这些加速镜像的实现大多来自于开源项目:hunshcn/gh-proxy: github release、archive以及项目文件的加速项目,而具体的加速站点由更多人贡献
powershell 脚本内容
- 推荐使用powershell 7来运行,windows powershell 5无法兼容并行特性,并且对于代码排版的兼容性也不好
[CmdletBinding()] param( $Mirrors = $GithubMirrors, $ThrottleLimits = 16, $TimeOutSec = 3, [switch]$ListView, [switch]$PassThru, [switch]$SkipCheckAvailability, # 是否启用线性试探镜像可访问性(默认是并行试探) [switch]$Linearly, # First是为串行测试准备的,对于并行测试,是多余的参数 [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'First')] $First = 5, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('Full')] [switch] $All ) $GithubMirrors = @( # 注意,如果你的浏览器使用了代理,那么部分镜像站会和代理冲突,所以可能命令行中测试可以访问的链接在浏览器中确打不开镜像站,可以关闭代理或换个浏览器后重新验证该镜像站的可用性 #搜集到的链接可以用gpt进行修改,将链接包裹引号(指令:为这些链接分别添加引号);或者自己粘贴到文件文件中然后编写脚本转换为数组格式 'https://github.moeyy.xyz', # Moeyy - 提供 GitHub 文件的加速下载功能 'https://ghproxy.cc', 'https://ghproxy.net', # GitHub Proxy by GitHub99 - 提供 GitHub 文件的加速下载和克隆服务 #和用户自己的代理可能发生冲突 'https://mirror.ghproxy.com', # 'https://ghproxy.com/bad/demo', #虚假镜像,用来测试代码是否能够正确处理不可用的镜像链接 'https://ghproxy.homeboyc.cn/', 'https://gh-proxy.com/', 'https://gh.ddlc.top', 'https://github.ur1.fun/', '' #空字符串收尾 ) $GithubMirrorsTest = @( 'https://gh-proxy.com/', 'https://ghps.cc/', 'https://ghproxy.net/', 'https://github.moeyy.xyz/', 'https://gh.ddlc.top/', 'https://slink.ltd/', 'https://gh.con.sh/', 'https://hub.gitmirror.com/', 'https://sciproxy.com/', 'https://cf.ghproxy.cc/', 'https://gh.noki.icu/', ''#收尾 ) $GithubMirrors = $GithubMirrors + $GithubMirrorsTest $GithubMirrors = $GithubMirrors | Where-Object { $_ }#移除空串 $GithubMirrors = $GithubMirrors | ForEach-Object { $_.trim('/') } | Sort-Object #统一链接风格(去除末尾的`/`如果有的话) $GithubMirrors = $GithubMirrors | Get-Unique #移除重复条目 function Test-LinksLinearly { <# .SYNOPSIS 线性地(串行地)测试链接是否能够在指定时间内响应,为powershell5 设计 .NOTES 链接数量多的话会造成测试时间很长,尽量使用并行方案(pwsh7),或者考虑设置小的$timeoutSec=1 #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'First')] param ( $Mirrors = $GithubMirrors, $TimeOutSec = 4, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'First')] $First = 5, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('Full')] [switch] $All ) $availableMirrors = @() foreach ($mirror in $Mirrors) { # $Mirrors | ForEach-Object { # $mirror = $_ # Write-Verbose "Testing $mirror..." if (Test-MirrorAvailability -Url $mirror -TimeoutSec $TimeOutSec) { Write-Verbose "$mirror is available " Write-Host "`t $mirror" -ForegroundColor Green # 插入到数组中(这里如果foreach用了-parallel,就会导致无法访问外部的$availableMirros) $availableMirrors += $mirror } else { Write-Verbose "$mirror is not available " Write-Host "`t $mirror " -ForegroundColor Red } if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'First') { if (($availableMirrors.Count -ge $First)) { break #在foreach-object中会直接停止函数的运行,而使用传统foreach则是正常的 } } } if ($availableMirrors.Count -eq 0) { throw 'No mirrors are available!' } return $availableMirrors } function Test-LinksParallel { <# .SYNOPSIS 为powershell 7+设计的并行测试链接是否能够在指定时间内响应 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Mirrors = $GithubMirrors, $TimeOutSec = 2, $ThrottleLimits = 16 # $First = 5 ) # 如果不是powershell 7报错 if ($host.Version.Major -lt 7) { Throw 'PowerShell 7 or higher is required to run parallel foreach!' # return } $availableMirrors = @() # 为了能够让$TimeOutSec能够被传递到子进程,这里使用了$env:来扩大其作用域 # $env:TimeOutSec = $TimeOutSec # powershell提供了更好的方式访问并行scriptblock外的变量,使用$using: 这个关键字 #然而这个关键字引用的变量无法更改(只读),可以考虑用.Net线程安全容器,或者用$env:来实现共享局部环境变量 # $Envbak = $env:StopLoop # $env:StopLoop = 0 # 创建线程安全容器(队列) $mirs = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[Object]]::new() # $mirs.Enqueue('First_Demo') # Write-Host $mirs # 并行执行链接测试 $Mirrors | ForEach-Object -Parallel { # if ([int]$env:StopLoop) # { # return # } # Write-verbose $_ #引用外部变量,并且赋值给简化的临时变量,方便后续引用(直接在-Parallel中引用外部变量是不合期望的) $mirs = $using:mirs $TimeOutSec = $using:TimeOutSec # $First = $using:First # 并行方案里用First参数指定前n个意义不大,而且会让代码变得复杂 # Write-Verbose "mirs.cout=$($mirs.Count)" -Verbose # if ($mirs.Count -ge $First) # { # # Write-Host $First # Write-Verbose "The available links enough the $First !" -Verbose # return # } $mirror = $_ # Write-Debug "`$TimeOutSec=$env:TimeOutSec" -Debug #parallel 参数$DebugPreference无法起作用 # if (Test-MirrorAvailability -Url $mirror -TimeoutSec $env:TimeOutSec) # 测试链接是否可用 if (Test-MirrorAvailability -Url $mirror -TimeoutSec $using:TimeOutSec) { Write-Verbose "TimeOutSec=$using:TimeOutSec" # -Verbose Write-Host "`t $_" -ForegroundColor Green # Write-Output $mirror #写入队列 $mirs.Enqueue($mirror) # 查看$mirs队列长度 # $mirs.Count, $mirs } else { Write-Verbose "$mirror is not available " Write-Host "`t $mirror." -ForegroundColor Red } } -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimits $availableMirrors = $mirs #.ToArray() if ($availableMirrors.Count -eq 0) { throw 'No mirrors are available!' } return $availableMirrors } function Test-MirrorAvailability { <# .SYNOPSIS 测试指定链接是否在规定时间内相应 .NOTES 此函数主要用来辅助Test-LinksLinearly和Test-LinksParallel调用 .DESCRIPTION 如果及时正确相应,将链接打印为绿色,否则打印为红色 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Url, $TimeoutSec = 3 ) try { # 使用 Invoke-WebRequest 检查可用性 $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -Method Head -TimeoutSec $TimeOutSec -ErrorAction Stop $availability = $response.StatusCode -eq 200 } catch { $availability = $false } if ($VerbosePreference) { if ($availability) { Write-Host "Mirror $Url is available" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Mirror $Url is not available" -ForegroundColor Red } } return $availability } function Get-AvailableGithubMirrors { <# .SYNOPSIS 列出流行的或可能可用的 GitHub 加速镜像站。 列表中的镜像站可能会过期,可用性不做稳定性和可用性保证。 .DESCRIPTION 这里采用了多线程的方式来加速对不同镜像链接的可用性进行检查 并且更容易获取其中相应最快的可用的镜像站,这是通过串行检查无法直接达到的效果 .EXAMPLE .NOTES 推荐使用 aria2 等多线程下载工具来加速下载,让镜像加速效果更加明显。 .LINK # 镜像站搜集和参考 https://github-mirror.us.kg/ https://github.com/hunshcn/gh-proxy/issues/116 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( $Mirrors = $GithubMirrors, $ThrottleLimits = 16, $TimeOutSec = 3, [switch]$ListView, [switch]$PassThru, [switch]$SkipCheckAvailability, # 是否启用串行地试探镜像可访问性(默认是并行试探) [switch] # [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Serial')] [Alias('Serial')]$Linearly, # [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Serial')] $First = 5 ) # 检查镜像站的可用性 Write-Host 'Checking available Mirrors...' $availableMirrors = $Mirrors # 检查可用的镜像列表 if (!$SkipCheckAvailability) { $psVersion = $host.Version.Major # 默认尝试并行测试 if ($psVersion -lt 7 -and !$Linearly) { Write-Host 'PowerShell 7 or higher is required to run parallel foreach!' -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host 'Testing Links Linearly...' $Linearly = $true } if ($Linearly ) #-or $PSVersion -lt 7 { $availableMirrors = Test-LinksLinearly -Mirrors $Mirrors -TimeOutSec $TimeOutSec -First $First -Verbose:$VerbosePreference } else { $availableMirrors = Test-LinksParallel -Mirrors $Mirrors -TimeOutSec $TimeOutSec -ThrottleLimits $ThrottleLimits -Verbose:$VerbosePreference } } # Start-Sleep $TimeOutSec # 显示可用的镜像 Write-Host "`nAvailable Mirrors:" # 空白镜像保留(作为返回值) $availableMirrors = @('') + $availableMirrors # 按序号列举展示 Write-Host ' 0: Use No Mirror' -NoNewline $index = 1 $availableMirrors | ForEach-Object { # $index = [array]::IndexOf($availableMirrors, $_) # if($availableMirrors[$index] -eq ""){continue} if ($_.Trim()) { Write-Host " ${index}: $_" -NoNewline $index += 1 } Write-Host '' } if ($PassThru) { return $availableMirrors } } function Get-SelectedMirror { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Default = 1, # 默认选择第一个(可能是响应最快的) [switch]$Linearly, [switch]$Silent # 是否静默模式,不询问用户,返回第$Default个链接($Default默认为1) ) $Mirrors = Get-AvailableGithubMirrors -PassThru -Linearly:$Linearly if (!$Silent) { # 交互模式 $numOfMirrors = $Mirrors.Count $range = "[0~$($numOfMirrors-1)]" $num = Read-Host -Prompt "Select the number of the mirror you want to use $range ?(default: $default)" # $mirror = 'https://mirror.ghproxy.com' $n = $num -as [int] #可能是数字或者空$null if ($VerbosePreference) { Write-Verbose "`$n=$n" Write-Verbose "`$num=$num" Write-Verbose "`$numOfMirrors=$numOfMirrors" } # 如果输入的是空白字符,则默认设置为0 if ( $num.trim().Length -eq 0) { Write-Host 'choose the Default 1' $n = $default } elseif ($n -notin 0..($numOfMirrors - 1)) { Throw " Input a number within the range! $range" } } else { $n = $default } if ($n -gt 0) { # 用户选择了一个合法的镜像代号(0表示不使用镜像) Write-Host "Selected mirror:[$n : " -NoNewline Write-Host "$($Mirrors[$n])" -BackgroundColor Gray -NoNewline Write-Host ']'#打印一个空行 } $mirror = $Mirrors[$n] return $mirror } Get-AvailableGithubMirrors -ThrottleLimits $ThrottleLimits ` -TimeOutSec $TimeOutSec -PassThru:$PassThru -SkipCheckAvailability:$SkipCheckAvailability ` -Linearly:$Linearly -First $First
PS> .\GetMirrors.ps1 -PassThru -TimeOutSec 5 #参数补全列表 Mirrors TimeOutSec SkipCheckAvailability ThrottleLimits ListView Linearly
PS> .\GetMirrors.ps1 -TimeOutSec 5 Checking available Mirrors... https://gh.ddlc.top https://gh.con.sh https://github.moeyy.xyz https://cf.ghproxy.cc https://hub.gitmirror.com https://ghproxy.homeboyc.cn https://github.ur1.fun https://gh-proxy.com https://sciproxy.com https://ghps.cc https://ghproxy.net https://ghproxy.cc https://gh.noki.icu. https://mirror.ghproxy.com. https://slink.ltd. .... Available Mirrors: 0: Use No Mirror 1: https://gh.ddlc.top 2: https://gh.con.sh 3: https://github.moeyy.xyz 4: https://cf.ghproxy.cc 5: https://hub.gitmirror.com 6: https://ghproxy.homeboyc.cn 7: https://github.ur1.fun 8: https://gh-proxy.com 9: https://sciproxy.com 10: https://ghps.cc 11: https://ghproxy.net 12: https://ghproxy.cc
线性检查(支持powershell v5)
PS C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop> .\TL.ps1 -Linearly -First 2 Checking available Mirrors... https://cf.ghproxy.cc https://gh.con.sh Available Mirrors: 0: Use No Mirror 1: https://cf.ghproxy.cc 2: https://gh.con.sh
PS C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop> .\GetMirrors.ps1 -First 2 Checking available Mirrors... PowerShell 7 or higher is required to run parallel foreach! Testing Links Linearly... https://cf.ghproxy.cc https://gh.con.sh Available Mirrors: 0: Use No Mirror 1: https://cf.ghproxy.cc 2: https://gh.con.sh
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