游标可允许 用户 查询下一行、上一行、第一行或最后一行,并对这些读取到的行进行处理。
CREATE FUNCTION GetMRPlnFullBom --创建一函数,根据单据电键查询单据中每行,并对每行数据进行处理。 ( @DocEntry int ) RETURNS @TAB TABLE -- 将最终查询的结果集定义临时表,返回。 ( DocEntry int, LineNum int, LineNumLevel nvarchar(100), ItmID nvarchar(20), ItmName nvarchar(100), LineType char(1), Qty numeric(19,9), BomLevel int, ParentEntry int, ParentItmID nvarchar(20), TopEntry int, TopItmID nvarchar(20) , BaseEntry int , BaseLineNum int , BaseType int ) AS BEGIN Declare @ItmID varchar(50) , @Qty int ,@LineNum int ,@ObjType int --声明局部变量 --声明一游标,声明游标时 XXX前不能加@,比如下面的MRPlnA_ItmID ,格式是DECLARE XXX CURSOR FOR DECLARE MRPlnA_ItmID CURSOR FOR SELECT ItmID , Qty ,LineNum , ObjType FROM MRPlnA Where DocEntry = @DocEntry --语句要在DECLARE XXX CURSOR FOR与OPEN XXX之间。 Open MRPlnA_ItmID --打开游标 FETCH NEXT FROM MRPlnA_ItmID INTO @ItmID , @Qty ,@LineNum , @ObjType --FETCH NEXT FROM XXX INTO ... 更新游标指定记录即换行,并将Select出来的数据,存入临时变量中。 FETCH格式上除了NEXT还有PRIOR、FRIST、LAST。分别是上一行、第一行及最后一行。 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 --@@FETCH_STATUS全局变量,用于查询FETCH最后一次状态,控制循环。当读取完时是0,读取失败是-1,记录被删除是-2。 BEGIN Insert Into @TAB Select DocEntry,LineNum,LineNumLevel,ItmID,ItmName,LineType,Qty*@Qty,BomLevel,ParentEntry, ParentItmID,TopEntry,TopItmID , @DocEntry SourceEntry ,@LineNum BaseLineNum ,@ObjType BaseType From GetBomFullItems(@ItmID, 'V 1.0', GetDate()) TD --GetBomFULLItmes是另一查询函数。 FETCH NEXT FROM MRPlnA_ItmID INTO @ItmID , @Qty ,@LineNum , @ObjType -- Select移到下一行。 END CLOSE MRPlnA_ItmID --关闭游标 DEALLOCATE MRPlnA_ItmID --释放游标 RETURN END
USE [LT] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_StoreTaskToLT] Script Date: 2021/9/27 15:15:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --https://www.cnblogs.com/lusunqing/p/3660190.html ALTER proc [dbo].[proc_StoreTaskToLT] as declare @ASNOutId int, @OrderId bigint, @asncount int, @storeoutlinecount int, @storeinventorycount int, @k int, @j int, @l int, @TenantId int, @OutLineId bigint, @DeliveryQuantity int, @IsPicked bit, @Comment nvarchar(max), @Remark nvarchar(max), @CreatorName nvarchar(max), @DeleterName nvarchar(max), @LastModifierName nvarchar(max), @LastModificationTime datetime, @IsDeleted bit, @DeleterUserId bigint, @DeletionTime datetime, @LastModifierUserId bigint, @CreationTime datetime, @CreatorUserId bigint, @ItemId bigint, @LocationId bigint, @CalQuantity int, @InventoryId bigint, @CurrentQuantity int -- 查找所有已同步到WMS_trial,并且已经出库的出库单 select * into #temp_ASNOutIds from ( select ASNOutId,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by ASNOutId asc) as rowindex1 from LMS.WMS.dbo.ASNOut where ASNOutId in ( select AsnId from dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut where AsnId is not null and Is2Wms is not null and Is2Wms=1 and (Is2A56 is null or Is2A56=0) ) and Time_Outbound is not null ) as tab select @asncount = COUNT(1) from #temp_ASNOutIds set @k = 1 while (@asncount >= @k) begin select @ASNOutId=ASNOutId from #temp_ASNOutIds where rowindex1=@k --更改 Store_TaskOrderOut Is2A56 为 1,更改 Store_OutLine DeliveryQuantity 实发数量 update dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut set Is2A56=1 where AsnId=@ASNOutId update t1 set t1.DeliveryQuantity=t3.PickedQty from dbo.Store_OutLine as t1 inner join dbo.Store_TaskOrderOutLine as t2 on t1.Id = t2.LineId inner join LMS.WMS.dbo.CargoOut as t3 on t2.CargoId = t3.CargoOutId where t2.TaskId in ( select Id from dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut where AsnId=@ASNOutId ) update sl set sl.DeliveryQuantity=ISNULL(sl.DeliveryQuantity,0)+t3.PickedQty,OutboundDiscountAmount = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),ROUND(CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),ISNULL(sl.DeliveryQuantity,0)+t3.PickedQty)/ConfirmQuantity*SalesDiscountAmount,2)) from dbo.Store_OutLine as t1 INNER JOIN dbo.Marketing_SalesOut so ON t1.Id=so.OutLineId INNER JOIN dbo.Marketing_SalesLine sl ON sl.Id=so.SalesLineId inner join dbo.Store_TaskOrderOutLine as t2 on t1.Id = t2.LineId inner join LMS.WMS.dbo.CargoOut as t3 on t2.CargoId = t3.CargoOutId where t2.TaskId in ( select Id from dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut where AsnId=@ASNOutId ) --Milestone Outbound 出库 120 update t1 set t1.Milestone=120 from dbo.Store_Out as t1 where t1.Id in (select OrderId from dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut where AsnId=@ASNOutId) select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by OutLineId asc) as rowindex2 into #temp_Store_OutLine from ( select t1.[TenantId] ,t1.Id as [OutLineId] ,t1.DeliveryQuantity ,1 as [IsPicked] ,t1.[Comment] ,t1.[Remark] ,t1.[CreatorName] ,t1.[DeleterName] ,t1.[LastModifierName] ,t1.[LastModificationTime] ,t1.[IsDeleted] ,t1.[DeleterUserId] ,t1.[DeletionTime] ,t1.[LastModifierUserId] ,t1.[CreationTime] ,t1.[CreatorUserId] ,t1.ItemId ,t2.LocationId from dbo.Store_OutLine as t1 inner join dbo.Store_Out as t2 on t1.OutId = t2.Id where t1.OutId in(select OrderId from dbo.Store_TaskOrderOut where AsnId=@ASNOutId) ) as tab2 --循环出库明细 select @storeoutlinecount = COUNT(1) from #temp_Store_OutLine set @j = 1 while (@storeoutlinecount >= @j) begin --出库明细 select @ItemId=ItemId,@LocationId=LocationId, @TenantId =TenantId,@OutLineId =OutLineId,@DeliveryQuantity =DeliveryQuantity,@IsPicked =1, @Comment =Comment,@Remark =Remark,@CreatorName =CreatorName,@DeleterName =DeleterName,@LastModifierName =LastModifierName, @LastModificationTime =LastModificationTime,@IsDeleted =IsDeleted,@DeleterUserId =DeleterUserId,@DeletionTime =DeletionTime, @LastModifierUserId =LastModifierUserId,@CreationTime =CreationTime,@CreatorUserId=CreatorUserId from #temp_Store_OutLine where rowindex2=@j --库存明细 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by InboundDate asc) as rowindex3 into #temp_Store_Inventory from ( select Id,CurrentQuantity,ItemId,LocationId,InboundDate from dbo.Store_Inventory where ItemId=@ItemId and LocationId=@LocationId ) as tab3 --循环扣除库存 select @storeinventorycount = COUNT(1) from #temp_Store_Inventory set @l = 1 while(@storeinventorycount>=@l) begin select @CurrentQuantity=CurrentQuantity,@InventoryId=Id from #temp_Store_Inventory where rowindex3=@l if(@DeliveryQuantity>=@CurrentQuantity) begin set @CalQuantity = @CurrentQuantity set @DeliveryQuantity = @DeliveryQuantity - @CalQuantity end else begin set @CalQuantity = @DeliveryQuantity set @DeliveryQuantity=0 end --插入[Store_PickingList],扣除Store_Inventory库存CurrentQuantity和AvailableQuantity,@DeliveryQuantity减去@CalQuantity INSERT INTO [dbo].[Store_PickingList] ([TenantId] ,[OutLineId] ,[InventoryId] ,[Quantity] ,[IsPicked] ,[Comment] ,[Remark] ,[CreatorName] ,[DeleterName] ,[LastModifierName] ,[LastModificationTime] ,[IsDeleted] ,[DeleterUserId] ,[DeletionTime] ,[LastModifierUserId] ,[CreationTime] ,[CreatorUserId]) values( @TenantId, @OutLineId , @InventoryId, @CalQuantity, @IsPicked, @Comment, @Remark, @CreatorName, @DeleterName, @LastModifierName, @LastModificationTime, @IsDeleted, @DeleterUserId, @DeletionTime , @LastModifierUserId, @CreationTime, @CreatorUserId ); update dbo.Store_Inventory set CurrentQuantity=CurrentQuantity-@CalQuantity,AvailableQuantity = AvailableQuantity - @CalQuantity where Id=@InventoryId; update dbo.StockBalances set CurrentQuantity = CurrentQuantity - @CalQuantity where LocationId=@LocationId and ItemId=@ItemId and TenantId=@TenantId if(@DeliveryQuantity=0) begin break end set @l = @l + 1 end drop table #temp_Store_Inventory set @j = @j + 1 end drop table #temp_Store_OutLine set @k = @k + 1 end drop table #temp_ASNOutIds--删除临时表