ASP.NET development server failed to start listening on port (dynamic port) & Error Unable to connect to Visual Stutio's localhost web server

       昨天刚刚安装上MS SQL2005,由于vs2005的版本比较旧,在安装sql2005的时候必需要更换几个程序和组件,其中包括了.net Framework2.0,因为sql2005是一个中文版的,所以它里面要安装.net Framework2.0的语言包,可是当安装的时候会出现setup.exe出现错误,没有办法,在网上下载了一个.net Frameworr2.0的中文包,终于跳过了sql2005的一个安装程序,顺利地成功安装好了。
       开始运行vs2005了,可是当F5或Ctrl+F5时,出现"Asp.Net development server failed to start listening on port ****",,然后跳出警告框"Error Unable to connect to Visual Stutio's localhost web server",在网上找了很多资料,里面主要的解决方案是:
  • Does the file webdev.webserver.exe exist in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.xxxxx?
  • Is IE your default browser?  Make sure in Internet Explorer, Tools | Internet Options, Connections tab, LAN Settings, that you have 'bypass proxy server for local addresses' checked if you are using a proxy server.
  • If Windows Firewall is running check Windows Firewall settings. Turn ON the option on the Exceptions tab to "receive notifications when Firewall is running".  It's possible Firewall is blocking webdev.webserver.exe
  • What happens when you press Ctrl+F5 instead of F5 to run the site?  Ctrl+F5 is 'Run Without Debugging'
  • What do you see in your browser when you type the address http://localhost:80  ?

    到后来发现原来的.net Framework2.0版本太低了,重新安装一下.net Framework2.0解决不了问题,只能重新建立一个解决方案了。在把以前的项目添加过来,在运行的话就不会出现任何问题了。不过这样好麻烦,到现在还没有找到一个简单的解决办法。

  • posted @ 2006-02-25 15:38  徐灿钊Asp.net专栏  阅读(2589)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报