C#(pronounced: see sharp) 与 .NET



这里的「#/」读作「sharp」,意思是「(Music, other (immediately postpositive) denoting a note that has been raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone: B sharp. 」,也就是:一个升的调。有些开发看到别人读「C 井(jǐng)」,一脸鄙视的样子,也不给解释,或许有些开发也不知道为什么读作「sharp」。


The name "C sharp" was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates that the written note should be made a semitone higher in pitch.[26] This is similar to the language name of C++, where "++" indicates that a variable should be incremented by 1. The sharp symbol also resembles a ligature of four "+" symbols (in a two-by-two grid), further implying that the language is an increment of C++.[27]



:By convention, a number sign is used for the second character in normal text; in artistic representations, sometimes a true sharp sign is used: C♯.


^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^


.NET Framework (pronounced: dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows.






posted @ 2016-08-16 09:55  xiulug  阅读(445)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报