[转]poj 1010 搜索算法




(1)       所用邮票在n种中可以重复选取

(2)       所用邮票张数〈=4

(3)       尽量多的使用那个不同种类的邮票 Max (Stamp Types)

(4)       若有多种方案满足(3),则选取张数最小的一种方案 Min (Stamp Num)

(5)       若有多种方案满足(3)(4),则选取“最大面额”最高的一种方案。 Max(Heightest Value)

(6)       若有多种方案满足(3)(4)(5) 则输出 “tie”



(1)    算法定位:


(2)    问题优化与简化


(1)    对于面额相等的邮票,可以限制在1~5张,多余的可以不处理,例如这样的输入:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0     8个1

4 0


1 1 1 1 1 0             5个1

4 0


(2)    搜索求解时约定后一张邮票面额>=前面张邮票的面额,即如下的6种情况:

1 2 3        2 3 1      3 12       1 3 2      3 2 1      2 1 3

只需搜索判断一种,即 1 2 3 的情况

(3)    对于给定的n种邮票,遍历4张邮票的所有可达“总面额”的解,当m种指定面额给出,只需插标输出即可,不需要重复m次类似的搜索。(因为m次的搜索中,很多是重复计算的)



       (1) 搜索方法一: (base on 史诗’s program)












                            使用优化方案(1)(2), 修改后可以加上优化方案(3)





       (2) 搜索方法二: (base on hawking’s program)




              Void Solve(int deep)



if (deep>4) return;

                     for(int s=now[deep-1];s<=total_stamp;s++)












       (3) 动态规划: (base on my program)


                            定义:int anstype[k][i][j] 表示:


                            定义:bool tied[k][i][j] :

k,i,j 定义如上,tied 表示 anstype[k][i][j] 的最优值是否有多种方案.即同时满足题目的条件(3)(4)时是否多种

                     定义:bool anstied[k][i][j] :

由于 tied 限制不够强,必须多一个anstied 表示同时满足条件(3)(4)(5)是否有多种方案




anstype[k][i][j]=Max{anstype[k-1][i-w][j-w*value[k]]+1}   1<=w<=4, i-w>0, j-w*value[k]>=0


在anstype 的更新最大值的同时,可以判断,若某个w 使得

anstype[k][i][j]==anstype[k-1][i-w][j-w*value[k]]+1 则


anstype[k][i][j]<anstype[k-1][i-w][j-w*value[k]]+1 则



至于anstied 可以这样求得:











                     编程复杂度 中,运行时间少,可以承受大规模数据,规模可扩展,






#include <iostream.h>

#include <strstrea.h>

#include <string.h>

int stamp[1006]; // from 1 to 25, stamp[0] means none

int s[4]; // stamps sold

int n; // number of stamp types

int m; // customer request

int k; // number of stamps sold

int t; // types of stamps sold

int max; // highest single-value stamp value

int curK; // numbers of stamps sold of current best solution

int curT; // types of stamps sold of current best solution

int curM; // highest single value of current best solution

int curS[4]; // current best solution

bool curTie; // if there is tie best solutions

int temp;


bool ok(int temp) // there are no maore than 4 stamps value=temp


       int i,j;

       for (i=1,j=0;i<n;i++) if (stamp[i]==temp) j++;

       return (j<5);



void Dodo(){

    for ( s[0]=0; s[0]<n; s[0]++)

        for ( s[1]=s[0]; s[1]<n; s[1]++)

            for ( s[2]=s[1]; s[2]<n; s[2]++)

                for ( s[3] = s[2]; s[3]<n; s[3]++) {

                    if ( stamp[s[0]]+stamp[s[1]]+stamp[s[2]]+stamp[s[3]] != m ) continue;

                    k = 0;

                    t = 0;

                    max = 0;

                    if ( stamp[s[0]] ) {k++; t++; if ( stamp[s[0]]>max ) max = stamp[s[0]];}

                    if ( stamp[s[1]] ) {k++; if ( s[1]>s[0] ) t++; if ( stamp[s[1]]>max ) max = stamp[s[1]];}

                    if ( stamp[s[2]] ) {k++; if ( s[2]>s[1] ) t++; if ( stamp[s[2]]>max ) max = stamp[s[2]];}

                    if ( stamp[s[3]] ) {k++; if ( s[3]>s[2] ) t++; if ( stamp[s[3]]>max ) max = stamp[s[3]];}

                    if ( t<curT ) continue;

                    if ( t>curT ) {

                        curT = t;

                        curK = k;

                        curM = max;

                        curS[0]=s[0]; curS[1]=s[1];curS[2]=s[2];curS[3]=s[3];

                        curTie = false;



                    if ( k>curK ) continue;

                    if ( k<curK ) {

                        curT = t;

                        curK = k;

                        curM = max;

                        curS[0]=s[0]; curS[1]=s[1];curS[2]=s[2];curS[3]=s[3];

                        curTie = false;



                    if ( max<curM ) continue;

                    if ( max>curM ){

                        curT = t;

                        curK = k;

                        curM = max;

                        curS[0]=s[0]; curS[1]=s[1];curS[2]=s[2];curS[3]=s[3];

                        curTie = false;



                    curTie = true;


    if ( curT == -1 ) {

        cout<<m<<" ---- none"<<endl;



    cout<<m<<" ("<<curT<<"):";

    if ( curTie ) {

        cout<<" tie"<<endl;



    for ( int i=0; i<4; i++)

        if ( curS[i]>0 ) cout<<' '<<stamp[curS[i]];



int main() {

    char strs[255];


    while ( strlen(strs) ) {

        istrstream in1(strs);

        s[0] = 0;

        n = 1;

        while ( in1 ) {

            in1>>temp;    //modify by duoshute

                     if (ok(temp)) // there are no maore than 4 stamps value=temp



                            if ( stamp[n-1] == 0 ) break;





        istrstream in2(strs);

        while ( in2 ) {


            if ( m == 0 ) break;

            curK = 100;

            curT = -1;

            curM = -1;

            curTie = false;





    return 0;



#include "iostream.h"

#include "string.h"

#include "stdlib.h"

#define Max 200

int a[Max];

int b[Max];

bool ask[Max];

bool asktied[5][Max];

int anst[5][Max];

char ans[4][Max][4];

bool tied[5][Max];

int i,j,k,l,n,m,max,p,q;

int temp;


bool ok(int temp) // there are no maore than 4 stamps value=temp


       int i,j;

       for (i=1,j=0;i<n;i++) if (a[i]==temp) j++;

       return (j<5);



int compare(const void * a,const void *b) {return *(int *)a-*(int *)b;}


void work(int oldt,int newt,int oldh,int newh,int l,int j,int k,int p)


       int s;

       if (newt<oldt) return;

       if (newt==oldt)



              if (ask[l] && newh==oldh) asktied[p+k][l]=true;

              if (newh<=oldh) return;


       else tied[p+k][l]=tied[p][j];

       if (ask[l])       asktied[p+k][l]=tied[p][j];




       for (s=0;s<k;s++)   ans[p+k-1][l][p+s]=newh;



void main()




              if (cin.eof()) break;

              for (n=0;;)


                     if (!(cin>>temp)) break;

                     if (ok(temp)) // there are no maore than 4 stamps value=temp



                            if (a[n]==0) break;



              n--;if (n<=0) break; //end of file



              for (m=0,max=0;;)


                     cin>>b[++m];if (b[m]==0) break;if (b[m]>max) max=b[m];ask[b[m]]=true;



              for (j=0;j<=4;j++) for (i=0;i<=max;i++) anst[j][i]=-1;





              for (i=1;i<=n;i++)


                     for (j=max;j>=0;j--) 

                            for (p=0;p<=4;p++) if (anst[p][j]>=0)

                                   for (k=1;k<=4;k++) if (j+a[i]*k<=max) if (p+k<=4)



                                          // work(oldt,newt,oldn,newn,oldh,newh,l);





              for (i=1;i<=m;i++)


                     cout<<b[i]<<' ';


                     for (j=4;j>=1;j--)


                            for (k=1;k<=4;k++) if (anst[k][b[i]]==j) {l=j;p=k;break;}

                            if (l>0) break;


                     if (l==0) {cout<<"---- none\n";continue;}

                     cout<<'('<<anst[k][b[i]]<<"): ";

                     if (!asktied[k][b[i]])


                            for (j=1;j<=k;j++) {cout<<(int)ans[k-1][b[i]][j-1];if (j<k) cout<<' ';}



                     else cout<<"tie\n";






by hawking@pku





const int MAX_STAMP_TYPES =100;

const int MAX_TOT_VALUE = 100;

const int MAX_CUSTOMER=100;

int s[MAX_STAMP_TYPES],s_size,cus[MAX_CUSTOMER],c_size,maxc,count[100];

bool custom[MAX_TOT_VALUE];    

class Combine{


    int tot;

    int ts;//types of stamps

    int f;//flag 1 can 2 tie,0 can't

    int s[4];//each stamps used here

    int sc;//used stamps number

    int max;//single maxed stamp value;


    bool isHave(int type){

        for(int i=0;i<sc;i++)

            if(s[i]==type)return true;

        return false;


    void findMax(){


        for(int i=0;i<sc;i++)



    void addStamp(int type){






    void removeLastStamp(int type){







int com(const void * a,const void *b)


    return *((int *)a)-*((int*)b);


void init()






bool read()



    int t;


    if(!cin)return false;


        if(count[t]++<5)s[s_size++]=t; //modify by duoshute here











    return true;


int a[4],b[4];

bool same(int *t1,int *t2,int n)





/*    qsort(a,n,sizeof(int),com);           //omited by duoshute

    qsort(b,n,sizeof(int),com); */

    return memcmp(a,b,n*sizeof(int))==0;


void solve(int ss,int last) //int last is added by duoshute












        else if(c.ts==currCus[c.tot].ts&&c.sc==currCus[c.tot].sc&&c.max==currCus[c.tot].max)








    for(int i=last;i<s_size;i++) 







void main()







        for(int i=0;i<c_size;i++)


                cout<<cus[i]<<" ---- none"<<endl;

            else if(currCus[cus[i]].f==2)

                cout<<cus[i]<<" ("<<currCus[cus[i]].ts<<"): "<<"tie"<<endl;



                cout<<cus[i]<<" ("<<currCus[cus[i]].ts<<"):";


                for(int j=0;j<currCus[cus[i]].sc;j++)

                    cout<<' '<<s[currCus[cus[i]].s[j]];





posted @ 2011-02-02 14:42  Faircoala  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报