可以把 bashrc 中
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' # 将\w 改成 \W 大写字母W else PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ ' # \W fi
其中的 \w
改成 \W
折叠后可以用 pwd
set nu set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 set mouse=a set cin set so=10 set sc hi cError cterm=NONE ctermbg=415 func F6() let If = getline(2) let Of = getline(3) return "w | !clear && ulimit -s unlimited && g++ % -o %< -std=c++14 -DLOCAL -Wall -Wextra && time ./%< < ".If." > ".Of." && size %<" endfunc func F7() let If = getline(2) let Of = getline(3) return "w | !clear && ulimit -s unlimited && g++ % -o %< -std=c++14 -fsanitize=address,undefined -g -DLOCAL -Wall -Wextra && time ./%< < ".If." > ".Of." && size %<" endfunc func F8() let Of = getline(3) return "!echo && cat ".Of." && echo" endfunc map <F6> <Esc>:exec F6()<Cr> map <F7> <Esc>:exec F7()<Cr> map <F8> <Esc>:exec F8()<Cr> map <F9> <Esc>:w<Cr> <Esc>:!gedit %<Cr> map <C-Z> <Esc>:w<Cr> imap <F6> <Esc>:exec F6()<Cr> imap <F7> <Esc>:exec F7()<Cr> imap <F8> <Esc>:exec F8()<Cr> imap <F9> <Esc>:w<Cr> <Esc>:!gedit %<Cr> imap <C-Z> <Esc>:w<Cr>
set print pretty on define P set $cnt = 0 while $cnt < $arg1 p $arg0[$cnt][0]@$arg2 set $cnt = $cnt + 1 end end define D set $arg1 = ($arg0 *)malloc(sizeof($arg0)) end
/* Local File in_out/in.in in_out/out.out */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using llt = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using llf = long double; #define endl '\n' #ifndef LOCAL #undef assert #define assert 0 && #define cerr 0 && cerr FILE *InFile = freopen("file.in", "r", stdin), *OutFile = freopen("file.out", "w", stdout); #endif int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nullptr); }
c++ 版
/* Local File in_out/in.in in_out/out.out */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using llt = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using llf = long double; #define endl '\n' #ifndef LOCAL #undef assert #define assert 0 && #define cerr 0 && cerr #endif int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nullptr); }
json 版
{ "#include": { "prefix": "#include", "body": [ "#include<bits/stdc++.h>", "using namespace std;", "using llt=long long;", "using llf=long double;", "using ull=unsigned long long;", "#define endl '\\n'", "#ifdef LOCAL", "\tFILE *InFile=freopen(\"in_out/in.in\",\"r\",stdin),*OutFile=freopen(\"in_out/out.out\",\"w\",stdout);", "#else", "\tFILE *InFile=stdin,*OutFile=stdout;", "#endif", "", "int main(){", "\tios::sync_with_stdio(false),cin.tie(nullptr),cout.tie(nullptr);", "\t$0", "}", ], } }
upd:简洁的多线程对拍,编译时记得加 -pthread
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int S(const string &s){return system(s.c_str());} const int T=20,N=50; future<void> pt[T]; void Run(int id){ string p=" data/"+to_string(id),i=p+".in ",o=p+".out ",a=p+".ans "; for(int k=1;k<=N;++k) if(S("./rnd >"+i+"&& ./1 <"+i+">"+o+"&& ./std <"+i+">"+a+"&& diff"+o+a+"-Z > /dev/null")) return puts("Wa"),void(); S("rm -f"+i+";rm -f"+o+";rm -f"+a); } int main(){ assert(!S("g++ 1.cpp -o 1 -O2 -std=c++14 -DPAI && g++ std.cpp -o std -O2 -std=c++14 -DPAI && g++ rnd.cpp -o rnd -O2 -std=c++14 -DPAI")); assert(!S("cd data && rm -rf *")); for(int i=0;i<T;++i) pt[i]=async(Run,i); }
在 settings.json 中写入:
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#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using llt=long long; using llf=long double; using ull=unsigned long long; #define For(i,a,b,c) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);i+=(c)) #define For_(i,a,b,c) for(int i=(a);i>=(b);i-=(c)) #define For_it(i,a,b) for(auto i=(a);i!=(b);++i) namespace Fast_IO{ #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE FILE *Fin(stdin), *Fout(stdout); #else FILE *Fin(fopen("in_out/in.in","r")), *Fout(fopen("in_out/out.out","w")); #endif // File #ifdef USE_C_PUT #define Debug fwrite(buf,1,p,fp),p=0 #define printf(s,args...) fprintf(Fast_IO::Fout,s,##args) #define puts(a) fputs(a,Fast_IO::Fout) #else #define Debug #endif // C_output class qistream{ private: static constexpr size_t SIZE=1<<20,BLOCK=64; FILE *fp; char buf[SIZE]; int p; bool End; void flush(){if(p+BLOCK>=SIZE) memmove(buf,buf+p,SIZE-p),fread(buf+SIZE-p,1,p,fp),p=0;} char getch(){flush(); return buf[p++];} qistream &Set_End(){return End=0,*this;} public: qistream(FILE *_fp=stdin):End(1),fp(_fp),p(0){fread(buf+p,1,SIZE-p,fp);} qistream &operator>>(char &str){str=getch(); while(isspace(str))str=getch(); return str<=0?Set_End():*this;} template<class T> typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value|is_same<T,__int128_t>::value,qistream>::type &operator>>(T &x){ x=0; flush(); bool flag=false; for(;!isdigit(buf[p]);++p){if(buf[p]<=0) return Set_End(); flag=buf[p]=='-';} for(;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x=x*10+buf[p]-'0'; x=flag?-x:x; return*this; } template <class T> typename enable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value,qistream>::type &operator>>(T &x){ x=0; flush(); T unit = 1.0; bool flag=false; for(;!isdigit(buf[p]);++p){if(buf[p]<=0) return Set_End(); flag=buf[p]=='-';} for(;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x=x*10+buf[p]-'0'; if (buf[p]=='.') for(++p;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x+=(unit*=0.1)*(buf[p]-'0'); x=flag?-x:x; return *this; } qistream &operator>>(char *str){ char ch=getch(); while(ch<=' '){if(ch<=0) return Set_End(); ch=getch();} int i; for(i=0;ch>' ';++i,ch=getch()) str[i]=ch; str[i]='\0'; return*this; } qistream &operator>>(string& str){ str.clear(); char ch=getch(); while(ch<=' '){if(ch<=0) return Set_End(); ch=getch();} while(ch>' ') str.push_back(ch),ch=getch(); return*this; } operator bool(){return End;} friend qistream &getline(qistream& in,string& s){ s.clear(); char c=in.getch(); if(c<=0) return in.Set_End(); while(c!='\n'&&c>0) s.push_back(c),c=in.getch(); return in; } }cin(Fin); class qostream{ static constexpr size_t SIZE=1<<20,BLOCK=64,FLSIZE=64; FILE *fp; char buf[SIZE]; int p; char flbuf[FLSIZE]; int prec; unsigned long long flen; void flush(){if(p+BLOCK>=SIZE) fwrite(buf,1,p,fp),p=0;} void putch(const char& ch){flush();buf[p++]=ch;} public: void Set_Persicion(const size_t& x){prec=x;flen=(unsigned long long)(pow(10,x));} qostream(FILE *_fp=stdout,const size_t& p=6):fp(_fp),p(0){Set_Persicion(p);} ~qostream(){fwrite(buf, 1, p, fp);} template<class T> typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value|is_same<T,__int128_t>::value,qostream>::type &operator<<(T x){ int len=0; flush(); x<0?(x=-x,buf[p++]='-'):0; do buf[p+len]=x%10+'0',x/=10,++len; while(x); for(int i=0,j=len-1;i<j;++i,--j) swap(buf[p+i],buf[p+j]); p+=len; Debug; return*this; } template<class T> typename enable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value,qostream>::type &operator<<(T x){ int len=0; flush(); x<0?(x=-x,buf[p++]='-'):0; x*=flen; unsigned long long ret=x; if(x-ret>=0.4999999999) ++ret; if(ret) do flbuf[len++]=ret%10+'0',ret/=10; while(ret); if(len>prec){do buf[p++]=flbuf[--len]; while(len>prec); buf[p++]='.';} else{buf[p++]='0',buf[p++]='.'; for(size_t i=prec-len;i--;) buf[p++]='0';} do buf[p++]=flbuf[--len]; while(len); Debug; return*this; } qostream &operator<<(const char& x){putch(x); Debug; return*this;} qostream &operator<<(const char *str){while(*str) putch(*str++); Debug; return*this;} qostream &operator<<(const string& str){return *this<<str.c_str();} }cout(Fout); #define cin Fast_IO::cin #define cout Fast_IO::cout #define endl '\n' } namespace exIO{ bool read(char* s){return bool(cin>>s);} void write(char* s){cout<<s;} template<class T> bool read(T& x){return bool(cin>>x);} template<class T> void write(T x){cout<<x;} template<class T,class... Args> bool read(T& x,Args&... args){return bool(read(x)|read(args...));} template<class T=int> T read(){T a; read(a); return a;} template<class T> void Write(T x){write(x),cout<<' ';} void Write(char c){write(c);if(c!='\n') cout<<' ';} void Write(char *c){write(c);if(c[strlen(c)-1]!='\n') cout<<' ';} void Write(string &c){write(c);if(c[c.size()-1]!='\n') cout<<' ';} void Write(const char *c){write(c);if(c[strlen(c)-1]!='\n') cout<<' ';} template<class T,class... Args> void write(T x,Args... args){write(x);write(args...);} template<class T,class... Args> void Write(T x,Args... args){Write(x);Write(args...);} } using namespace exIO; int main(){ }
json 版
{ "#include": { "prefix": "#include", "body": [ "#include<bits/stdc++.h>", "using namespace std;", "using llt=long long;", "using llf=long double;", "using ull=unsigned long long;", "#define Ct const", "#define For(i,a,b,c) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);i+=(c))", "#define For_(i,a,b,c) for(int i=(a);i>=(b);i-=(c))", "#define For_it(i,a,b) for(auto i=(a);i!=(b);++i)", "namespace Fast_IO{", "#ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE", "\tFILE *Fin(stdin), *Fout(stdout);", "#else", "\tFILE *Fin(fopen(\"in_out/in.in\",\"r\")), *Fout(fopen(\"in_out/out.out\",\"w\"));", "#endif // File", "#ifdef USE_C_PUT", "\t#define Debug fwrite(buf,1,p,fp),p=0", "\t#define printf(s,args...) fprintf(Fast_IO::Fout,s,##args)", "\t#define puts(a) fputs(a,Fast_IO::Fout)", "#else", "\t#define Debug", "#endif // C_output", "\tclass qistream{", "\tprivate: ", "\t\tstatic constexpr size_t SIZE=1<<20,BLOCK=64; FILE *fp; char buf[SIZE]; int p; bool End;", "\t\tvoid flush(){if(p+BLOCK>=SIZE) memmove(buf,buf+p,SIZE-p),fread(buf+SIZE-p,1,p,fp),p=0;}", "\t\tchar getch(){flush(); return buf[p++];} qistream &Set_End(){return End=0,*this;}", "\tpublic:", "\t\tqistream(FILE *_fp=stdin):End(1),fp(_fp),p(0){fread(buf+p,1,SIZE-p,fp);}", "\t\tqistream &operator>>(char &str){str=getch(); while(isspace(str))str=getch(); return str<=0?Set_End():*this;} ", "\t\ttemplate<class T>", "\t\ttypename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value|is_same<T,__int128_t>::value,qistream>::type &operator>>(T &x){", "\t\t\tx=0; flush(); bool flag=false; for(;!isdigit(buf[p]);++p){if(buf[p]<=0) return Set_End(); flag=buf[p]=='-';}", "\t\t\tfor(;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x=x*10+buf[p]-'0'; x=flag?-x:x; return*this;", "\t\t} template <class T> typename enable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value,qistream>::type &operator>>(T &x){", "\t\t\tx=0; flush(); T unit = 1.0; bool flag=false;", "\t\t\tfor(;!isdigit(buf[p]);++p){if(buf[p]<=0) return Set_End(); flag=buf[p]=='-';}", "\t\t\tfor(;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x=x*10+buf[p]-'0';", "\t\t\tif (buf[p]=='.') for(++p;isdigit(buf[p]);++p) x+=(unit*=0.1)*(buf[p]-'0'); x=flag?-x:x; return *this;", "\t\t} qistream &operator>>(char *str){", "\t\t\tchar ch=getch(); while(ch<=' '){if(ch<=0) return Set_End(); ch=getch();}", "\t\t\tint i; for(i=0;ch>' ';++i,ch=getch()) str[i]=ch; str[i]='\\0'; return*this;", "\t\t} qistream &operator>>(string& str){", "\t\t\tstr.clear(); char ch=getch(); while(ch<=' '){if(ch<=0) return Set_End(); ch=getch();}", "\t\t\twhile(ch>' ') str.push_back(ch),ch=getch(); return*this;", "\t\t} operator bool(){return End;}", "\t\tfriend qistream &getline(qistream& in,string& s){", "\t\t\ts.clear(); char c=in.getch(); if(c<=0) return in.Set_End();", "\t\t\twhile(c!='\\n'&&c>0) s.push_back(c),c=in.getch(); return in;", "\t\t}", "\t}cin(Fin);", "\tclass qostream{", "\t\tstatic constexpr size_t SIZE=1<<20,BLOCK=64,FLSIZE=64; FILE *fp; char buf[SIZE]; int p;", "\t\tchar flbuf[FLSIZE]; int prec; unsigned long long flen;", "\t\tvoid flush(){if(p+BLOCK>=SIZE) fwrite(buf,1,p,fp),p=0;} void putch(const char& ch){flush();buf[p++]=ch;}", "\tpublic:", "\t\tvoid Set_Persicion(const size_t& x){prec=x;flen=(unsigned long long)(pow(10,x));}", "\t\tqostream(FILE *_fp=stdout,const size_t& p=6):fp(_fp),p(0){Set_Persicion(p);} ~qostream(){fwrite(buf, 1, p, fp);}", "\t\ttemplate<class T>", "\t\ttypename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value|is_same<T,__int128_t>::value,qostream>::type &operator<<(T x){", "\t\t\tint len=0; flush(); x<0?(x=-x,buf[p++]='-'):0; do buf[p+len]=x%10+'0',x/=10,++len; while(x);", "\t\t\tfor(int i=0,j=len-1;i<j;++i,--j) swap(buf[p+i],buf[p+j]); p+=len; Debug; return*this;", "\t\t} template<class T> typename enable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value,qostream>::type &operator<<(T x){", "\t\t\tint len=0; flush(); x<0?(x=-x,buf[p++]='-'):0; x*=flen; unsigned long long ret=x;", "\t\t\tif(x-ret>=0.4999999999) ++ret; if(ret) do flbuf[len++]=ret%10+'0',ret/=10; while(ret);", "\t\t\tif(len>prec){do buf[p++]=flbuf[--len]; while(len>prec); buf[p++]='.';} else{buf[p++]='0',buf[p++]='.';", "\t\t\tfor(size_t i=prec-len;i--;) buf[p++]='0';} do buf[p++]=flbuf[--len]; while(len); Debug; return*this;", "\t\t}", "\t\tqostream &operator<<(const char& x){putch(x); Debug; return*this;}", "\t\tqostream &operator<<(const char *str){while(*str) putch(*str++); Debug; return*this;}", "\t\tqostream &operator<<(const string& str){return *this<<str.c_str();}", "\t}cout(Fout);", "#define cin Fast_IO::cin", "#define cout Fast_IO::cout", "#define endl '\\n'", "}", "namespace exIO{", "\tbool read(char* s){return bool(cin>>s);} void write(char* s){cout<<s;}", "\ttemplate<class T> bool read(T& x){return bool(cin>>x);} template<class T> void write(T x){cout<<x;}", "\ttemplate<class T,class... Args> bool read(T& x,Args&... args){return bool(read(x)|read(args...));}", "\ttemplate<class T=int> T read(){T a; read(a); return a;}", "\ttemplate<class T> void Write(T x){write(x),cout<<' ';}", "\tvoid Write(char c){write(c);if(c!='\\n') cout<<' ';}", "\tvoid Write(char *c){write(c);if(c[strlen(c)-1]!='\\n') cout<<' ';}", "\tvoid Write(string &c){write(c);if(c[c.size()-1]!='\\n') cout<<' ';}", "\tvoid Write(const char *c){write(c);if(c[strlen(c)-1]!='\\n') cout<<' ';}", "\ttemplate<class T,class... Args> void write(T x,Args... args){write(x);write(args...);}", "\ttemplate<class T,class... Args> void Write(T x,Args... args){Write(x);Write(args...);}", "} using namespace exIO;", "", "int main(){", "\t$0", "}" ], } }
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