mac下Wireshark报错: you don't have permission to capture on that device

mac下用Wireshark抓包报错you don't have permission to capture on that device

cd /dev
ls -la | grep bp


crw-------   1 root       wheel           23,   0  6 23 23:42 bpf0
crw-------   1 root       wheel           23,   1  6 23 23:42 bpf1
crw-------   1 root       wheel           23,   2  6 23 23:43 bpf2
crw-------   1 root       wheel           23,   3  6 23 23:42 bpf3


whoami 命令看你当前用户名
sudo chown 上面看到的用户名:admin bp*


posted @ 2019-06-23 23:56  VeyronC  阅读(5070)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报