你不知道的5个HTML5 API
一提到HTML5,你脑海里是不是闪现这样的画面:“一大堆脱衣舞女和独角兽走进房间,然后演奏着 I’m Sexy and I know it”。产生这样的想法难道是我们的错吗?API的停滞不前,使一些基本的特性,例如使用“占位符”都需要“花一分钟”。尽管HTML5的许多功能都已经在现代浏览器中实现,但开发者却很少关注那些轻量且非常实用的API。本文就将为您“曝光”5个你所不知道的API,并且希望你能探索出更多的HTML5 API,助你在这条路上走的更远。
classList API提供了一个CSS控制器,而这功能以前都是通过JavaScript实现的:
1 // Add a class to an element 2 myElement.classList.add("newClass"); 3 4 // Remove a class to an element 5 myElement.classList.remove("existingClass"); 6 7 // Check for existence 8 myElement.classList.contains("oneClass"); 9 10 // Toggle a class 11 myElement.classList.toggle("anotherClass");
ContextMenu API是一个非常出色的菜单API,无需重写浏览器上下文菜单即可把item添加到浏览器菜单中,非常简单、方便。
<section contextmenu="mymenu"> <!-- For the purpose of cleanliness, I'll put my menu inside the element that will use it --> <!-- add the menu --> <menu type="context" id="mymenu"> <menuitem label="Refresh Post" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="/images/refresh-icon.png"></menuitem> <menu label="Share on..." icon="/images/share_icon.gif"> <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="/images/twitter_icon.gif" onclick="goTo('//twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' + document.title + ': ' + window.location.href);"></menuitem> <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="/images/facebook_icon16x16.gif" onclick="goTo('//facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=' + window.location.href);"></menuitem> </menu> </menu> </section>
1 /* Assuming element: 2 3 <div id="myDiv" data-name="myDiv" data-id="myId" data-my-custom-key="This is the value"></div> 4 5 */ 6 7 // Get the element 8 var element = document.getElementById("myDiv"); 9 10 // Get the id 11 var id = element.dataset.id; 12 13 // Retrieves "data-my-custom-key" 14 var customKey = element.dataset.myCustomKey; 15 16 // Sets the value to something else 17 element.dataset.myCustomKey = "Some other value"; 18 19 // Element becomes: 20 // <div id="myDiv" data-name="myDiv" data-id="myId" data-my-custom-key="Some other value"></div>
IE8很早就开始支持postMessage API,它允许消息在windows和iframe之间发送:
1 // From window or frame on domain 1, send a message to the iframe which hosts another domain 2 var iframeWindow = document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow; 3 iframeWindow.postMessage("Hello from the first window!"); 4 5 // From inside the iframe on different host, receive message 6 window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { 7 // Make sure we trust the sending domain 8 if(event.origin == "http://davidwalsh.name") { 9 // Log out the message 10 console.log(event.data); 11 12 // Send a message back 13 event.source.postMessage("Hello back!"); 14 } 15 ]);
1 <input autofocus="autofocus" /> 2 <button autofocus="autofocus">Hi!</button> 3 <textarea autofocus="autofocus"></textarea>
每个浏览器会支持不同的API,所以在使用之前请认真阅读使用说明,希望能帮助你更好的使用API。(编译/张红月 英文来自:david walsh blog)