1 //查询: 2 $query = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM table"); 3 ================================== 4 5 //result() 返回对象数组 6 $data = $query->result(); 7 8 //result_array() 返回数据 9 $data = $query->result_array(); 10 11 //row() 只返回一行对象数组 12 $data = $query->row(); 13 14 //num_rows() 返回查询结果行数 15 $data = $query->num_rows(); 16 17 //num_fields() 返回查询请求的字段个数 18 $data = $query->num_fields(); 19 20 //row_array() 只返回一行数组 21 $data = $query->row_array(); 22 23 //free_result() 释放当前查询所占用的内存并删除关联资源标识 24 $data = $query->free_result(); 25 /* 26 ================================== 27 插入操作 28 ================================== 29 */ 30 31 //上次插入操作生成的ID 32 echo $this->db->insert_id(); 33 34 //写入和更新操作被影响的行数 35 echo $this->db->affected_rows(); 36 37 //返回指定表的总行数 38 echo $this->db->count_all('table_name'); 39 40 //输出当前的数据库版本号 41 echo $this->db->version(); 42 43 //输出当前的数据库平台 44 echo $this->db->platform(); 45 46 //返回最后运行的查询语句 47 echo $this->db->last_query(); 48 49 //插入数据,被插入的数据会被自动转换和过滤,例如: 50 //$data = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'url' => $url); 51 $this->db->insert_string('table_name', $data); 52 53 /* 54 ================================== 55 更新操作 56 ================================== 57 */ 58 59 //更新数据,被更新的数据会被自动转换和过滤,例如: 60 //$data = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'url' => $url); 61 //$where = "author_id = 1 AND status = 'active'"; 62 $this->db->update_string('table_name', $data, $where); 63 64 /* 65 ================================== 66 选择数据 67 ================================== 68 */ 69 70 //获取表的全部数据 71 $this->db->get('table_name'); 72 73 //第二个参数为输出条数,第三个参数为开始位置 74 $this->db->get('table_name', 10, 20); 75 76 //获取数据,第一个参数为表名,第二个为获取条件,第三个为条数 77 $this->db->get_where('table_name', array('id'=>$id), $offset); 78 79 //select方式获取数据 80 $this->db->select('title, content, date'); 81 $data = $this->db->get('table_name'); 82 83 //获取字段的最大值,第二个参数为别名,相当于max(age) AS nianling 84 $this->db->select_max('age'); 85 $this->db->select_max('age', 'nianling'); 86 87 //获取字段的最小值 88 $this->db->select_min('age'); 89 $this->db->select_min('age', 'nianling'); 90 91 //获取字段的和 92 $this->db->select_sum('age'); 93 $this->db->select_sum('age', 'nianling'); 94 95 //自定义from表 96 $this->db->select('title', content, date'); 97 $this->db->from('table_name'); 98 99 //查询条件 WHERE name = 'Joe' AND title = "boss" AND status = 'active' 100 $this->db->where('name', $name); 101 $this->db->where('title', $title); 102 $this->db->where('status', $status); 103 104 //范围查询 105 $this->db->where_in('item1', 'item2'); 106 $this->db->where_not_in('item1', 'item2'); 107 108 //匹配,第三个参数为匹配模式 title LIKE '%match%' 109 $this->db->like('title', 'match', 'before/after/both');