: from numpy.random import default_rng
    ...: ...: rng = default_rng(12345)
    In [3]: print(rng,'@{rng}')
    Generator(PCG64) @{rng}
    In [4]: print(rng.random())
  • To use the default PCG64 bit generator, one can instantiate it directly and pass it to Generator:

  • In [5]: from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64
    ...: rng = Generator(PCG64(12345))
    ...: print(rng)
  • Similarly to use the older MT19937 bit generator (not recommended), one can instantiate it directly and pass it to Generator:

    In [6]: from numpy.random import Generator, MT19937
    ...: rng = Generator(MT19937(12345))
    ...: print(rng)

What’s New or Different

  • Warning

    • The Box-Muller method used to produce NumPy’s normals is no longer available in Generator. It is not possible to reproduce the exact random values using Generator for the normal distribution or any other distribution that relies on the normal such as the RandomState.gamma or RandomState.standard_t. If you require bitwise backward compatible streams, use RandomState.
  • The Generator’s normal, exponential and gamma functions use 256-step Ziggurat methods which are 2-10 times faster than NumPy’s Box-Muller or inverse CDF implementations.

  • Optional dtype argument that accepts np.float32 or np.float64 to produce either single or double precision uniform random variables for select distributions

  • Optional out argument that allows existing arrays to be filled for select distributions

  • All BitGenerators can produce doubles, uint64s and uint32s via CTypes (PCG64.ctypes) and CFFI (PCG64.cffi). This allows the bit generators to be used in numba.

  • The bit generators can be used in downstream projects via Cython.

  • Generator.integers is now the canonical way to generate integer random numbers from a discrete uniform distribution. The rand and randn methods are only available through the legacy RandomState. The endpoint keyword can be used to specify open or closed intervals. This replaces both randint and the deprecated random_integers.

  • Generator.random is now the canonical way to generate floating-point random numbers, which replaces RandomState.random_sample, RandomState.sample, and RandomState.ranf. This is consistent with Python’s random.random.

  • All BitGenerators in numpy use SeedSequence to convert seeds into initialized states.

  • The addition of an axis keyword argument to methods such as Generator.choice, Generator.permutation, and Generator.shuffle improves support for sampling from and shuffling multi-dimensional arrays.

  • See What’s New or Different for a complete list of improvements and differences from the traditional Randomstate.











有关改进和与传统Randomstate的差异的完整列表,请参见“What’s New or Different”。



  • import numpy as np
    # 随机数模块
    # 实例化一个默认的随机数产生器
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    print("@rng:", rng)
    • @rng: Generator(PCG64)



  • ##
    # 生成一个随机整数数组(元素大小范围[0,10),包含3个随机整数
    rints = rng.integers(low=0, high=10, size=3)
    print( rints,"@rints1")
    # 生成一个元素大小范围为[5,10),3行4列的随机整数矩阵
    rints = rng.integers(low=5, high=10, size=(3,4))
    print("%s@rints2"% rints)
    # 生成一个元素大小范围为[5,10),3行4列的随机整数矩阵
    rints = rng.integers(low=5, high=10, size=(3,4,2))
    print("%s@rints3"% rints)
  • [6 2 2] @rints1
    [[5 9 6 8]
    [7 6 5 6]
    [9 6 6 7]]@rints2
    [[[5 7]
    [7 7]
    [7 5]
    [7 7]]
    [[9 6]
    [5 9]
    [7 5]
    [9 6]]
    [[9 6]
    [5 8]
    [6 9]
    [6 9]]]@rints3
  • 老式api:(调用方式类似)

    • import numpy as np
      # 生成3行4列的随机整数矩阵
      random_matrix = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(3, 4))


  • # 生成一个随机浮点数[0,1)
    rfloat = rng.random()
    print("@rfloat:", rfloat)
    # 产生元素在[0,1)随机浮点数矩阵(shape=(3,3))
    arr1 = rng.random((3, 3))
    print("@arr1:\n", arr1)
    arr3 = rng.random((3, 3))+10
    print("@arr3:\n", arr3)
    arr3 = rng.random((3, 3))*(15-10)+10
    print("@arr3:\n", arr3)
    # 生成0~10间的随机数浮点数
    arr4 = rng.random((3, 3))*10
    print("@arr4:\n", arr4)
    • @rfloat: 0.7939732827048979
      [[0.99358211 0.41876978 0.02352003]
      [0.05406612 0.23521216 0.78707249]
      [0.06253873 0.01311899 0.20807799]]
      [[10.04022177 10.46978502 10.18798832]
      [10.22221633 10.95567349 10.35092544]
      [10.51654467 10.77036623 10.03771871]]
      [[14.39844957 14.39288912 14.94155331]
      [13.59679302 14.93300216 11.32998308]
      [11.10215349 12.17755138 14.9722963 ]]
      [[8.05027557 0.93742348 7.96298449]
      [6.06692369 9.4384969 8.14886692]
      [9.55586509 5.97955699 1.40634796]]
  • 老式api:

    • import numpy as np
      # 生成3行4列的随机浮点数矩阵
      random_matrix = np.random.rand(3, 4)
    • [[0.62246687 0.64744595 0.34477091 0.13634874]
      [0.9282927 0.10339838 0.82403918 0.0128686 ]
      [0.83765859 0.93527123 0.93757736 0.78928998]]


  • import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
    # 概率论&数理统计:符合泊松分布的数据集使用案例
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    s = rng.poisson(5, 10000)
    count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 14, density=True)


  • import numpy as np
    # a = np.arange(16).reshape(4,4)
    #rng:random generator
    # Construct a new Generator with the default BitGenerator (PCG64).
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    # 保留三位小数(可以确保打印的时候每个元素的小数位数不超过3位)
    # 一种可能的实现(存在精度表示问题,仅作为一种理论上的方法)
    # p=c%1e*3
    for i in d:
    # print(i)
    for j in i:
    for i in range(l):
    # print(i)
    for j in range(l):
  • 0.067 0.367 0.923 0.795
    0.086 0.041 0.033 0.969
    0.572 0.868 0.353 0.908
    0.196 0.508 0.374 0.743
    translating... ----------
    0.067 0.086 0.572 0.196
    0.367 0.041 0.868 0.508
    0.923 0.033 0.353 0.374
    0.795 0.969 0.908 0.743


  • numpy.random.shuffle — NumPy Manual

  • numpy.random.permutation — NumPy Manual

  • 新的代码应该使用Generator的同名api

    • import numpy as np
  • np.random.permutationnp.random.shuffle 都是 Numpy 库中用于随机打乱数组的函数,它们的作用类似,但是有一些区别。

    np.random.permutation 函数返回一个随机排列的数组,它接受一个整数或者数组作为输入参数。如果输入参数是一个整数 n,则 np.random.permutation(n) 会返回一个包含 0n-1 的随机排列的数组。如果输入参数是一个一维数组 a,则 np.random.permutation(a) 会返回一个随机排列的 a 的副本,而不会改变原始数组 a。例如:

    import numpy as np
    a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    b = np.random.permutation(a)
    print(a) # [1 2 3 4 5]
    print(b) # [5 2 4 1 3]

    np.random.shuffle 函数是一个原地操作,它会随机打乱原始数组的顺序。它接受一个数组作为输入参数,然后随机打乱数组的顺序。例如:

    import numpy as np
    a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    print(a) # [2 4 1 5 3]

    可以看到,np.random.shuffle 函数打乱了原始数组 a 的顺序,并且没有返回任何结果。

    因此,np.random.permutationnp.random.shuffle 都可以用于随机打乱数组,但是它们的作用略有不同。如果需要得到一个随机排列的数组,并且不想改变原始数组的顺序,可以使用 np.random.permutation。如果需要原地打乱数组的顺序,可以使用 np.random.shuffle

Legacy Random Generation

  • Legacy Random Generation — NumPy Manual

  • The RandomState provides access to legacy generators. This generator is considered frozen and will have no further improvements. It is guaranteed to produce the same values as the final point release of NumPy v1.16. These all depend on Box-Muller normals or inverse CDF exponentials or gammas. This class should only be used if it is essential to have randoms that are identical to what would have been produced by previous versions of NumPy.

    RandomState adds additional information to the state which is required when using Box-Muller normals since these are produced in pairs. It is important to use RandomState.get_state, and not the underlying bit generators state, when accessing the state so that these extra values are saved.

    Although we provide the MT19937 BitGenerator for use independent of RandomState, note that its default seeding uses SeedSequence rather than the legacy seeding algorithm. RandomState will use the legacy seeding algorithm. The methods to use the legacy seeding algorithm are currently private as the main reason to use them is just to implement RandomState. However, one can reset the state of MT19937 using the state of the RandomState:

    • RandomState|Legacy Random Generation — NumPy Manual

    • In [20]: from numpy.random import MT19937
      ...: from numpy.random import RandomState
      ...: rs = RandomState(12345)
      ...: mt19937 = MT19937()
      ...: mt19937.state = rs.get_state()
      ...: rs2 = RandomState(mt19937)
      In [22]: rs.standard_normal(),rs2.standard_normal()
      Out[22]: (0.47894333805754824, 0.47894333805754824)
      In [23]: rs.random(),rs2.random()
      Out[23]: (0.18391881167709445, 0.18391881167709445)
      In [24]: rs.standard_exponential(),rs2.standard_exponential()
      Out[24]: (0.22886020849774785, 0.22886020849774785)
    • 这段代码演示了如何使用RandomState的状态重置MT19937的状态,以便产生与旧版NumPy版本完全相同的随机数。具体来说,代码的执行如下:

      1. 从numpy.random模块导入MT19937和RandomState类。
      2. 创建RandomState对象rs,并使用种子12345初始化它。
      3. 创建MT19937对象mt19937。
      4. 将mt19937对象的状态设置为rs对象的状态,以便将其重置为与rs对象相同的状态。
      5. 使用mt19937对象创建一个新的RandomState对象rs2。
      6. 调用rs和rs2对象的standard_normal()方法,产生一个标准正态分布的随机数。由于rs2对象的状态与rs对象相同,因此这两个方法的输出应该相同。
      7. 调用rs和rs2对象的random()方法,产生一个[0,1)区间上的均匀分布的随机数。由于rs2对象的状态与rs对象相同,因此这两个方法的输出应该相同。
      8. 调用rs和rs2对象的standard_exponential()方法,产生一个标准指数分布的随机数。由于rs2对象的状态与rs对象相同,因此这两个方法的输出应该相同。

    RandomState提供对旧版生成器的访问。此生成器被视为冻结的,不会有进一步的改进。它保证生成与NumPy v1.16最终版本相同的值。这些都依赖于Box-Muller正态分布或逆CDF指数分布或伽马分布。只有在必须要获得与早期NumPy版本生成的随机数完全相同的情况下,才应该使用此类。




  • Mersenne Twister (MT19937) — NumPy Manual

  • MT19937是一种基于梅森旋转算法的伪随机数生成器,它产生32位的随机数。该算法由Matsumoto和Nishimura于1998年提出,是目前应用最广泛的伪随机数生成器之一。

  • MT19937的周期非常长,为2的19937次方,这意味着可以生成大量的随机数序列而不会出现重复。此外,它的随机性和统计特性也非常好,被广泛应用于模拟、密码学、游戏等领域。

  • 在NumPy中,MT19937是一个BitGenerator类的实现,可以用于生成随机数。它的状态可以通过get_state()方法获取,也可以通过set_state()方法设置。另外,NumPy中的RandomState类也使用MT19937作为默认的随机数生成器。

  • 如果需要更好的随机性和统计特性,可以考虑使用更复杂的随机数生成器,如PCG64。



In [3]: np.random.seed?
seed(self, seed=None)
Reseed a legacy MT19937 BitGenerator
This is a convenience, legacy function.
The best practice is to **not** reseed a BitGenerator, rather to
recreate a new one. This method is here for legacy reasons.
This example demonstrates best practice.
>>> from numpy.random import MT19937
>>> from numpy.random import RandomState, SeedSequence
>>> rs = RandomState(MT19937(SeedSequence(123456789)))
# Later, you want to restart the stream
>>> rs = RandomState(MT19937(SeedSequence(987654321)))
Type: builtin_function_or_metho
In [15]: np.random.seed(1);np.random.rand()
Out[15]: 0.417022004702574
In [16]: np.random.seed(1);np.random.rand()
Out[16]: 0.417022004702574
In [17]: np.random.seed(2);np.random.rand()
Out[17]: 0.43599490214200376
In [18]: np.random.seed(2);np.random.rand()
Out[18]: 0.43599490214200376
In [19]: np.random.rand()
Out[19]: 0.025926231827891333
In [20]: np.random.rand()
Out[20]: 0.5496624778787091
In [21]: np.random.rand()
Out[21]: 0.4353223926182769
In [22]: np.random.rand()
Out[22]: 0.42036780208748903
In [23]: np.random.rand()
Out[23]: 0.3303348210038741


  • 和上面的操作类似,如果想要多次调用随机数生成方法得到的结果一致,就必须显式的在这些不同次调用前设置相同的种子(seed)

  • 如果只设置一次,而后续的调用不执行设置操作,那么结果会发生变化,例如:

  • In [1]: import numpy as np
    In [2]: rng=np.random.default_rng(1)
    In [3]: rng.random()
    Out[3]: 0.5118216247002567
    In [4]: rng.random()
    Out[4]: 0.9504636963259353
    In [5]: rng.random()
    Out[5]: 0.14415961271963373
  • In [6]: rng=np.random.default_rng(1);rng.random()
    Out[6]: 0.5118216247002567
    In [7]: rng=np.random.default_rng(1);rng.random()
    Out[7]: 0.5118216247002567
    In [9]: np.random.default_rng(1).random()
    Out[9]: 0.5118216247002567
    In [10]: np.random.default_rng(1).random()
    Out[10]: 0.5118216247002567
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2022-09-19 等差数列和特殊矩阵压缩公式/下标计数公式的应用