APIDemo 学习记录[原创]
1. ProgressBar
在 Activity 中有如下关于 ProgressBar 的方法:
1) setProgressBarVisibility
作用: Sets the visibility of the progress bar in the title. 设置标题栏上的水平进度条是否可见.
2) setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility
作用: Sets the visibility of the indeterminate progress bar in the title. 设置标题栏上的圆形(不确定)进度条是否可见.
3) setProgressBarIndeterminate
作用: Sets whether the horizontal progress bar in the title should be indeterminate (the circular is always indeterminate). 是否将标题栏上的水平进度条设置成不确定的.
4) setProgress
作用: Sets the progress for the progress bars in the title. 设置标题栏上的水平进度条的进度值.
5) setSecondaryProgress
作用: Sets the secondary progress for the progress bar in the title.
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2. view 的 enabled 状态
view.setVisibility() 方法: Set the enabled state of this view. 设置 view 的 enabled 状态(是否可见).
View.VISIBILE: This view is visible. 设置 view 可见.
View.INVISIBLE: This view is invisible, but it still takes up space for layout purposes. 设置 view 不可见, 但是它仍然会占据原有的布局空间.
View.GONE: This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for layout purposes. 设置 view 不可见, 并且不会占据任何布局空间.
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3. ListActivity