打开: visual studio 2019  下载机器学习模块

Model Builder component in Visual Studio Installer.

在 工具->选项->环境-> 新特性中选用 ML

在解决方案管理器中, 添加ML项目.

选择使用场景,进行数据分析 scenario.

Model Builder supports classification, value prediction, recommendation, image classification, and object detection scenarios.

提供相关数据集, 并开始训练




using System;
using MyMLAppML.Model;

namespace myMLApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Add input data
            var input = new ModelInput()
              Col0 = "This restaurant was wonderful."

            // Load model and predict output of sample data
            ModelOutput result = ConsumeModel.Predict(input);
            // If Prediction is 1, sentiment is "Positive"; otherwise, sentiment is "Negative"
            string sentiment = result.Prediction == "1" ? "Positive" : "Negative";
            Console.WriteLine($"Text: {input.Col0}\nSentiment: {sentiment}");
