给类动态添加Attribute一直是我想要解决的问题,从msdn里找了很久,到Stack Overflow看了不少文章,算是最终有了答案。
Attributes are static metadata. Assemblies, modules, types, members, parameters, and return values aren't first-class objects in C# (e.g., the System.Type class is merely a reflected representation of a type). You can get an instance of an attribute for a type and change the properties if they're writable but that won't affect the attribute as it is applied to the type.
/* * 现在需要给simpleObject添加attribute */ TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(targetObject), new simpleAttribute(new targetObject())); AttributeCollection collection = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(typeof(targetObject)); simpleAttribute attr = ((simpleAttribute)collection[typeof(simpleAttribute)]); if (attr != null) { MessageBox.Show(attr.ToString()); }
饮水思源,不忘初心。 要面包,也要有诗和远方。