YouTube™ API for ASP.NET


Embedded Video Players, based either on Adobe Flash™ or Microsoft Silverlight™ technology, could dramatically improve web page aesthetic appeal and overall user experience. This article demonstrates the coding technique for embedding the popular YouTube™ Video Player (which is built on the above mentioned Adobe Flash™) in ASP.NET web pages via an API written in C# and a Microsoft AJAX extension.

The project contains:

  • The default web page "Default.aspx" with the corresponding code-behind: both to be placed in the Application root directory (ASP.NET 2.0+).
  • Code module "YouTubeScriptGenerator.cs" to be placed in the App_Code directory.
  • AJAX library file (AjaxControlToolkit.dll) to be placed in the Bin directory

Another functional DEMO of the YouTube™ Player embedded in an ASP.NET web page, containing playlist and a set of navigation controls is available at:


The Embedded Video Player would be capable of streaming (playing back) the audio/video content, available from the website.

Note: You do not need to subscribe/logon to the site in order to utilize this feature.

The video item ID is encoded into a query string, looking like a random set of characters, for example: x_4CNvG1Q_M, with corresponding full address string: (in particular sample presumably pointing to the video clip titled: “Anastasia Volochkova dancing to Adiemus by Karl Jenkins).

The easiest way to embed the YouTube™ Video Player is to go to the website, select the item of interest, and then copy/paste the corresponding snippet, located in the text box marked “embed”, into your own web page, and Voila! YouTube™ site provides several customization options regarding the video player size (this includes standard settings specified as: 340x285, 445x364, 500x405, 660x525) and color palette selection.

The ASP.NET YouTube™ API described in this article provides a much wider set of customization features.



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