1、下载 go into the terminal window, and type:
wget http://ibus.googlecode.com/files/ibus-table-wubi-
2、tar -zxvf ibus-table-wubi-
3、cd ibus-table-wubi-
4、./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-wubi86 --disable-wubi98
5、sudo make install
6.Reboot ubuntu
6、系统 - 首选项 - iBus首选项中添86五笔----------------------Ubuntu 9.04安装五笔-------------------- 1. After Connect to the Internet, go into Command Windows(Terminal)
2. sudo apt-get install scim-pinyin   //安装拼 音 (if said no found, update the soft source by "sudo apt-get update", maybe you should CTRL+C and type "sudo apt-get update" many times. if still can not found, update the /etc/apt/sources.list--"sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", and add the following: ##上海市上海交通大学更新服务器(教育网,推荐校园网和网通用户使用):
deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-proposed main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-security main multiverse restricted universe
deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates main multiverse restricted universe
deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty main multiverse restricted universe
deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main multiverse restricted universe
deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-proposed main multiverse restricted universe
deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-security main multiverse restricted universe
deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates main multiverse restricted universe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. sudo apt-get install scim-tables-zh  //安装五笔及其他输入 if not found again, run "sudo apt-get update" again.
4. Reboot ubuntu 9.04
5. Now, you can see 五笔字形输入
6. You can setup  the inputmethods by 'System->Preferences->SCIM输入设置->Generic Table->
Table Management'
