大家都知道MySQL Binlog 有三种格式,分别是Statement、Row、Mixd。Statement记录了用户执行的原始SQL,而Row则是记录了行的修改情况,在MySQL 5.6以上的版本默认是Mixd格式,但为了保证复制数据的完整性,建议生产环境都使用Row格式,就前面所说的Row记录的是行数据的修改情况,而不是原始SQL。那么线上或者测试环境误操删除或者更新几条数据后,又想恢复,那怎么办呢?下面演示基于Binlog格式为Row的误操后数据恢复,那么怎么把Binlog解析出来生成反向的原始SQL呢?下面我们一起来学习。
下面我们使用 对数据进行恢复演示。(这脚本的作者不知道是谁,Github上也没找到这个脚本,所以无法标明出处),脚本是用Perl语言写的,非常好用的一个脚本,当然你也可以用Shell或者Python脚本来实现,下面是脚本的代码:

#!/usr/lib/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Class::Struct; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); # GetOption # register handler system signals use sigtrap 'handler', \&sig_int, 'normal-signals'; # catch signal sub sig_int(){ my ($signals) = @_; print STDERR "# Caught SIG$signals.\n"; exit 1; } my %opt; my $srcfile; my $host = ''; my $port = 3306; my ($user,$pwd); my ($MYSQL, $MYSQLBINLOG, $ROLLBACK_DML); my $outfile = '/dev/null'; my (%do_dbs,%do_tbs); # tbname=>tbcol, tbcol: @n=>colname,type my %tbcol_pos; my $SPLITER_COL = ','; my $SQLTYPE_IST = 'INSERT'; my $SQLTYPE_UPD = 'UPDATE'; my $SQLTYPE_DEL = 'DELETE'; my $SQLAREA_WHERE = 'WHERE'; my $SQLAREA_SET = 'SET'; my $PRE_FUNCT = '========================== '; # ========================================================= # 基于row模式的binlog,生成DML(insert/update/delete)的rollback语句 # 通过mysqlbinlog -v 解析binlog生成可读的sql文件 # 提取需要处理的有效sql # "### "开头的行.如果输入的start-position位于某个event group中间,则会导致"无法识别event"错误 # # 将INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 的sql反转,并且1个完整sql只能占1行 # INSERT: INSERT INTO => DELETE FROM, SET => WHERE # UPDATE: WHERE => SET, SET => WHERE # DELETE: DELETE FROM => INSERT INTO, WHERE => SET # 用列名替换位置@{1,2,3} # 通过desc table获得列顺序及对应的列名 # 特殊列类型value做特别处理 # 逆序 # # 注意: # 表结构与现在的表结构必须相同[谨记] # 由于row模式是幂等的,并且恢复是一次性,所以只提取sql,不提取BEGIN/COMMIT # 只能对INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE进行处理 # ======================================================== sub main{ # get input option &get_options(); # &init_tbcol(); # &do_binlog_rollback(); } &main(); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : get options and set option flag # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_options{ #Get options info GetOptions(\%opt, 'help', # OUT : print help info 'f|srcfile=s', # IN : binlog file 'o|outfile=s', # out : output sql file 'h|host=s', # IN : host 'u|user=s', # IN : user 'p|password=s', # IN : password 'P|port=i', # IN : port 'start-datetime=s', # IN : start datetime 'stop-datetime=s', # IN : stop datetime 'start-position=i', # IN : start position 'stop-position=i', # IN : stop position 'd|database=s', # IN : database, split comma 'T|table=s', # IN : table, split comma 'i|ignore', # IN : ignore binlog check ddl and so on 'debug', # IN : print debug information ) or print_usage(); if (!scalar(%opt)) { &print_usage(); } # Handle for options if ($opt{'f'}){ $srcfile = $opt{'f'}; }else{ &merror("please input binlog file"); } $opt{'h'} and $host = $opt{'h'}; $opt{'u'} and $user = $opt{'u'}; $opt{'p'} and $pwd = $opt{'p'}; $opt{'P'} and $port = $opt{'P'}; if ($opt{'o'}) { $outfile = $opt{'o'}; # 清空 outfile `echo '' > $outfile`; } # $MYSQL = qq{mysql -h$host -u$user -p'$pwd' -P$port}; &mdebug("get_options::MYSQL\n\t$MYSQL"); # 提取binlog,不需要显示列定义信息,用-v,而不用-vv $MYSQLBINLOG = qq{mysqlbinlog -v}; $MYSQLBINLOG .= " --start-position=".$opt{'start-position'} if $opt{'start-position'}; $MYSQLBINLOG .= " --stop-position=".$opt{'stop-position'} if $opt{'stop-postion'}; $MYSQLBINLOG .= " --start-datetime='".$opt{'start-datetime'}."'" if $opt{'start-datetime'}; $MYSQLBINLOG .= " --stop-datetime='$opt{'stop-datetime'}'" if $opt{'stop-datetime'}; $MYSQLBINLOG .= " $srcfile"; &mdebug("get_options::MYSQLBINLOG\n\t$MYSQLBINLOG"); # 检查binlog中是否含有 ddl sql: CREATE|ALTER|DROP|RENAME &check_binlog() unless ($opt{'i'}); # 不使用mysqlbinlog过滤,USE dbname;方式可能会漏掉某些sql,所以不在mysqlbinlog过滤 # 指定数据库 if ($opt{'d'}){ my @dbs = split(/,/,$opt{'d'}); foreach my $db (@dbs){ $do_dbs{$db}=1; } } # 指定表 if ($opt{'T'}){ my @tbs = split(/,/,$opt{'T'}); foreach my $tb (@tbs){ $do_tbs{$tb}=1; } } # 提取有效DML SQL $ROLLBACK_DML = $MYSQLBINLOG." | grep '^### '"; # 去掉注释: '### ' -> '' # 删除首尾空格 $ROLLBACK_DML .= " | sed 's/###\\s*//g;s/\\s*\$//g'"; &mdebug("rollback dml\n\t$ROLLBACK_DML"); # 检查内容是否为空 my $cmd = "$ROLLBACK_DML | wc -l"; &mdebug("check contain dml sql\n\t$cmd"); my $size = `$cmd`; chomp($size); unless ($size >0){ &merror("binlog DML is empty:$ROLLBACK_DML"); }; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : check binlog contain DDL # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_binlog{ &mdebug("$PRE_FUNCT check_binlog"); my $cmd = "$MYSQLBINLOG "; $cmd .= " | grep -E -i '^(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|RENAME)' "; &mdebug("check binlog has DDL cmd\n\t$cmd"); my $ddlcnt = `$cmd`; chomp($ddlcnt); my $ddlnum = `$cmd | wc -l`; chomp($ddlnum); my $res = 0; if ($ddlnum>0){ # 在ddl sql前面加上前缀<DDL> $ddlcnt = `echo '$ddlcnt' | sed 's/^/<DDL>/g'`; &merror("binlog contain $ddlnum DDL:$MYSQLBINLOG. ddl sql:\n$ddlcnt"); } return $res; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : init all table column order # if input --database --table params, only get set table column order # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub init_tbcol{ &mdebug("$PRE_FUNCT init_tbcol"); # 提取DML语句 my $cmd .= "$ROLLBACK_DML | grep -E '^(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)'"; # 提取表名,并去重 #$cmd .= " | awk '{if (\$1 ~ \"^UPDATE\") {print \$2}else {print \$3}}' | uniq "; $cmd .= " | awk '{if (\$1 ~ \"^UPDATE\") {print \$2}else {print \$3}}' | sort | uniq "; &mdebug("get table name cmd\n\t$cmd"); open ALLTABLE, "$cmd | " or die "can't open file:$cmd\n"; while (my $tbname = <ALLTABLE>){ chomp($tbname); #if (exists $tbcol_pos{$tbname}){ # next; #} &init_one_tbcol($tbname) unless (&ignore_tb($tbname)); } close ALLTABLE or die "can't close file:$cmd\n"; # init tb col foreach my $tb (keys %tbcol_pos){ &mdebug("tbname->$tb"); my %colpos = %{$tbcol_pos{$tb}}; foreach my $pos (keys %colpos){ my $col = $colpos{$pos}; my ($cname,$ctype) = split(/$SPLITER_COL/, $col); &mdebug("\tpos->$pos,cname->$cname,ctype->$ctype"); } } }; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : init one table column order # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub init_one_tbcol{ my $tbname = shift; &mdebug("$PRE_FUNCT init_one_tbcol"); # 获取表结构及列顺序 my $cmd = $MYSQL." --skip-column-names --silent -e 'desc $tbname'"; # 提取列名,并拼接 $cmd .= " | awk -F\'\\t\' \'{print NR\"$SPLITER_COL`\"\$1\"`$SPLITER_COL\"\$2}'"; &mdebug("get table column infor cmd\n\t$cmd"); open TBCOL,"$cmd | " or die "can't open desc $tbname;"; my %colpos; while (my $line = <TBCOL>){ chomp($line); my ($pos,$col,$coltype) = split(/$SPLITER_COL/,$line); &mdebug("linesss=$line\n\t\tpos=$pos\n\t\tcol=$col\n\t\ttype=$coltype"); $colpos{$pos} = $col.$SPLITER_COL.$coltype; } close TBCOL or die "can't colse desc $tbname"; $tbcol_pos{$tbname} = \%colpos; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : rollback sql: INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_binlog_rollback{ my $binlogfile = "$ROLLBACK_DML "; &mdebug("$PRE_FUNCT do_binlog_rollback"); # INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE my $sqltype; # WHERE|SET my $sqlarea; my ($tbname, $sqlstr) = ('', ''); my ($notignore, $isareabegin) = (0,0); # output sql file open SQLFILE, ">> $outfile" or die "Can't open sql file:$outfile"; # binlog file open BINLOG, "$binlogfile |" or die "Can't open file: $binlogfile"; while (my $line = <BINLOG>){ chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)/){ # export sql if ($sqlstr ne ''){ $sqlstr .= ";\n"; print SQLFILE $sqlstr; &mdebug("export sql\n\t".$sqlstr); $sqlstr = ''; } if ($line =~ /^INSERT/){ $sqltype = $SQLTYPE_IST; $tbname = `echo '$line' | awk '{print \$3}'`; chomp($tbname); $sqlstr = qq{DELETE FROM $tbname}; }elsif ($line =~ /^UPDATE/){ $sqltype = $SQLTYPE_UPD; $tbname = `echo '$line' | awk '{print \$2}'`; chomp($tbname); $sqlstr = qq{UPDATE $tbname}; }elsif ($line =~ /^DELETE/){ $sqltype = $SQLTYPE_DEL; $tbname = `echo '$line' | awk '{print \$3}'`; chomp($tbname); $sqlstr = qq{INSERT INTO $tbname}; } # check ignore table if(&ignore_tb($tbname)){ $notignore = 0; &mdebug("<BINLOG>#IGNORE#:line:".$line); $sqlstr = ''; }else{ $notignore = 1; &mdebug("<BINLOG>#DO#:line:".$line); } }else { if($notignore){ &merror("can't get tbname") unless (defined($tbname)); if ($line =~ /^WHERE/){ $sqlarea = $SQLAREA_WHERE; $sqlstr .= qq{ SET}; $isareabegin = 1; }elsif ($line =~ /^SET/){ $sqlarea = $SQLAREA_SET; $sqlstr .= qq{ WHERE}; $isareabegin = 1; }elsif ($line =~ /^\@/){ $sqlstr .= &deal_col_value($tbname, $sqltype, $sqlarea, $isareabegin, $line); $isareabegin = 0; }else{ &mdebug("::unknown sql:".$line); } } } } # export last sql if ($sqlstr ne ''){ $sqlstr .= ";\n"; print SQLFILE $sqlstr; &mdebug("export sql\n\t".$sqlstr); } close BINLOG or die "Can't close binlog file: $binlogfile"; close SQLFILE or die "Can't close out sql file: $outfile"; # 逆序 # 1!G: 只有第一行不执行G, 将hold space中的内容append回到pattern space # h: 将pattern space 拷贝到hold space # $!d: 除最后一行都删除 my $invert = "sed -i '1!G;h;\$!d' $outfile"; my $res = `$invert`; &mdebug("inverter order sqlfile :$invert"); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : transfer column pos to name # deal column value # # &deal_col_value($tbname, $sqltype, $sqlarea, $isareabegin, $line); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub deal_col_value($$$$$){ my ($tbname, $sqltype, $sqlarea, $isareabegin, $line) = @_; &mdebug("$PRE_FUNCT deal_col_value"); &mdebug("input:tbname->$tbname,type->$sqltype,area->$sqlarea,areabegin->$isareabegin,line->$line"); my @vals = split(/=/, $line); my $pos = substr($vals[0],1); my $valstartpos = length($pos)+2; my $val = substr($line,$valstartpos); my %tbcol = %{$tbcol_pos{$tbname}}; my ($cname,$ctype) = split(/$SPLITER_COL/,$tbcol{$pos}); &merror("can't get $tbname column $cname type") unless (defined($cname) || defined($ctype)); &mdebug("column infor:cname->$cname,type->$ctype"); # join str my $joinstr; if ($isareabegin){ $joinstr = ' '; }else{ # WHERE 被替换为 SET, 使用 , 连接 if ($sqlarea eq $SQLAREA_WHERE){ $joinstr = ', '; # SET 被替换为 WHERE 使用 AND 连接 }elsif ($sqlarea eq $SQLAREA_SET){ $joinstr = ' AND '; }else{ &merror("!!!!!!The scripts error"); } } # my $newline = $joinstr; # NULL value if (($val eq 'NULL') && ($sqlarea eq $SQLAREA_SET)){ $newline .= qq{ $cname IS NULL}; }else{ # timestamp: record seconds if ($ctype eq 'timestamp'){ $newline .= qq{$cname=from_unixtime($val)}; # datetime: @n=yyyy-mm-dd hh::ii::ss }elsif ($ctype eq 'datetime'){ $newline .= qq{$cname='$val'}; }else{ $newline .= qq{$cname=$val}; } } &mdebug("\told>$line\n\tnew>$newline"); return $newline; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : check is ignore table # params: IN table full name # format:`dbname`.`tbname` # RETURN: # 0 not ignore # 1 ignore # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ignore_tb($){ my $fullname = shift; # 删除` $fullname =~ s/`//g; my ($dbname,$tbname) = split(/\./,$fullname); my $res = 0; # 指定了数据库 if ($opt{'d'}){ # 与指定库相同 if ($do_dbs{$dbname}){ # 指定表 if ($opt{'T'}){ # 与指定表不同 unless ($do_tbs{$tbname}){ $res = 1; } } # 与指定库不同 }else{ $res = 1; } } #&mdebug("Table check ignore:$fullname->$res"); return $res; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : print debug msg # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub mdebug{ my (@msg) = @_; print "<DEBUG>@msg\n" if ($opt{'debug'}); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : print error msg and exit # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub merror{ my (@msg) = @_; print "<Error>:@msg\n"; &print_usage(); exit(1); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Func : print usage # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_usage{ print <<EOF; ========================================================================================== Command line options : --help # OUT : print help info -f, --srcfile # IN : binlog file. [required] -o, --outfile # OUT : output sql file. [required] -h, --host # IN : host. default '' -u, --user # IN : user. [required] -p, --password # IN : password. [required] -P, --port # IN : port. default '3306' --start-datetime # IN : start datetime --stop-datetime # IN : stop datetime --start-position # IN : start position --stop-position # IN : stop position -d, --database # IN : database, split comma -T, --table # IN : table, split comma. [required] set -d -i, --ignore # IN : ignore binlog check contain DDL(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|RENAME) --debug # IN : print debug information Sample : shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -i shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --debug shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -h '' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -P 3307 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --start-position=107 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --start-position=107 --stop-position=10000 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -d 'db1,db2' shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.0000*' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -d 'db1,db2' -T 'tb1,tb2' ========================================================================================== EOF exit; } 1;
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl ========================================================================================== Command line options : --help # OUT : print help info -f, --srcfile # IN : binlog file. [required] -o, --outfile # OUT : output sql file. [required] -h, --host # IN : host. default '' -u, --user # IN : user. [required] -p, --password # IN : password. [required] -P, --port # IN : port. default '3306' --start-datetime # IN : start datetime --stop-datetime # IN : stop datetime --start-position # IN : start position --stop-position # IN : stop position -d, --database # IN : database, split comma -T, --table # IN : table, split comma. [required] set -d -i, --ignore # IN : ignore binlog check contain DDL(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|RENAME) --debug # IN : print debug information Sample : shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -i shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --debug shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -h '' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -P 3307 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --start-position=107 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' --start-position=107 --stop-position=10000 shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.000001' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -d 'db1,db2' shell> perl -f 'mysql-bin.0000*' -o '/tmp/t.sql' -u 'user' -p 'pwd' -d 'db1,db2' -T 'tb1,tb2' ========================================================================================== [root@localhost mysql3306]#
<Test>[(none)]> GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'recovery'@'' identified by '123456'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) <Test>[(none)]> flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) <Test>[(none)]>
<Test>[xuanzhi]> show global variables like 'binlog_format'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | binlog_format | ROW | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]> insert into xuanzhi.tb1 select 1,'aa'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]> insert into xuanzhi.tb1 select 2,'cc'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]> select * from xuanzhi.tb1; +------+------+ | id | name | +------+------+ | 1 | aa | | 2 | cc | +------+------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]>
<Test>[xuanzhi]> insert into test.user select 1,'user1',20; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]> insert into test.user select 2,'user2',30; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]>
<Test>[xuanzhi]> show master status; +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set | +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ | localhost-bin.000023 | 936 | | | | +----------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]>
下面运行脚本 ,不指定任何库和表的情况下,这时表把binlog里所有DML操作都生成反向的SQL(最新的DML会生成在输入文件的最前面):
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]#
[root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=30; DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='user1' AND `age`=20; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='aa';
<Test>[xuanzhi]> delete from xuanzhi.tb1 where id=2; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]> delete from test.user where id=1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]>
一、是基于最新的完整备份+binlog进行数据恢复了,这时需要把备份导回去,还要找出Binlog DELETE前的pos位置,再进行binlog恢复,恢复完后再把记录恢复到误操的环境上。如果表很大,这时间要很久。
下面我们运行 脚本,生成删除数据语句的反向SQL:
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]#
[root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql INSERT INTO `test`.`user` SET `id`=1, `name`='user1', `age`=20; INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=2, `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=30; DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='user1' AND `age`=20; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='aa'; [root@localhost mysql3306]#
INSERT INTO `test`.`user` SET `id`=1, `name`='user1', `age`=20; INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=2, `name`='bb';
<Test>[xuanzhi]> select * from xuanzhi.tb1; +------+------+ | id | name | +------+------+ | 1 | aa | +------+------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]> select * from test.user; +------+-------+------+ | id | name | age | +------+-------+------+ | 2 | user2 | 30 | +------+-------+------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]> update xuanzhi.tb1 set name = 'MySQL' where id=1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]> update test.user set age = 20 where id = 2; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 <Test>[xuanzhi]>
这个时候发现修改错数据了,需要还原,同样可以使用脚本 进行对所在Binlog的DML生成反向的SQL,进行恢复:
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]#
[root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql UPDATE `test`.`user` SET `id`=2, `name`='user2', `age`=30 WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=20; UPDATE `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa' WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='MySQL'; INSERT INTO `test`.`user` SET `id`=1, `name`='user1', `age`=20; INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=2, `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=30; DELETE FROM `test`.`user` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='user1' AND `age`=20; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='aa'; [root@localhost mysql3306]#
UPDATE `test`.`user` SET `id`=2, `name`='user2', `age`=30 WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=20; UPDATE `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa' WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='MySQL';
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' -d 'xuanzhi' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql UPDATE `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa' WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='MySQL'; INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=2, `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='aa'; [root@localhost mysql3306]#
下面进行指定库下某个表的反向解析,参数为:-T (为了看到效果在xuanzhi库下的tb2表删除一些记录):
<Test>[xuanzhi]> select * from tb2; +------+------+ | id | name | +------+------+ | 1 | aa | | 2 | bb | | 3 | cc | +------+------+ 3 rows in set (0.04 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]> delete from xuanzhi.tb2 where id <2; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) <Test>[xuanzhi]>
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' -d 'xuanzhi' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb2` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa'; UPDATE `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa' WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='MySQL'; INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb1` SET `id`=2, `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='bb'; DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb1` WHERE `id`=1 AND `name`='aa'; [root@localhost mysql3306]#
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' -d 'xuanzhi' -T 'tb2' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. [root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb2` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa'; [root@localhost mysql3306]#
下面进行POS点生成反向SQL:(--start-position= --stop-position=)

# at 1557 #160308 4:27:23 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1632 CRC32 0xb67ef6ba Query thread_id=11 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1457382443/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 1632 #160308 4:27:23 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1683 CRC32 0x219a127c Table_map: `test`.`user` mapped to number 74 # at 1683 #160308 4:27:23 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1749 CRC32 0xf5e0d39e Update_rows: table id 74 flags: STMT_END_F BINLOG ' K+TdVhPqlBMAMwAAAJMGAAAAAEoAAAAAAAEABHRlc3QABHVzZXIAAwP+AwL+Hgd8Epoh K+TdVh/qlBMAQgAAANUGAAAAAEoAAAAAAAEAAgAD///4AgAAAAV1c2VyMh4AAAD4AgAAAAV1c2Vy MhQAAACe0+D1 '/*!*/; ### UPDATE `test`.`user` ### WHERE ### @1=2 ### @2='user2' ### @3=30 ### SET ### @1=2 ### @2='user2' ### @3=20 # at 1749 #160308 4:27:23 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1780 CRC32 0x1e62cb77 Xid = 101 COMMIT/*!*/; # at 1780 #160308 4:40:32 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1855 CRC32 0x04dfe1f0 Query thread_id=11 exec_time=1 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1457383232/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 1855 #160308 4:40:32 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1907 CRC32 0x897ae6bd Table_map: `xuanzhi`.`tb2` mapped to number 70 # at 1907 #160308 4:40:32 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1950 CRC32 0xea61aff0 Delete_rows: table id 70 flags: STMT_END_F BINLOG ' QOfdVhPqlBMANAAAAHMHAAAAAEYAAAAAAAEAB3h1YW56aGkAA3RiMgACA/4C/goDveZ6iQ== QOfdViDqlBMAKwAAAJ4HAAAAAEYAAAAAAAEAAgAC//wBAAAAAmFh8K9h6g== '/*!*/; ### DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb2` ### WHERE ### @1=1 ### @2='aa' # at 1950 #160308 4:40:32 server id 1283306 end_log_pos 1981 CRC32 0x49e1ce9c Xid = 113 COMMIT/*!*/;
从上面的binlog可以看到开始的--start-position=1557 结束的--stop-position=1981,这一段binlog里做了UPDATE `test`.`user` ... 和 DELETE FROM `xuanzhi`.`tb2` ... 的操作,那么用binlog-rollback.pl应该会生成一个UPDATE和一个INSERT语句
[root@localhost mysql3306]# perl -f 'localhost-bin.000023' -o '/data/t.sql' -u 'recovery' -p '123456' --start-position=1557 --stop-position=1981
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
[root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /data/t.sql
INSERT INTO `xuanzhi`.`tb2` SET `id`=1, `name`='aa';
UPDATE `test`.`user` SET `id`=2, `name`='user2', `age`=30 WHERE `id`=2 AND `name`='user2' AND `age`=20;
[root@localhost mysql3306]#
总结: 一、感谢那些有分享精神的大神们,让我们学到了更多的东西,但开源的脚本需要多测试。
作者:陆炫志 出处:xuanzhi的博客 您的支持是对博主最大的鼓励,感谢您的认真阅读。本文版权归作者所有,欢迎转载,但请保留该声明。
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