
运算符重载/部分类/Continue 关键字/Using 关键字/拆分存取访问/泛型支持

 Dim ShortSpan, LongSpan, TotalSpan As TimeSpan
 ShortSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(100)
 LongSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14)
 TotalSpan = ShortSpan + LongSpan
 为什么可以直接TotalSpan = ShortSpan + LongSpan这样呢,原因是TimeSpan类对+号运算符进行了重载,如
  Public Shared Operator+(objA As MyClass,
    objB as MyClass) As MyClass
      '''' (Code goes here.)
  End Operator

 Partial Public Class 存放
    Public Sub TestMethodA()
        Console.WriteLine("Method A called.")
    End Sub
 End Class
 Partial Public Class TestClass
     Public Sub TestMethodB()
         Console.WriteLine("Method B called.")
     End Sub
 End Class

  Dim Obj As New TestClass()

Continue 关键字
 Continue For、Continue Do 和 Continue While
 For ... Next, Do ... Loop, or While ... End While中
 For i = 1 to 1000
    If i Mod 5 = 0 Then
        '''' (Task A code.)
        Continue For
    End If
    '''' (Task B code.)

Using 关键字
 Using NewFile As New _
     NewFile.WriteLine("This is line 1")
     NewFile.WriteLine("This is line 2")
 End Using
 '''' The file is closed automatically.
 '''' The NewFile object is no longer available here.

 公用 (Public)
 友元 (Friend)
 私用 (Private)
  Public Property Status() As Integer
         Return _Status
     End Get
     Set(ByVal value As Integer)
         _Status = value
     End Set
  End Property
 Public Property Status() As Integer
         Return _Status
     End Get
     Friend Set(ByVal value As Integer)
         _Status = value
     End Set
 End Property

  Public Class GenericList(Of ItemType)
      Inherits CollectionBase
      Public Function Add(ByVal value As ItemType) _
        As Integer
          Return List.Add(value)
      End Function
      Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As ItemType)
      End Sub
      Public ReadOnly Property Item( _
        ByVal index As Integer) As ItemType
              '''' The appropriate item is retrieved from
              '''' the List object and explicitly cast to
              '''' the appropriate type, and then returned.
              Return CType(List.Item(index), ItemType)
          End Get
      End Property
  End Class
 '''' Create the GenericList instance, and
 '''' choose a type (in this case, string)
 Dim List As New GenericList(Of String)
 '''' Add two strings.
 '''' The next statement will fail because it has the
 '''' wrong type. There is no automatic way to convert
 '''' a Guid object to a string. In fact, this line
 '''' won''''t ever run, because the compiler notices the
 '''' problem and refuses to build the application.
.NET2。0提供下面的泛型供使用,你可以在Systems.Collections.Generic 命名空间中找到这些泛型
List – 和 GenericList 例子类似的基本集合
Dictionary –用于索引名称=值的集合
LinkedList –链表
Queue – 先进先出集合
Stack – 后进先出集合
ReadOnlyCollection – 有固定项目集的集合,其中項目一旦建立就无法更改
SortedDictionary – 永远保持排序的名称-值集合

Using reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(booksFile, settings)
While (reader.Read())
If (reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element _
And “book” = reader.LocalName) Then
+= 1
End If
End While
End Using
posted @ 2006-03-05 14:41  徐灿钊Asp.net专栏  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报